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Outputs (175)

Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway (2024)
Journal Article
Leigh, J. R., Jones, R. S., Stokes, C. R., Evans, D. J. A., Carr, J. R., & Andreassen, L. M. (2024). Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research,

Here we present the first Lateglacial and Holocene glacial history from Rotsunddalen, northern Troms and western Finnmark county, northern Norway, based on both relative and numerical moraine dating using Schmidt hammer, soil chronosequencing and ter... Read More about Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway.

Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming (2024)
Journal Article
Norris, S. L., Margold, M., Evans, D. J. A., Atkinson, N., & Froese, D. G. (2024). Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1533-1559.

The shift in climate that occurred between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Early Holocene (ca. 18–12 kyr BP) displayed rates of temperature increase similar to present-day warming trends. The most rapid recorded changes in temperature occurred... Read More about Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming.

The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons (2024)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., & Phillips, E. (2024). The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135(3), 217-236.

Construction of the Holderness/Flamborough Head moraine belt on the East Yorkshire coast, England, records the oscillatory onshore flow of the North Sea Lobe of the British-Irish Ice Sheet from ~25.8 to ~19.7 ka BP, during which time a thick sequence... Read More about The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons.

Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania (2023)
Journal Article
Balaban, C., Roberts, D., Evans, D., & Jamieson, S. (2024). Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(2), 601-621.

Reconstructing the extent, style, timing and drivers of past mountain glaciation is crucial in both understanding past atmospheric circulation and predicting future climate change. Unlike in high‐elevation mountains situated in maritime and continent... Read More about Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania.

Late Wolstonian and Ipswichian (MIS 6/5e) sediment fill in a limestone sinkhole, Askham Fell, northern England (2023)
Journal Article
Carling, P. A., Evans, D. J. A., Abbas, M., Ou, X., & Lai, Z. (2024). Late Wolstonian and Ipswichian (MIS 6/5e) sediment fill in a limestone sinkhole, Askham Fell, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 39(2), 224-233.

In 2019 a sinkhole (doline) occurred in Late Devensian till above fissured limestone in northern England. Most sediment plugging the fissure was evacuated down into a karstic drainage system. The residual sedimentary fill comprises three main lithofa... Read More about Late Wolstonian and Ipswichian (MIS 6/5e) sediment fill in a limestone sinkhole, Askham Fell, northern England.

Quantification of short‐term transformations of proglacial landforms in a temperate, debris‐charged glacial landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland (2023)
Journal Article
Śledź, S., Ewertowski, M. W., & Evans, D. J. A. (2023). Quantification of short‐term transformations of proglacial landforms in a temperate, debris‐charged glacial landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Land Degradation and Development, 34(17), 5566-5590.

Proglacial areas are dynamic landscapes and important indicators of geomorphic changes related to climate warming. Systematic and repeat surveys of landforms presently evolving on glacier forelands facilitate the quantification of rates of change and... Read More about Quantification of short‐term transformations of proglacial landforms in a temperate, debris‐charged glacial landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland.

Remote sensing of glacier change (1965 - 2021) and identification of surge-type glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic (2023)
Journal Article
Wytiahlowsky, H., Stokes, C. R., & Evans, D. J. (2023). Remote sensing of glacier change (1965 - 2021) and identification of surge-type glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Glaciology,

Glaciers in the Russian High Arctic have undergone accelerated mass loss due to atmospheric and oceanic warming in the Barents-Kara Seas region. Most studies have concentrated on the western Barents-Kara sector, despite evidence of accelerating mass... Read More about Remote sensing of glacier change (1965 - 2021) and identification of surge-type glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic.

Active temperate glacial landsystem evolution in association with outwash head/depositional overdeepenings (2023)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Tomczyk, A., & Chandler, B. M. (2023). Active temperate glacial landsystem evolution in association with outwash head/depositional overdeepenings. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(8), 1573-1598.

The response of temperate glaciers to rapid climate warming is reflected in the geomorphology (landsystem) resulting from snout recession. This paper develops a locally diverse process-form model of active temperate glaciers through mapping and quant... Read More about Active temperate glacial landsystem evolution in association with outwash head/depositional overdeepenings.

Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 1 - morphometric analyses (2023)
Journal Article
Newton, M., Stokes, C. R., Roberts, D. H., & Evans, D. J. (2023). Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 1 - morphometric analyses. Geomorphology, 427,

Bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) are subglacial landforms of erosion that occur in glaciated terrain in various geological and (palaeo)glaciological settings. Despite a significant literature on BMGs, no systematic morphometric analysis of these landforms... Read More about Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 1 - morphometric analyses.

Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 2 – conceptual models of BMG initiation (2023)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Newton, M., Roberts, D. H., & Stokes, C. R. (2023). Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 2 – conceptual models of BMG initiation. Geomorphology, 427,

Understanding BMG formation equates to being able to explain their initiation as well as their subsequent evolution. Several scenarios of bedrock mega-groove (BMG) initiation are proposed here, which attempt to explain how such parallel fluted terrai... Read More about Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 2 – conceptual models of BMG initiation.

Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction (2022)
Journal Article
Clark, C. D., Ely, J. C., Hindmarsh, R. C., Bradley, S., Ignéczi, A., Fabel, D., …Wilson, P. (2022). Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 51(4), 699-758.

The BRITICE-CHRONO consortium of researchers undertook a dating programme to constrain the timing of advance, maximum extent and retreat of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between 31 000 and 15 000 years before present. The dating campaign across Ireland... Read More about Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction.

Periglacial landforms of Dartmoor: an automated mapping approach to characterizing cold climate geomorphology (2022)
Journal Article
Harriott, S., & Evans, D. J. (2022). Periglacial landforms of Dartmoor: an automated mapping approach to characterizing cold climate geomorphology. Scottish Geographical Journal, 138(1-2), 45-72.

A systematic mapping approach characterizes Dartmoor periglacial landform signatures using the geomorphology of nine summit areas displaying well developed tor and blockfield landforms. This combines manual vectorisation with automatic classification... Read More about Periglacial landforms of Dartmoor: an automated mapping approach to characterizing cold climate geomorphology.

A model of ice-marginal sediment-landform development at Lake Tekapo, Southern Alps, New Zealand (2022)
Journal Article
Sutherland, J. L., Evans, D. J., Carrivick, J. L., Shulmeister, J., & Rother, H. (2022). A model of ice-marginal sediment-landform development at Lake Tekapo, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 104(3), 151-182.

The extent of the Southern Alps icefield in New Zealand is well-constrained chronologically for the last glacial cycle. The sediment-landform imprint of this glacial system, however, offers insight into ice-marginal processes that chronological contr... Read More about A model of ice-marginal sediment-landform development at Lake Tekapo, Southern Alps, New Zealand.

The historical emergence of a geometric and sinuous ridge network at the Hørbyebreen polythermal glacier snout, Svalbard and its use in the interpretation of ancient glacial landforms (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M., Roberts, D. H., & Tomczyk, A. M. (2022). The historical emergence of a geometric and sinuous ridge network at the Hørbyebreen polythermal glacier snout, Svalbard and its use in the interpretation of ancient glacial landforms. Geomorphology, 406, Article 108213.

