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Dr Kamal Badreshany's Outputs (37)

Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period (2024)
Book Chapter
Badreshany, K. (2024). Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period. In National Museum of Antiquities (the Netherlands), & Ministry of Culture/Directorate General of Antiquities (Lebanon) (Eds.), Byblos: A Legacy Unearthed (53-58). Sidestone Press.

Evidence for domestic settlement during the Chalcolithic is scant at Byblos, in contrast to the remarkable number of richly adorned jar burials attributed to the period (Artin, this volume). The Chalcolithic as defined by Levantine archaeologists is... Read More about Byblos During the Chalcolithic Period.

Mineral abrasion experiments at Mars relevant temperatures (2024)
Journal Article
Edgar, J., Gould, J., Badreshany, K., Graham, S., & Telling, J. (2024). Mineral abrasion experiments at Mars relevant temperatures. Icarus, 422, Article 116238.

The aeolian transport of sand generates fine material through abrasion. On Mars this process occurs at lower temperatures than on Earth, however, there is minimal data on the effects of temperature on aeolian abrasion rates. Here, results are reporte... Read More about Mineral abrasion experiments at Mars relevant temperatures.

Capturing technological crossovers between clay crafts: An archaeometric perspective on the emergence of workshop production in Late Iron Age northern Spain (2023)
Journal Article
De Groot, B., Badreshany, K., Torres-Martínez, J., & Fernández-Götz, M. (2023). Capturing technological crossovers between clay crafts: An archaeometric perspective on the emergence of workshop production in Late Iron Age northern Spain. PLoS ONE, 18(5), Article e0283343.

In the Iberian Iron Age, the transition to workshop-based pottery production involved the use of innovative tools (the potter’s wheel and kiln) and dedicated workspace. This facilitated an intensification of production, with repercussions for consump... Read More about Capturing technological crossovers between clay crafts: An archaeometric perspective on the emergence of workshop production in Late Iron Age northern Spain.

Egyptian Trade on the Central Levantine Coast During the Early Dynastic Period: A Ceramic-Material Perspective (2023)
Journal Article
Jean, M., & Badreshany, K. (2023). Egyptian Trade on the Central Levantine Coast During the Early Dynastic Period: A Ceramic-Material Perspective. Journal of ancient Egyptian interconnections, 37, 171-190

This paper compares pottery finds from the Central Levant (Lebanon) and imported vessels found in Egyptian Early Dynastic contexts to help unravel the dynamics of trade activities between the two regions at the beginning of the third millennium BCE.... Read More about Egyptian Trade on the Central Levantine Coast During the Early Dynastic Period: A Ceramic-Material Perspective.

The ‘Combed Ware’ storage and transport vessels from Khirbet ez-Zeraqon: a reappraisal of the EB II-III evidence in light of recent studies (2023)
Journal Article
Tumolo, V., & Badreshany, K. (2023). The ‘Combed Ware’ storage and transport vessels from Khirbet ez-Zeraqon: a reappraisal of the EB II-III evidence in light of recent studies. Journal of ancient Egyptian interconnections, 37, 301-324

The present study offers new petrographic data on selected pottery from the EB II-III site of Khirbet ez-Zeraqon in northern Jordan, which includes storage and transport vessels with combed surfaces traditionally grouped under the label “Combed Ware.... Read More about The ‘Combed Ware’ storage and transport vessels from Khirbet ez-Zeraqon: a reappraisal of the EB II-III evidence in light of recent studies.

Identity and Monumentality: The construction of an Early Bronze Age landscape on the Lebanese coast (2023)
Journal Article
de Vreeze, M., & Badreshany, K. (2023). Identity and Monumentality: The construction of an Early Bronze Age landscape on the Lebanese coast. Journal of ancient Egyptian interconnections, 37, 109-134

This article will discuss the role of monuments in the construction of the Early Bronze Age (EBA) landscape on the Lebanese coast. The discussion focuses on Byblos, where an extensively excavated EBA town plan shows evidence of at least seven temples... Read More about Identity and Monumentality: The construction of an Early Bronze Age landscape on the Lebanese coast.

Mechanochemical generation of perchlorate (2022)
Journal Article
Edgar, J., Gould, J., Badreshany, K., & Telling, J. (2022). Mechanochemical generation of perchlorate. Icarus, 387, Article 115202.

Perchlorate (ClO4−) is widespread in the solar system having been detected on Earth, on Mars, in chondrite meteorites and in lunar samples. On Mars, perchlorates expand the potential for habitable conditions by lowering the freezing point of liquid w... Read More about Mechanochemical generation of perchlorate.

