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Driven black holes: from Kolmogorov scaling to turbulent wakes (2021)
Journal Article
Andrade, T., Pantelidou, C., Sonner, J., & Withers, B. (2021). Driven black holes: from Kolmogorov scaling to turbulent wakes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(7),

General relativity governs the nonlinear dynamics of spacetime, including black holes and their event horizons. We demonstrate that forced black hole horizons exhibit statistically steady turbulent spacetime dynamics consistent with Kolmogorov’s theo... Read More about Driven black holes: from Kolmogorov scaling to turbulent wakes.

Holographic Abrikosov lattices (2020)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J. P., & Pantelidou, C. (2020). Holographic Abrikosov lattices. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(7), Article 095.

We study black hole solutions of D = 4 Einstein-Maxwell theory coupled to a charged scalar field that are holographically dual to a d = 3 conformal field theory with a non-vanishing chemical potential and constant magnetic field. We numerically const... Read More about Holographic Abrikosov lattices.

Spectrum of a supersymmetric color superconductor (2019)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrío, J. (2019). Spectrum of a supersymmetric color superconductor. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(11), Article 20.

We have recently shown that the ground state of N = 4, SU(Nc) super Yang- Mills coupled to Nf ≪ Nc flavors, in the presence of non-zero isospin and R-symmetry charges, is a supersymmetric, superfluid, color superconductor. The holographic description... Read More about Spectrum of a supersymmetric color superconductor.

A supersymmetric color superconductor from holography (2019)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrío, J. (2019). A supersymmetric color superconductor from holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), Article 106.

We use holography to study d = 4, N=4 , SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills coupled to Nf ≪ Nc quark flavors. We place the theory at finite isospin density nI by turning on an isospin chemical potential μI = Mq, with Mq the quark mass. We also turn on two R-symm... Read More about A supersymmetric color superconductor from holography.

Holographic transport and density waves (2019)
Journal Article
Donos, A., & Pantelidou, C. (2019). Holographic transport and density waves. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), Article 79.

We consider transport of heat and charge in holographic lattices which are phases of strongly coupled matter in which translations are broken explicitly. In these systems, we study a spontaneous density wave that breaks translations incommensurately... Read More about Holographic transport and density waves.

Large D holography with metric deformations (2018)
Journal Article
Andrade, T., Pantelidou, C., & Withers, B. (2018). Large D holography with metric deformations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9), Article 138.

We consider Einstein gravity in AdS in the presence of a deformed conformal boundary metric, in the limit of large spacetime dimension. At leading order we find a new set of effective near-horizon equations. These can be understood as covariant gener... Read More about Large D holography with metric deformations.

Towards a holographic quark matter crystal (2017)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrío, J. (2017). Towards a holographic quark matter crystal. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(10), Article 139.

We construct the gravity dual of d = 4, N=4N=4 , SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills theory, coupled to Nf flavors of dynamical quarks, at non-zero temperature T and nonzero quark density Nq. The supergravity solutions possess a regular horizon if T > 0 and incl... Read More about Towards a holographic quark matter crystal.

Holography with a Landau pole (2017)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrío, J. (2017). Holography with a Landau pole. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(2), Article 47.

Holography for UV-incomplete gauge theories is important but poorly understood. A paradigmatic example is d = 4, N=4N=4 super Yang-Mills coupled to Nf quark flavors, which possesses a Landau pole at a UV scale ΛLP. The dual gravity solution exhibits... Read More about Holography with a Landau pole.

Unquenched flavor on the Higgs branch (2016)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrıo, J. (2016). Unquenched flavor on the Higgs branch. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 21.

We construct the gravity duals of the Higgs branches of three-dimensional (four-dimensional) super Yang-Mills theories coupled to Nf quark flavors. The effect of the quarks on the color degrees of freedom is included, and corresponds on the gravity s... Read More about Unquenched flavor on the Higgs branch.

Holographic Magnetisation Density Waves (2016)
Journal Article
Donos, A., & Pantelidou, C. (2016). Holographic Magnetisation Density Waves. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(10), Article 038.

We numerically construct asymptotically AdS black brane solutions of D = 4 Einstein theory coupled to a scalar and two U(1) gauge fields. The solutions are holographically dual to d = 3 CFTs in a constant external magnetic field along one of the U(1)... Read More about Holographic Magnetisation Density Waves.

Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter (2016)
Journal Article
Faedo, A. F., Kundu, A., Mateos, D., Pantelidou, C., & Tarrío, J. (2016). Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(3), Article 154.

We construct the gravity dual of three-dimensional, SU(Nc) super Yang-Mills theory with Nf flavors of dynamical quarks in the presence of a non-zero quark density Nq. The supergravity solutions include the backreaction of Nc color D2-branes and Nf fl... Read More about Three-dimensional super Yang-Mills with compressible quark matter.

Competing p-wave orders (2014)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J. P., & Pantelidou, C. (2014). Competing p-wave orders. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(5),

We construct electrically charged, asymptotically AdS5 black hole solutions that are dual to d = 4 CFTs in a superfluid phase with either p-wave or (p + ip)-wave order. The two types of black holes have non-vanishing charged two-form in the bulk and... Read More about Competing p-wave orders.

Conformal field theories in d=4 with a helical twist (2014)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J., & Pantelidou, C. (2014). Conformal field theories in d=4 with a helical twist. Physical Review D, 91(6), Article 066003.

Within the context of holography we study the general class of d=4 conformal field theories (CFTs) after applying a universal helical deformation. At finite temperature we construct the associated black hole solutions of Einstein gravity, numerically... Read More about Conformal field theories in d=4 with a helical twist.

Semi-local quantum criticality in string/M-theory (2013)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J. P., & Pantelidou, C. (2013). Semi-local quantum criticality in string/M-theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(3), Article 103.

Semi-local quantum critical behaviour in D − 1 spacetime dimensions can be holographically described by metrics that are conformal to AdS 2 ×R D−2 , with the conformal factor characterised by a parameter η. We analyse such “η-geometries” in a top-dow... Read More about Semi-local quantum criticality in string/M-theory.