The post Little Ice Age recession and downwasting of Hørbyebreen, a Svalbard polythermal glacier, has revealed a sub-polar glacial landsystem within which a geometric and sinuous ridge network (GSRN) has evolved by ice melt-out. Spatio-temporal evolu... Read More about The historical emergence of a geometric and sinuous ridge network at the Hørbyebreen polythermal glacier snout, Svalbard and its use in the interpretation of ancient glacial landforms.

Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway (2021)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., Evans, D., Stokes, C., Andreassen, L., & Carr, R. (2021). Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. Journal of Maps, 17(2), 348-366.

Here we present a glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of a ∼6800 km2 region of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. The map is presented at a 1:115,000 scale with the aim of characterising the spatial distribution of glacial and... Read More about Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway.

Ice-free valleys in the Neptune Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: glacial geomorphology, geochronology and potential as palaeoenvironmental archives (2021)
Journal Article
Small, D., Bentley, M. J., Evans, D. J., Hein, A. S., & Freeman, S. P. (2021). Ice-free valleys in the Neptune Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: glacial geomorphology, geochronology and potential as palaeoenvironmental archives. Antarctic Science, 33(4), 428-455.

We describe the glacial geomorphology and initial geochronology of two ice-free valley systems within the Neptune Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica. These valleys are characterized by landforms associated with formerly more expanded ice sh... Read More about Ice-free valleys in the Neptune Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: glacial geomorphology, geochronology and potential as palaeoenvironmental archives.

Glacial landforms and sediments (landsystem) of the Smoking Hills area, NWT, Canada: implications for regional Pliocene-Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics (2021)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Smith, I., Gosse, J., & Galloway, J. (2021). Glacial landforms and sediments (landsystem) of the Smoking Hills area, NWT, Canada: implications for regional Pliocene-Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 262, 1-50.

The Smoking Hills area in the western Canadian Arctic was purported to contain a regionally rare Quaternary stratigraphic section with multiple, local ice cap-derived tills and a long chronology constrained by palaeomagnetic markers. We present a fun... Read More about Glacial landforms and sediments (landsystem) of the Smoking Hills area, NWT, Canada: implications for regional Pliocene-Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics.

Maximum extent and readvance dynamics of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and Irish Sea Glacier since the Last Glacial Maximum (2021)
Journal Article
Scourse, J., Chiverrell, R., Smedley, R., Small, D., Burke, M., Saher, M., Van Landeghem, K., Duller, G., Cofaigh, C. Ó., Bateman, M., Benetti, S., Bradley, S., Callard, L., Evans, D., Fabel, D., Jenkins, G., McCarron, S., Medialdea, A., Moreton, S., Ou, X., …Clark, C. (online). Maximum extent and readvance dynamics of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and Irish Sea Glacier since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 1-25.

The BRITICE‐CHRONO Project has generated a suite of recently published radiocarbon ages from deglacial sequences offshore in the Celtic and Irish seas and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide and optically stimulated luminescence ages from adjacent onshore... Read More about Maximum extent and readvance dynamics of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and Irish Sea Glacier since the Last Glacial Maximum.

Glacitectonic rafts and their role in the generation of Quaternary subglacial bedforms and deposits (2021)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Phillips, E. R., & Atkinson, N. (2021). Glacitectonic rafts and their role in the generation of Quaternary subglacial bedforms and deposits. Quaternary Research, 104, 101-135.

Landforms and sediments on the palaeo–ice stream beds of central Alberta record glacitectonic raft production and subsequent progressive disaggregation and moulding, associated substrate ploughing, and grooving. We identify a subglacial temporal or d... Read More about Glacitectonic rafts and their role in the generation of Quaternary subglacial bedforms and deposits.

Timing and pace of ice-sheet withdrawal across the marine-terrestrial transition west of Ireland during the last glaciation (2021)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., Callrd, S., Roberts, D., Chiverrell, R., Ballantyne, C., Evans, D., …Sacchetti, F. (2021). Timing and pace of ice-sheet withdrawal across the marine-terrestrial transition west of Ireland during the last glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 805-832.

Understanding the pace and drivers of marine-based ice-sheet retreat relies upon the integration of numerical ice-sheet models with observations from contemporary polar ice sheets and well-constrained palaeo-glaciological reconstructions. This paper... Read More about Timing and pace of ice-sheet withdrawal across the marine-terrestrial transition west of Ireland during the last glaciation.

Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation (2021)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Clark, C. D., Medialdea, A., Callard, L., …Bradley, S. L. (2021). Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 723-751.

The findings of BRITICE‐CHRONO Transect 2 through the North Sea Basin and eastern England are reported. We define ice‐sheet marginal oscillation between ~31 and 16 ka, with seven distinctive former ice‐sheet limits (L1–7) constrained by Bayesian stat... Read More about Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation.

Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway (2020)
Journal Article
Leigh, J., Stokes, C., Evans, D., Carr, R., & Andreassen, L. (2020). Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), 281-311.

Glaciers are important indicators of climate change, and recent observations worldwide document increasing rates of mountain glacier recession. Here we present approximately 200 years of change in mountain glacier extent in northern Troms and western... Read More about Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway.

The deglaciation of the western sector of the Irish Ice Sheet from the inner continental shelf to its terrestrial margin (2020)
Journal Article
Roberts, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Ballantyne, C., Burke, M., Chiverrell, R., Evans, D., …Callard, S. (2020). The deglaciation of the western sector of the Irish Ice Sheet from the inner continental shelf to its terrestrial margin. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 49(3), 438-460.

This paper provides a new deglacial chronology for retreat of the Irish Ice Sheet from the continental shelf of western Ireland to the adjoining coastline, a region where the timing and drivers of ice recession have never been fully constrained. Prev... Read More about The deglaciation of the western sector of the Irish Ice Sheet from the inner continental shelf to its terrestrial margin.

The glacial landsystem of Fjallsjökull, Iceland: Spatial and temporal evolution of process-form regimes at an active temperate glacier (2020)
Journal Article
Chandler, B. M., Evans, D. J., Chandler, S. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Lovell, H., Roberts, D. H., …Tomczyk, A. M. (in press). The glacial landsystem of Fjallsjökull, Iceland: Spatial and temporal evolution of process-form regimes at an active temperate glacier. Geomorphology,

This study assesses the spatial and temporal evolution of the glacial landsystem signature at Fjallsjökull, southeast Iceland, using (a) mapping of the glacial geomorphology and surficial geology and (b) repeat uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys.... Read More about The glacial landsystem of Fjallsjökull, Iceland: Spatial and temporal evolution of process-form regimes at an active temperate glacier.

Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: Implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments (2020)
Journal Article
Blauvelt, D. J., Russell, A. J., Large, A. R., Tweed, F. S., Hiemstra, J. F., Kulessa, B., …Waller, R. I. (2020). Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: Implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments. Geomorphology, 360, Article 107164.

High-magnitude jökulhlaups, glacier margin position and ice-thickness have been identified as key controls on sandur evolution. Existing models however have focused primarily on observations made during short windows of time and often do not account... Read More about Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: Implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments.

Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier (2020)
Journal Article
Chandler, B. M., Chandler, S. J., Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Lovell, H., Roberts, D. H., …Tomczyk, A. M. (2020). Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(7), 1622-1643.