Archaeometric Characterization of Pottery from the Iron Age Hillfort of Pintia (Valladolid, Spain) (2021)
Journal Article
Coria-Noguera, J. C., Badreshany, K., & Sanz-Mínguez, C. (2022). Archaeometric Characterization of Pottery from the Iron Age Hillfort of Pintia (Valladolid, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, Article 103313.

This paper presents the results of an archaeometric analysis of pre-Roman and Roman ceramics from the Vaccean Iron Age hillfort of Pintia (Valladolid, Spain). The study assesses degrees of romanization and hybridization by investigating changes in lo... Read More about Archaeometric Characterization of Pottery from the Iron Age Hillfort of Pintia (Valladolid, Spain).

The characterisation of ceramic production from the Central Levant and Egyptian trade in the Pyramid Age (2021)
Journal Article
Badreshany, K., Sowada, K., Ownby, M., Jean, M., De Vreeze, M., McClymont, A., & Philip, G. (2022). The characterisation of ceramic production from the Central Levant and Egyptian trade in the Pyramid Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, Article 103309.

A recent petrographic study of ceramic jars from Giza imported into Egypt during the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid Age (c. 2613–2494 BC) identified the original production zone as the Lebanese coast generally between Beirut and Tripoli, including the re... Read More about The characterisation of ceramic production from the Central Levant and Egyptian trade in the Pyramid Age.

A View from the North: Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon (2021)
Book Chapter
Genz, H., Badreshany, K., & Jean, M. (2021). A View from the North: Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon. In J. Long, & W. Dever (Eds.), Transitions, urbanism, and collapse in the Early Bronze Age : essays in honor of Suzanne Richard. Equinox Publishing.

In recognition of the significant contribution that Suzanne Richard has made to the archaeology of the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant, this Festschrift represents the best of scholarship in her areas of interest and publication in the field.... Read More about A View from the North: Black Wheelmade Ware in Lebanon.

A New Method for the Large-Scale Documentation of Pottery Sherds Through Simultaneous Multiple 3D Model Capture Using Structure from Motion: Phoenician Carinated-Shoulder Amphorae from Tell el-Burak (Lebanon) as a Case Study (2021)
Journal Article
Göttlich, F., Schmitt, A., Kilian, A., Gries, H., & Badreshany, K. (2021). A New Method for the Large-Scale Documentation of Pottery Sherds Through Simultaneous Multiple 3D Model Capture Using Structure from Motion: Phoenician Carinated-Shoulder Amphorae from Tell el-Burak (Lebanon) as a Case Study. Open Archaeology, 7(1), 256-272.

This paper presents a new rapid, low-cost method for the large-scale documentation of pottery sherds through simultaneous multiple 3D model capture using Structure from Motion (SfM). The method has great potential to enhance and replace time-consumin... Read More about A New Method for the Large-Scale Documentation of Pottery Sherds Through Simultaneous Multiple 3D Model Capture Using Structure from Motion: Phoenician Carinated-Shoulder Amphorae from Tell el-Burak (Lebanon) as a Case Study.

The South European Pottery, 1250–1550 (2021)
Book Chapter
Gutiérrez, A., Blake, H., Badreshany, K., & Hughes, M. (in press). The South European Pottery, 1250–1550. In S. Rippon, & N. Holbrook (Eds.), Studies in the Roman and Medieval Archaeology of Exeter: Exeter, A Place in Time

Ceramic Studies and Petrographic Analysis in Levantine Archaeology, the Limitations of Current Approaches (2020)
Journal Article
Badreshany, K., & Philip, G. (2020). Ceramic Studies and Petrographic Analysis in Levantine Archaeology, the Limitations of Current Approaches. Levant, 52(1-2), 5-14.

By way of an introduction to this volume, we look to provide a brief review of recent approaches to ceramic studies in Levantine archaeology, and to the way that the results of laboratory-based investigations have been integrated within these. As we... Read More about Ceramic Studies and Petrographic Analysis in Levantine Archaeology, the Limitations of Current Approaches.

The Middle Bronze Age Remains in Area II (2019)
Book Chapter
Badreshany, K., & Schmitt, A. (2019). The Middle Bronze Age Remains in Area II. In J. Kamlah, & H. Sader (Eds.), Tell el-Burak I. The Middle Bronze Age With Chapters Related to the Site and to the Mamluk-Ottoman Periods. (1). Harrassowitz

The Development of Integrated Regional Economies in the Early Bronze Age Levant: new evidence from "Combed-Ware" jars (2019)
Journal Article
Badreshany, K., Philip, G., & Kennedy, M. (2020). The Development of Integrated Regional Economies in the Early Bronze Age Levant: new evidence from "Combed-Ware" jars. Levant, 52(1-2), 160-196.