This paper presents detailed geomorphological and sedimentological investigations of small recessional moraines at Fjallsjökull, an active temperate outlet of Öræfajökull, southeast Iceland. The moraines are characterised by striking sawtooth or hair... Read More about Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier.

Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: The process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes (2019)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Atkinson, N., & Phillips, E. (2020). Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: The process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes. Geomorphology, 350, Article 106910.

The Neutral Hills Uplands of southern Alberta, Canada is an area of complex and varied glacial landforms dominated by glacitectonic compressional structures but also containing expansive areas of hummocky terrain and kame and kettle topography. It li... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: The process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes.

Equifinality and preservation potential of complex eskers (2019)
Journal Article
Storrar, R. D., Ewertowski, M., Tomczyk, A. M., Barr, I. D., Livingstone, S. J., Ruffell, A., …Evans, D. J. (2020). Equifinality and preservation potential of complex eskers. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 49(1), 211-231.

Eskers are useful for reconstructing meltwater drainage systems of glaciers and ice sheets. However, our process understanding of eskers suffers from a disconnect between sporadic detailed morpho‐sedimentary investigations of abundant large‐scale anc... Read More about Equifinality and preservation potential of complex eskers.

Dynamic ice stream retreat in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, B., Livingstone, S., Roberts, D., Evans, D., Gheorghiu, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2019). Dynamic ice stream retreat in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 225, Article 105989.

During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ice streams of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) controlled ice discharge from various dispersal centres. Deglaciation was characterised by shifts in ice-divide location and changes in internal ice-sheet d... Read More about Dynamic ice stream retreat in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet.

Synsedimentary glacitectonic deformation within a glacilacustrine-esker sequence, Teesdale, Northern England (2019)
Journal Article
Phillips, E., & Evans, D. (2019). Synsedimentary glacitectonic deformation within a glacilacustrine-esker sequence, Teesdale, Northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130(5), 624-649.

In glacial sedimentology there has been a recent improvement in the understanding of both progressive and polyphase deformation of glacigenic sequences, and the role played by water during these complex deformation histories. However, the processes o... Read More about Synsedimentary glacitectonic deformation within a glacilacustrine-esker sequence, Teesdale, Northern England.

The Tekapo Glacier, New Zealand, during the Last Glacial Maximum: An active temperate glacier influenced by intermittent surge activity (2019)
Journal Article
Sutherland, J. L., Carrivick, J. L., Evans, D. J., Shulmeister, J., & Quincey, D. J. (2019). The Tekapo Glacier, New Zealand, during the Last Glacial Maximum: An active temperate glacier influenced by intermittent surge activity. Geomorphology, 343, 183-210.

Quaternary glaciations have created impressive landform assemblages that can be used to understand palaeo-glacier extent, character and behaviour, and hence past global and local glacier forcings. However, in the southern hemisphere and especially in... Read More about The Tekapo Glacier, New Zealand, during the Last Glacial Maximum: An active temperate glacier influenced by intermittent surge activity.

Testing lichenometric techniques in the production of a new growth-rate (curve) for the Breidamerkurjokull foreland, Iceland, and the analysis of potential climatic drivers of glacier recession (2019)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Gudmundsson, S., Vautrey, J., Fernyough, K., & Southworth, W. (2019). Testing lichenometric techniques in the production of a new growth-rate (curve) for the Breidamerkurjokull foreland, Iceland, and the analysis of potential climatic drivers of glacier recession. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 101(3), 225-248.

Independent dating of closely-spaced moraines on the west Breiðamerkurjökull foreland is used to test the accuracy of the size frequency (SF) and largest lichen (5LL) lichenometric dating techniques. The 5LL technique derived the most accurate ages f... Read More about Testing lichenometric techniques in the production of a new growth-rate (curve) for the Breidamerkurjokull foreland, Iceland, and the analysis of potential climatic drivers of glacier recession.

The mixed‐bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea (2019)
Journal Article
Roberts, D. H., Grimoldi, E., Callard, L., Evans, D. J., Clark, C. D., Stewart, H. A., …Medialdea, A. (2019). The mixed‐bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(6), 1233-1258.

During the last glacial cycle an intriguing feature of the British‐Irish Ice Sheet was the North Sea Lobe (NSL); fed from the Firth of Forth and which flowed south and parallel to the English east coast. The controls on the formation and behaviour of... Read More about The mixed‐bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea.

The glacial landsystem of Hoffellsjokull, SE Iceland: contrasting geomorphological signatures of active temperate glacier recession driven by ice lobe and bed morphology (2019)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2019). The glacial landsystem of Hoffellsjokull, SE Iceland: contrasting geomorphological signatures of active temperate glacier recession driven by ice lobe and bed morphology. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 101(3), 249-276.

A 1:14 500 scale glacial geomorphology and surficial geology map of the foreland of Hoffellsjökull, southeast Iceland is used to assess the glacial landsystem signature of the contrasting glacier-climate interactions of two separate flow lobes within... Read More about The glacial landsystem of Hoffellsjokull, SE Iceland: contrasting geomorphological signatures of active temperate glacier recession driven by ice lobe and bed morphology.

Operational Framework for Rapid, Very-high Resolution Mapping of Glacial Geomorphology Using Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-from-Motion Approach (2019)
Journal Article
Ewertowski, M., Tomczyk, A., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., & Ewertowski, W. (2019). Operational Framework for Rapid, Very-high Resolution Mapping of Glacial Geomorphology Using Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-from-Motion Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(1), Article 65.

This study presents the operational framework for rapid, very-high resolution mapping of glacial geomorphology, with the use of budget Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and a structure-from-motion approach. The proposed workflow comprises seven stages: (1) Pr... Read More about Operational Framework for Rapid, Very-high Resolution Mapping of Glacial Geomorphology Using Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-from-Motion Approach.

A chronology for North Sea Lobe advance and recession on the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts during MIS 2 and 6 (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Ely, J., Medialdea, A., Burke, M. J., …Fabel, D. (in press). A chronology for North Sea Lobe advance and recession on the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts during MIS 2 and 6. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,

During the last (MIS 2) and older glaciations of the North Sea, a North Sea Lobe (NSL) of the British-Irish Ice Sheet flowed onshore and terminated on the lowlands of eastern England, constructing inset sequences of either substantial ice-marginal de... Read More about A chronology for North Sea Lobe advance and recession on the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts during MIS 2 and 6.

Quantification of historical landscape change on the foreland of a receding polythermal glacier, Hørbyebreen, Svalbard (2018)
Journal Article
Ewertowski, M. W., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Tomczyk, A. M., Ewertowski, W., & Pleksot, K. (2019). Quantification of historical landscape change on the foreland of a receding polythermal glacier, Hørbyebreen, Svalbard. Geomorphology, 325, 40-54.

The assessment of multidecadal scale change in a polythermal glacial landsystem in the high Arctic is facilitated by a quantitative approach that utilises time series of aerial photographs, satellite images, digital elevation models, and field geomor... Read More about Quantification of historical landscape change on the foreland of a receding polythermal glacier, Hørbyebreen, Svalbard.

The susceptibility of glacigenic deposits to liquefaction under seismic loading conditions: a case study relating to nuclear site characterization in West Cumbria (2018)
Journal Article
Cross, M., Attya, A., & Evans, D. J. (2018). The susceptibility of glacigenic deposits to liquefaction under seismic loading conditions: a case study relating to nuclear site characterization in West Cumbria. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 62, 116-132.

Previous research has established a chronostratigraphy of glacial/deglacial events together with a lithostratigraphical framework for the Quaternary deposits of the Sellafield area in West Cumbria. The glacial record is dominated by sediments and lan... Read More about The susceptibility of glacigenic deposits to liquefaction under seismic loading conditions: a case study relating to nuclear site characterization in West Cumbria.

Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank (2018)
Journal Article
Roberts, D. H., Evans, D. J., Callard, S. L., Clark, C. D., Bateman, M. D., Medialdea, A., …Bradwell, T. (2018). Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank. Quaternary Science Reviews, 198, 181-207.

The southern North Sea is a particularly important area for understanding the behaviour of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the last glacial cycle. It preserves a record of the maximum extent of the eastern sector of the BIIS as well as evid... Read More about Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank.

Sedimentation during MIS 3 at the eastern margins of the Glacial Lake Humber basin, England (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Medialdea, A., Ely, J., Moreton, S. G., …Fabel, D. (2018). Sedimentation during MIS 3 at the eastern margins of the Glacial Lake Humber basin, England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 38(3), 871-891.

The stratigraphic sequence at North Cave, on the eastern margins of the Lake Humber basin, records the deposition of a fluvioperiglacial fan (LFs 1–4), with early sedimentation (LF1) dating to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (optically stimulated lumine... Read More about Sedimentation during MIS 3 at the eastern margins of the Glacial Lake Humber basin, England.

Glacial geomorphology of Teesdale, northern Pennines, England: Implications for upland styles of ice stream operation and deglaciation in the British-Irish Ice Sheet (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Dinnage, M., & Roberts, D. H. (2018). Glacial geomorphology of Teesdale, northern Pennines, England: Implications for upland styles of ice stream operation and deglaciation in the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 129(6), 697-735.

The glacial geomorphology of Teesdale and the North Pennines uplands is analysed in order to decipher: a) the operation of easterly flowing palaeo-ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet; and b) the style of regional deglaciation. Six landform cat... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of Teesdale, northern Pennines, England: Implications for upland styles of ice stream operation and deglaciation in the British-Irish Ice Sheet.

Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial (2018)
Journal Article
Barlow, N., McClymont, E., Whitehouse, P., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Woodroffe, S., …Sanchez-Montes, M. (2018). Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial. Nature Geoscience, 11, 627-634.

During the Last Interglacial, global mean sea level reached approximately 6 to 9 m above the present level. This period of high sea level may have been punctuated by a fall of more than 4 m, but a cause for such a widespread sea-level fall has been e... Read More about Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial.

Glacial geomorphological mapping: A review of approaches and frameworks for best practice (2018)
Journal Article
Chandler, B. M., Lovell, H., Boston, C. M., Lukas, S., Barr, I. D., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., …Stroeven, A. P. (2018). Glacial geomorphological mapping: A review of approaches and frameworks for best practice. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 806-846.

Geomorphological mapping is a well-established method for examining earth surface processes and landscape evolution in a range of environmental contexts. In glacial research, it provides crucial data for a wide range of process-oriented studies and p... Read More about Glacial geomorphological mapping: A review of approaches and frameworks for best practice.

Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin (2018)
Journal Article
Chiverrell, R., Smedley, R., Small, D., Ballantyne, C., Burke, M., Callard, S., …Wilson, P. (2018). Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(7), 739-762.

We present a new chronology to constrain ice‐margin retreat in the northern Irish Sea Basin. Estimates on the timing of ice thinning derived from surface exposure ages for boulders from the summits of the Isle of Man and south‐west Cumbria suggest th... Read More about Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin.

Submarginal debris transport and till formation in active temperate glacier systems: The southeast Iceland type locality (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Hiemstra, J. F., Nye, K. M., Wright, H., & Steer, A. (2018). Submarginal debris transport and till formation in active temperate glacier systems: The southeast Iceland type locality. Quaternary Science Reviews, 195, 72-108.

Exhaustive sedimentological analysis of freshly exposed subglacial surfaces and moraines in southern Iceland provides diagnostic sedimentological signatures of: a) debris transport pathways through active temperate glacier snouts; and b) till product... Read More about Submarginal debris transport and till formation in active temperate glacier systems: The southeast Iceland type locality.

The Glacial Geomorphology of the Ice Cap Piedmont Lobe Landsystem of East Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland (2018)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Orton, C., & Graham, D. (2018). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Ice Cap Piedmont Lobe Landsystem of East Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland. Geosciences, 8(6), Article 194.

A surficial geology and geomorphology map of the forelands of the Sandfellsjökull and Oldufellsjökull piedmont lobes of the east Mýrdalsjökull ice cap is used to characterise the historical and modern landscape imprint in a glacial landsystems contex... Read More about The Glacial Geomorphology of the Ice Cap Piedmont Lobe Landsystem of East Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland.

Trough geometry was a greater influence than climate-ocean forcing in regulating retreat of the marine-based Irish-Sea Ice Stream (2018)
Journal Article
Small, D., Smedley, R., Chiverrell, R., Scourse, J., Ó Cofaigh, C., Duller, G., …Clark, C. (2018). Trough geometry was a greater influence than climate-ocean forcing in regulating retreat of the marine-based Irish-Sea Ice Stream. GSA Bulletin, 130(11-12), 1981-1999.

Marine terminating ice streams are a major component of contemporary ice sheets and are likely to have a fundamental influence on their future evolution and concomitant contribution to sea-level rise. To accurately predict this evolution requires tha... Read More about Trough geometry was a greater influence than climate-ocean forcing in regulating retreat of the marine-based Irish-Sea Ice Stream.

Bedrock mega-grooves in glaciated terrain: a review (2018)
Journal Article
Newton, M., Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Stokes, C. (2018). Bedrock mega-grooves in glaciated terrain: a review. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 57-79.

Bedrock mega-grooves are assemblages of straight and parallel troughs eroded in bedrock, typically over 1000 m in length; most sites occur within the limits of the Last Glacial Maximum, both on- and off-shore. In this paper, we review the current und... Read More about Bedrock mega-grooves in glaciated terrain: a review.

Geomorphology and till architecture of terrestrial palaeo-ice streams of the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet: a borehole stratigraphic approach (2018)
Journal Article
Norris, S., Evans, D., & O Cofaigh, C. (2018). Geomorphology and till architecture of terrestrial palaeo-ice streams of the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet: a borehole stratigraphic approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 186, 186-214.

A multidimensional study, utilising geomorphological mapping and the analysis of regional borehole stratigraphy, is employed to elucidate the regional till architecture of terrestrial palaeo-ice streams relating to the Late Wisconsinan southwest Laur... Read More about Geomorphology and till architecture of terrestrial palaeo-ice streams of the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet: a borehole stratigraphic approach.

The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain: a review (2018)
Journal Article
Bickerdike, H., Evans, D., Stokes, C., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2018). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain: a review. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(1), 1-54.

This paper systematically reviews the glacial geomorphological evidence of the Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS; Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain (12.9–11.7 ka). The geomorphology of sub-regions within Scotland, England and Wales is assessed, providing t... Read More about The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain: a review.