This paper uses new petrographic and geochemical data (ICP-AES and -MS analyses) taken from samples of ‘Combed Ware’ jars occurring at sites on the Lebanese coast, the Bekaa Valley, the Orontes Valley around Homs and the North Jordan Valley, to inves... Read More about The Development of Integrated Regional Economies in the Early Bronze Age Levant: new evidence from "Combed-Ware" jars.

The Zahrani Regional Survey Project (2019)
Journal Article
Gries, H., Schmitt, A., Tachatou, E., Sader, H., Katzy, E., & Badreshany, K. (in press). The Zahrani Regional Survey Project

Insights into the economic organization of the Phoenician homeland: a multidisciplinary investigation of the later Iron Age II and Persian period Phoenician amphorae from Tell el-Burak (2018)
Journal Article
Schmit, A., Badreshany, K., Tachatou, E., & Sader, H. (2018). Insights into the economic organization of the Phoenician homeland: a multidisciplinary investigation of the later Iron Age II and Persian period Phoenician amphorae from Tell el-Burak. Levant, 50(1), 52-90.

This paper details the results of a large-scale multi-disciplinary analysis of Iron Age pottery from a settlement in the core of the Phoenician homeland. The research presented is centred upon a large corpus of Phoenician carinated-shoulder amphorae... Read More about Insights into the economic organization of the Phoenician homeland: a multidisciplinary investigation of the later Iron Age II and Persian period Phoenician amphorae from Tell el-Burak.

Drinking on the Periphery: The Tell Nebi Mend Goblets in their Regional and Archaeometric Context (2018)
Journal Article
Kennedy, M., Badreshany, K., & Philip, G. (2020). Drinking on the Periphery: The Tell Nebi Mend Goblets in their Regional and Archaeometric Context. Levant, 52(1-2), 103-135.

This paper explores the late 3rd millennium BC goblet corpus from Tell Nebi Mend in the upper Orontes Valley, Syria, by comparing the form, size, petrographic and chemical composition of these drinking vessels. The available evidence suggests that Te... Read More about Drinking on the Periphery: The Tell Nebi Mend Goblets in their Regional and Archaeometric Context.

Matching sherds to vessels through ceramic petrography: an Early Neolithic Iberian case study (2014)
Journal Article
Blanco-González, A., Krieter, A., Badreshany, K., Chapman, J., & Pánczél, P. (2014). Matching sherds to vessels through ceramic petrography: an Early Neolithic Iberian case study. Journal of Archaeological Science, 50, 139-152.

Ceramic re-fitting has traditionally focused on linking sherds to vessels using their formal features or decoration. This paper presents an innovative procedure designed to test such associations using ceramic thin section analysis. An assemblage of... Read More about Matching sherds to vessels through ceramic petrography: an Early Neolithic Iberian case study.

Middle Bronze Age Pottery from Tell el-Burak, Lebanon (2013)
Journal Article
Badreshany, K., & Kamlah, J. (2013). Middle Bronze Age Pottery from Tell el-Burak, Lebanon. Berytus (Beirut), 53-54, 81-113

The excavation of a monumental mud-brick building and revetment wall dating to the Middle Bronze Age at Tell el-Burak have yielded a large assemblage of ceramics. This article gives a summary of the Middle Bronze Age ceramic types found at Tell el-Bu... Read More about Middle Bronze Age Pottery from Tell el-Burak, Lebanon.

Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines
Journal Article
Nitu, B., Singh, I., Badreshany, K., Zhong, L., Henein, N., & Bryzik, W. (online). Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines.

In view of the new regulations for diesel engine emissions, EGR is used to reduce the NOx emissions. Diluting the charge with EGR affects the autoignition, combustion as well as the regulated and unregulated emissions of diesel engines, under differe... Read More about Effect of EGR on Autoignition, Combustion, Regulated Emissions, and Aldehydes in DI Diesel Engines.

The Pottery
Book Chapter
Badreshany, K. The Pottery. In J. Kamlah, & H. Sader (Eds.), Tell El-Burak 1: The Middle Bronze Age: With Chapters Related to the Site and to the Late Medieval Period. (1). Harrassowitz

Pottery Supply in Roman Exeter and the South-West
Book Chapter
Bidwell, P., Badreshany, K., & Taylor, R. Pottery Supply in Roman Exeter and the South-West. In S. Rippon, & N. Holbrook (Eds.), Studies in the Roman and Medieval Archaeology of Exeter: Exeter, A Place in Time. Oxbow Books