Microscale evidence of liquefaction and its potential triggers during soft-bed deformation within subglacial traction tills (2017)
Journal Article
Phillips, E., Evans, D., van der Meer, J., & Lee, J. (2018). Microscale evidence of liquefaction and its potential triggers during soft-bed deformation within subglacial traction tills. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181, 123-143.

Published conceptual models argue that much of the forward motion of modern and ancient glaciers is accommodated by deformation of soft-sediments within the underlying bed. At a microscale this deformation results in the development of a range of duc... Read More about Microscale evidence of liquefaction and its potential triggers during soft-bed deformation within subglacial traction tills.

Terminal zone glacial sediment transfer at a temperate overdeepened glacier system (2017)
Journal Article
Swift, D., Cook, S., Graham, D., Midgley, N., Fallick, A., Storrar, R., …Evans, D. (2018). Terminal zone glacial sediment transfer at a temperate overdeepened glacier system. Quaternary Science Reviews, 180, 111-131.

Continuity of sediment transfer through glacial systems is essential to maintain subglacial bedrock erosion, yet transfer at temperate glaciers with overdeepened beds, where subglacial fluvial sediment transport should be greatly limited by adverse s... Read More about Terminal zone glacial sediment transfer at a temperate overdeepened glacier system.

The glaciated valley landsystem of Morsárjökull, southeast Iceland (2017)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2017). The glaciated valley landsystem of Morsárjökull, southeast Iceland. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 909-920.

A 1:4470 map of the Morsárjökull foreland, southern Iceland shows the spatial distribution of post Little Ice Age glacial sediment–landform associations pertaining to the operation of a typical active temperate outlet glacier of the south Vatnajökull... Read More about The glaciated valley landsystem of Morsárjökull, southeast Iceland.

BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (2017)
Journal Article
Clark, C. D., Ely, J. C., Greenwood, S. L., Hughes, A. L., Meehan, R., Barr, I. D., …Sheehy, M. (2018). BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 11-e8.

During the last glaciation, most of the British Isles and the surrounding continental shelf were covered by the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS). An earlier compilation from the existing literature (BRITICE version 1) assembled the relevant glacial geo... Read More about BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet.

Glacial landsystems, retreat dynamics and controls on Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain (2017)
Journal Article
Bickerdike, H., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Stokes, C. (2018). Glacial landsystems, retreat dynamics and controls on Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 202-224.

Glacial geomorphology relating to the Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) in Britain is used to construct five glacial landsystem models. These landsystems lie on a continuum of increasing ice thickness and decreasing topographic control and typify t... Read More about Glacial landsystems, retreat dynamics and controls on Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain.

The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British−Irish Ice Sheet (2017)
Journal Article
Bateman, M. D., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Medialdea, A., Ely, J., & Clark, C. D. (2018). The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British−Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 41-61.

The eastern England terrestrial glacial sequences are critical to the spatial and temporal reconstruction of the last British−Irish Ice sheet (BIIS). Understanding glacial behaviour in the area of the Humber Gap is key as its blockage by ice created... Read More about The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British−Irish Ice Sheet.

Concentrated, ‘pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland (2017)
Journal Article
Phillips, E., Everest, J., Evans, D. J., Finlayson, A., Ewertowski, M., Guild, A., & Jones, L. (2017). Concentrated, ‘pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(13), 1901-1922.

A detailed structural glaciological study carried out on Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland reveals that recent flow within this maritime glacier is concentrated within a narrow corridor located along its central axis. This active corridor is responsible for... Read More about Concentrated, ‘pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland.

Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland: Glacial geomorphology recording glacier recession since the Little Ice Age (2017)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2017). Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland: Glacial geomorphology recording glacier recession since the Little Ice Age. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 358-368.

A 1:5700 scale map of the recently deglaciated foreland of Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland as it appeared in 2007, depicts a typical active temperate glacial landsystem with a clear pattern of sequentially changing push moraine morphologies, including rem... Read More about Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland: Glacial geomorphology recording glacier recession since the Little Ice Age.

Structural architecture and glacitectonic evolution of the Mud Buttes cupola hill complex, southern Alberta, Canada (2017)
Journal Article
Phillips, E., Evans, D. J., Atkinson, N., & Kendall, A. (2017). Structural architecture and glacitectonic evolution of the Mud Buttes cupola hill complex, southern Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 164, 110-139.

This paper presents the results of a detailed multidisciplinary study of the deformed bedrock and overlying Quaternary sediments exposed at the Mud Buttes in southern Alberta, Canada. This large, arcuate cupola hill is composed of intensely folded an... Read More about Structural architecture and glacitectonic evolution of the Mud Buttes cupola hill complex, southern Alberta, Canada.

Periglacial geomorphology of summit tors on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, SW England (2017)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Kalyan, R., & Orton, C. (2017). Periglacial geomorphology of summit tors on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, SW England. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 342-349.

Three maps are presented that portray the periglacial geomorphology of the three summit areas of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, SW England, including Brown Willy (scale 1:2630), Kilmar/Bearah/Sharp tors (scale 1:3335) and Rough/Little Rough/Showery tors (sca... Read More about Periglacial geomorphology of summit tors on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, SW England.

Phased occupation and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe (2017)
Journal Article
Dove, D., Evans, D., Lee, J., Roberts, D., Tappin, D., Mellett, C., …Callard, S. (2017). Phased occupation and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 163, 114-134.

Along the terrestrial margin of the southern North Sea, previous studies of the MIS 2 glaciation impacting eastern Britain have played a significant role in the development of principles relating to ice sheet dynamics (e.g. deformable beds), and the... Read More about Phased occupation and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe.

Testing models of ice cap extent, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic (2016)
Journal Article
Barlow, N., Bentley, M., Spada, G., Evans, D., Hansom, J., Brader, M., …Berg, S. (2016). Testing models of ice cap extent, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 154, 157-168.

The extent of Last Glacial Maximum ice in South Georgia is contested, with two alternative hypotheses: an extensive (maximum) model of ice reaching the edge of the continental shelf, or a restricted (minimum) model with ice constrained within the inn... Read More about Testing models of ice cap extent, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic.

Recent retreat at a temperate Icelandic glacier in the context of the last ~80 years of climate change in the North Atlantic region (2016)
Journal Article
Chandler, B., Evans, D., & Roberts, D. (2016). Recent retreat at a temperate Icelandic glacier in the context of the last ~80 years of climate change in the North Atlantic region. Arktos (Cham. Internet), 2(1), Article 24.

Over recent decades, glaciers outside of Greenland and Antarctica have displayed accelerating rates of mass loss and ice-frontal retreat, and this has been associated with unequivocal climatic and oceanic warming. Icelandic glaciers are particularly... Read More about Recent retreat at a temperate Icelandic glacier in the context of the last ~80 years of climate change in the North Atlantic region.

Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach (2016)
Journal Article
Darvill, C., Stokes, C., Bentley, M., Evans, D., & Lovell, H. (2016). Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(6), 857-876.

Reconstructions of former ice masses from glacial geomorphology help to constrain the nature and timing of glaciation in relation to climatic forcing. This paper presents a new reconstruction of the glacial history of five ice lobes in southernmost S... Read More about Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach.

Glacial geomorphology of the terrestrial margins of the tidewater glacier, Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard (2016)
Journal Article
Ewertowski, M., Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Tomczyk, A. (2016). Glacial geomorphology of the terrestrial margins of the tidewater glacier, Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard. Journal of Maps, 12(sup1), 476-487.

A 1:4000 scale map of the terrestrial margins of the foreland of Nordenskiöldbreen depicts a polythermal glacial landsystem containing a record of the landform signatures of individual ice flow units that operate within the glacier snout. A 1:700 map... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of the terrestrial margins of the tidewater glacier, Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard.

Multiple subglacial till deposition: a modern exemplar for Quaternary palaeoglaciology (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Evans, S. (2016). Multiple subglacial till deposition: a modern exemplar for Quaternary palaeoglaciology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, 183-203.

The sedimentology of a vertical succession of alternating beds of massive and fissile diamictons on a þorisjökull plateau icefield outlet foreland is employed to assess the evolution of subglacial traction tills at the margins of active temperate gla... Read More about Multiple subglacial till deposition: a modern exemplar for Quaternary palaeoglaciology.

Landscapes at the periphery of glacierization - retrospect and prospect (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2016). Landscapes at the periphery of glacierization - retrospect and prospect. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132(2), 140-163.

This paper reviews the evolution of palaeoglaciological reconstructions in regions at the periphery of glacierization, where an improved understanding of the role of glacial thermal regime has helped refine the delimitation of ice sheet maxima. Also... Read More about Landscapes at the periphery of glacierization - retrospect and prospect.

The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence (2016)
Journal Article
Bickerdike, H., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Stokes, C. (2016). The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1178-1186.

The Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) was an abrupt period of renewed cooling between 12.9 and 11.7 ka and has long been associated with the regrowth of glaciers in much of upland Britain. Mapping the glacial landforms associated with this period has been un... Read More about The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence.

Characteristics of recessional moraines at a temperate glacier in SE Iceland: Insights into patterns, rates and drivers of glacier retreat (2016)
Journal Article
Chandler, B., Evans, D., & Roberts, D. (2016). Characteristics of recessional moraines at a temperate glacier in SE Iceland: Insights into patterns, rates and drivers of glacier retreat. Quaternary Science Reviews, 135, 171-205.

Icelandic glaciers are sensitive to climate variability on short-term timescales owing to their North Atlantic maritime setting, and have been undergoing ice-marginal retreat since the mid-1990s. Recent patterns, rates and drivers of ice-frontal retr... Read More about Characteristics of recessional moraines at a temperate glacier in SE Iceland: Insights into patterns, rates and drivers of glacier retreat.

Crevasse-squeeze ridge corridors: diagnostic features of late stage palaeo-ice stream activity (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Storrar, R., & Rea, B. (2016). Crevasse-squeeze ridge corridors: diagnostic features of late stage palaeo-ice stream activity. Geomorphology, 258, 40-50.

A 200-km-long and 10-km-wide linear assemblage of till-filled geometrical ridges on the bed of the Maskwa palaeo-ice stream of the late Wisconsinan southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet are interpreted as crevasse-squeeze ridges (CSR) developed during inter... Read More about Crevasse-squeeze ridge corridors: diagnostic features of late stage palaeo-ice stream activity.

Snæfellsjökull volcano-centred ice cap landsystem, West Iceland (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Orton, C., Harris, C., & Gudmundsson, S. (2016). Snæfellsjökull volcano-centred ice cap landsystem, West Iceland. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1128-1137.

A 1:10,526 scale map of Snæfellsjökull and its forelands is presented as the first landsystem exemplar of volcano-centred ice caps, for application to understanding glacierized volcanic terrains globally. Mapping of surface materials and landforms wa... Read More about Snæfellsjökull volcano-centred ice cap landsystem, West Iceland.

Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British–Irish Ice Sheet (2016)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Bateman, M., Roberts, D., Medialdea, A., Hayes, L., Duller, G., …Clark, C. (2017). Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(2), 295-310.

We report the first chronology, using four new optically stimulated luminescence dates, on the sedimentary record of Glacial Lake Pickering, dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the Dimlington Stadial (24–11 ka cal BP).... Read More about Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British–Irish Ice Sheet.

Last glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet (2015)
Journal Article
Bateman, M., Evans, D., Buckland, P., Connell, E., Friend, R., Hartmann, D., …Ashurst, R. (2015). Last glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 126(6), 712-730.

During the Last Glacial Maximum, the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet extended to within 10 km of each other, impounding a series of pro-glacial lakes. Such an interplay of ice lobes provides a useful analogue for e... Read More about Last glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet.

Late Devensian deglaciation of the Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream, northern England (2015)
Journal Article
Livingstone, S., Roberts, D., Davies, B., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Gheorghiu, D. (2015). Late Devensian deglaciation of the Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(8), 790-804.

The deglacial history of the central sector of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet is poorly constrained, particularly along major ice-stream flow paths. The Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream (TGIS) was a major fast-flow conduit of the British–Irish Ice Sheet... Read More about Late Devensian deglaciation of the Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream, northern England.

Sediment fingerprinting and the mode of formation of singular and composite annual moraine ridges at two glacier margins, Jotunheimen, southern Norway (2015)
Journal Article
Hiemstra, J., Matthews, J., Evans, D., & Owen, G. (2015). Sediment fingerprinting and the mode of formation of singular and composite annual moraine ridges at two glacier margins, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Holocene, 25(11), 1772-1785.

Sedimentary variation within and between annual moraine ridges formed at Storbreen and Styggedalsbreen, Jotunheimen, during the 1980s and 1990s is investigated with a focus on processes and mechanisms of moraine-ridge formation. Tops and bottoms of s... Read More about Sediment fingerprinting and the mode of formation of singular and composite annual moraine ridges at two glacier margins, Jotunheimen, southern Norway.

Glacial geomorphology of the Skálafellsjökull foreland, Iceland: A case study of ‘annual’ moraines (2015)
Journal Article
Chandler, B., Evans, D., Roberts, D., Ewertowski, M., & Clayton, A. (2016). Glacial geomorphology of the Skálafellsjökull foreland, Iceland: A case study of ‘annual’ moraines. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 904-916.

Small-scale recessional push moraines are a characteristic signature of the active temperate glacial landsystem, and are often clearly linked to annual re-advances. These recessional push moraines represent a potentially valuable terrestrial climate... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of the Skálafellsjökull foreland, Iceland: A case study of ‘annual’ moraines.

Drumlin sedimentology in a hard-bed, lowland setting, Connemara, western Ireland: implications for subglacial bedform generation in areas of sparse till cover (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Roberts, D., & O'Cofaigh, C. (2015). Drumlin sedimentology in a hard-bed, lowland setting, Connemara, western Ireland: implications for subglacial bedform generation in areas of sparse till cover. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(6), 537-557.

Cores of coastal drumlins in Connemara contain stratified diamictons that interdigitate with gravelly clinoforms and finer grained rhythmites. The diamictons are interpreted as subaqueous mud apron deposits delivered by subglacial till advection to c... Read More about Drumlin sedimentology in a hard-bed, lowland setting, Connemara, western Ireland: implications for subglacial bedform generation in areas of sparse till cover.

Fláajökull (north lobe), Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe glacial landsystem (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2016). Fláajökull (north lobe), Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe glacial landsystem. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 777-789.

A 1:6250 map of the foreland of Fláajökull's north lobe as it appeared in 1989, together with a 1:350 scale map of a sample area of recently exposed glacial landforms from 2014, enables an assessment of the spatial and temporal evolution of glacial l... Read More about Fláajökull (north lobe), Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe glacial landsystem.

Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan: human impacts on mountain glacier landsystems (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Jamieson, S., & Orton, C. (2016). Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan: human impacts on mountain glacier landsystems. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 757-769.

A 1:50,000 scale map of the surficial geology and geomorphology of the mountain glacier landsystem and the human impacts of the Kumtor Gold Mine operations in the Akshiirak massif was compiled from a 0.5 m resolution pan-sharpened image from Digital... Read More about Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan: human impacts on mountain glacier landsystems.

Eiríksjökull plateau icefield landsystem, Iceland (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2016). Eiríksjökull plateau icefield landsystem, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 747-756.

A 1:9500 scale map of the Eiríksjökull plateau icefield and its post-Little Ice Age (LIA) foreland geomorphology and surficial geology is presented as a modern exemplar of an asymmetrically developed mountain glacier typical of the style of glacieriz... Read More about Eiríksjökull plateau icefield landsystem, Iceland.

Rapid advance of two mountain glaciers in response to mine-related debris loading (2015)
Journal Article
Jamieson, S., Ewertowski, M., & Evans, D. (2015). Rapid advance of two mountain glaciers in response to mine-related debris loading. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), 1418-1435.

Rapid glacier advance is known to occur by a range of mechanisms. However, although large-scale debris loading has been proposed as a process for causing rapid terminus advance, it has rarely been observed. We use satellite remote-sensing data to obs... Read More about Rapid advance of two mountain glaciers in response to mine-related debris loading.

Controls on the location, morphology and evolution of complex esker systems at decadal timescales, Breiðamerkurjökull, southeast Iceland (2015)
Journal Article
Storrar, R., Evans, D., Stokes, C., & Ewertowski, M. (2015). Controls on the location, morphology and evolution of complex esker systems at decadal timescales, Breiðamerkurjökull, southeast Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(11), 1421-1438.

This paper uses detailed mapping of eskers to address three questions which are important for reconstructing meltwater behaviour beneath contemporary and ancient ice masses: ‘What controls the morphology of simple and complex esker systems?’, ‘How do... Read More about Controls on the location, morphology and evolution of complex esker systems at decadal timescales, Breiðamerkurjökull, southeast Iceland.

Heinabergsjökull and Skalafellsjökull, Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe and outwash head glacial landsystem (2015)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Orton, C. (2015). Heinabergsjökull and Skalafellsjökull, Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe and outwash head glacial landsystem. Journal of Maps, 11(3), 415-431.

A 1:15,000 scale map of the glacial geomorphology and surficial geology of the Heinabergsjökull and Skalafellsjökull glacier forelands in southeast Iceland depicts a landsystem imprint of actively receding temperate glaciers in a mountain terrain wit... Read More about Heinabergsjökull and Skalafellsjökull, Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe and outwash head glacial landsystem.

Morphometry and pattern of a large sample (>20,000) of Canadian eskers and implications for subglacial drainage beneath ice sheets (2014)
Journal Article
Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2014). Morphometry and pattern of a large sample (>20,000) of Canadian eskers and implications for subglacial drainage beneath ice sheets. Quaternary Science Reviews, 105(1), 1-25.

Ice sheet flow is strongly influenced by the nature and quantity of meltwater entering the subglacial system. Accessing and monitoring contemporary drainage systems beneath ice sheets is notoriously difficult, but it is possible to utilise the expose... Read More about Morphometry and pattern of a large sample (>20,000) of Canadian eskers and implications for subglacial drainage beneath ice sheets.

Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean (2014)
Journal Article
Evans, D., England, J., La Farge, C., Coulthard, R., Lakeman, T., & Vaughan, J. (2014). Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91, 82-123.

Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, is a primary section (8 km long and 60 m high) in the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago exposing a long record of Quaternary sedimentation adjacent to the Arctic Ocean. A reinvestigation of Duck Hawk Bluffs... Read More about Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean.

Glaciotectonic deformation and reinterpretation of the Worth Point stratigraphic sequence: Banks Island, NT, Canada (2014)
Journal Article
Vaughan, J., England, J., & Evans, D. (2014). Glaciotectonic deformation and reinterpretation of the Worth Point stratigraphic sequence: Banks Island, NT, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91, 124-145.

Hill-hole pairs, comprising an ice-pushed hill and associated source depression, cluster in a belt along the west coast of Banks Island, NT. Ongoing coastal erosion at Worth Point, southwest Banks Island, has exposed a section (6 km long and ∼30 m hi... Read More about Glaciotectonic deformation and reinterpretation of the Worth Point stratigraphic sequence: Banks Island, NT, Canada.

Glacial history of sub-Antarctic South Georgia based on the submarine geomorphology of its fjords (2014)
Journal Article
Hodgson, D., Graham, A., Griffiths, H., Roberts, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Bentley, M., & Evans, D. (2014). Glacial history of sub-Antarctic South Georgia based on the submarine geomorphology of its fjords. Quaternary Science Reviews, 89, 129-147.

We present multibeam swath bathymetric surveys of the major fjords surrounding the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia to characterise the glacial geomorphology and to identify the relative timings and extent of past glacial advance and retreat. Ba... Read More about Glacial history of sub-Antarctic South Georgia based on the submarine geomorphology of its fjords.

Increased channelization of subglacial drainage during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (2014)
Journal Article
Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2014). Increased channelization of subglacial drainage during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geology, 42(3), 239-242.

The configuration of subglacial meltwater is a critical control on ice sheet dynamics, and the presence of pressurized water distributed across the bed can induce dynamic instabilities. However, this process can be offset by efficient evacuation of w... Read More about Increased channelization of subglacial drainage during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.

Glacial geomorphology of terrestrial- terminating fast flow lobes/ice stream margins in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet (2014)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Young, N., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2014). Glacial geomorphology of terrestrial- terminating fast flow lobes/ice stream margins in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geomorphology, 204, 86-113.

Glacial geomorphological mapping of southern Alberta, Canada, reveals landform assemblages that are diagnostic of terrestrial-terminating ice streams/fast flowing outlet glaciers with lobate snouts. Spatial variability in features that comprise the l... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of terrestrial- terminating fast flow lobes/ice stream margins in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet.

A map of large Canadian eskers from Landsat satellite imagery (2013)
Journal Article
Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2013). A map of large Canadian eskers from Landsat satellite imagery. Journal of Maps, 9(3), 456-473.

Meltwater drainage systems beneath ice sheets are a poorly understood, yet fundamentally important environment for understanding glacier dynamics, which are strongly influenced by the nature and quantity of meltwater entering the subglacial system. C... Read More about A map of large Canadian eskers from Landsat satellite imagery.

Till stratigraphy and sedimentology at the margins of terrestrially terminating ice streams: case study of the western Canadian prairies and high plains. (2012)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., Boston, C., Leighton, I., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Rea, B. (2012). Till stratigraphy and sedimentology at the margins of terrestrially terminating ice streams: case study of the western Canadian prairies and high plains. Quaternary Science Reviews, 46, 80-125.

Complex glacigenic sediment sequences arranged in large arcuate assemblages and demarcating the lobate termini of fast ice flow corridors in western Canada represent the terrestrial equivalents of the trough-mouth fans of the marine palaeo-ice stream... Read More about Till stratigraphy and sedimentology at the margins of terrestrially terminating ice streams: case study of the western Canadian prairies and high plains..

The glaciation of Dartmoor: the southernmost independent Pleistocene icecap in the British Isles (2012)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Harrison, S., Vieli, A., & Anderson, E. (2012). The glaciation of Dartmoor: the southernmost independent Pleistocene icecap in the British Isles. Quaternary Science Reviews, 45, 31-53.

The granite uplands of Dartmoor have traditionally been considered to be relict permafrost and periglacial landscapes that lay beyond the limits of Quaternary glaciations but a variety of landform evidence indicates that a plateau icefield existed on... Read More about The glaciation of Dartmoor: the southernmost independent Pleistocene icecap in the British Isles.

Large-scale reorganization and sedimentation of terrestrial ice streams during late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation (2010)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Smith, I. (2010). Large-scale reorganization and sedimentation of terrestrial ice streams during late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation. GSA Bulletin, 122(5-6), 743-756.

Glacial geomorphological mapping of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data from the western Canadian Prairies demonstrates that during the last (late Wisconsinan)deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet terrestrial ice streams underwent a major... Read More about Large-scale reorganization and sedimentation of terrestrial ice streams during late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation.

Micromorphological characteristics of glacimarine sediments: implications for distinguishing genetic processes of massive diamicts (2010)
Journal Article
Kilfeather, A., Ó Cofaigh, C., Dowdeswell, J., van der Meer, J., & Evans, D. (2010). Micromorphological characteristics of glacimarine sediments: implications for distinguishing genetic processes of massive diamicts. Geo-Marine Letters, 30(2), 77-97.

Glacimarine diamicts are produced by diverse processes, and genetic differentiation is often problematic using macro-sedimentological criteria alone. Micromorphology offers a potentially helpful tool in such investigations. Macroscopically massive di... Read More about Micromorphological characteristics of glacimarine sediments: implications for distinguishing genetic processes of massive diamicts.

A major ice drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet: the Tyne Gap, northern England (2010)
Journal Article
Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2010). A major ice drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet: the Tyne Gap, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(3), 354-370.

The Tyne Gap is a wide pass, situated between the Scottish Southern Uplands and the English Pennines that connects western and eastern England. It was a major ice flow drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. This study presents new glac... Read More about A major ice drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet: the Tyne Gap, northern England.

An assessment of fluting and “till esker” formation on the foreland of Sandfellsjökull, Iceland (2010)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Nelson, C., & Webb, C. (2010). An assessment of fluting and “till esker” formation on the foreland of Sandfellsjökull, Iceland. Geomorphology, 114(3), 453-465.

Intensive sedimentological analysis of tills, parallel-sided flutings, and a conduit fill (till esker) on the recently deglaciated foreland of Sandfellsjökull (a temperate, actively receding piedmont lobe draining the eastern margin of the Mýrdalsjök... Read More about An assessment of fluting and “till esker” formation on the foreland of Sandfellsjökull, Iceland.

Evolution of a debris-charged glacier landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland (2010)
Journal Article
Bennett, G., Evans, D., Carbonneau, P., & Twigg, D. (2010). Evolution of a debris-charged glacier landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 2010, 40-67.

A time-series of 1:12,500 scale maps of the snout and foreland of the Icelandic glacier Kvíárjökull provides a spatial and temporal assessment of landform evolution from a debris-charged glacier snout over a 58 year period between 1945 and 2003. In a... Read More about Evolution of a debris-charged glacier landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland.

Maps of the snout and proglacial landforms of Fjallsjökull, Iceland (1945, 1965, 1998). (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Shand, M., & Petrie, G. (2009). Maps of the snout and proglacial landforms of Fjallsjökull, Iceland (1945, 1965, 1998). Scottish Geographical Journal, 125, 304-312

In celebration of the contributions of the Geography Department at Glasgow to glacial geomorphology, we have taken this opportunity to publish for the first time maps of the snout of Fjallsjo¨ kull and its foreland from 1945 and 1965 (Figure A1). Alt... Read More about Maps of the snout and proglacial landforms of Fjallsjökull, Iceland (1945, 1965, 1998)..

Glacial geomorphology at Glasgow (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2009). Glacial geomorphology at Glasgow. Scottish Geographical Journal, 125(3-4), 285-320.

This paper reviews a century of geographical contributions at the University of Glasgow to the development of glacial geomorphology. Significant advances were made from the 1960s, when geographers and topographic scientists began to combine geomorphi... Read More about Glacial geomorphology at Glasgow.

Catastrophic landslides, glacier behaviour and moraine formation – A view from an active plate margin (2009)
Journal Article
Shulmeister, J., Davies, T., Evans, D., Hyatt, O., & Tovar, D. (2009). Catastrophic landslides, glacier behaviour and moraine formation – A view from an active plate margin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(11-12), 1085-1096.

The influence of large bedrock landslides (‘‘rock avalanches’’) on the behaviour of glaciers is incompletely recognised. Here we present an example from an active tectonic margin in South Island, New Zealand where large earthquakes leave a significan... Read More about Catastrophic landslides, glacier behaviour and moraine formation – A view from an active plate margin.

The palaeoglaciology of the central sector of the British and Irish Ice Sheet: reconciling glacial geomorphology and preliminary ice sheet modelling (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Livingstone, S., Vieli, A., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2009). The palaeoglaciology of the central sector of the British and Irish Ice Sheet: reconciling glacial geomorphology and preliminary ice sheet modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(7-8), 739-757.

Digital elevation models of the area around the Solway Lowlands reveal complex subglacial bedform imprints relating the central sector of the LGM British and Irish Ice Sheet. Drumlin and lineation mapping in four case studies show that glacier flow d... Read More about The palaeoglaciology of the central sector of the British and Irish Ice Sheet: reconciling glacial geomorphology and preliminary ice sheet modelling.

Controlled moraines: origins, characteristics and palaeoglaciological implications (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2009). Controlled moraines: origins, characteristics and palaeoglaciological implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(3-4), 183-208.

Controlled moraines are supraglacial debris concentrations that become hummocky moraine upon deicing and possess clear linearity due to the inheritance of the former pattern of debris-rich folia in the parent ice. Linearity is most striking wherever... Read More about Controlled moraines: origins, characteristics and palaeoglaciological implications.

Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2009). Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(3-4), 181-182.

This issue of Quaternary Science Reviews contains a set of five papers relating to the theme of Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction. This was the subject of a special session held at the XVII INQUA Congress in Cairns, Au... Read More about Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction.

Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland (2009)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Twigg, D., Rea, B., & Orton, C. (2009). Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 2009, 134-151.

A 1:30,000 scale map of the snout and proglacial landscape of the surging Icelandic glacier Tungnaarjokull, based upon aerial photography from 1995, immediately after a surge, allows an assessment of the spatial variability in landform-sediment impri... Read More about Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland.

Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescene. (2008)
Journal Article
Hansom, J., Evans, D., Sanderson, D., Bingham, R., & Bentley, M. (2008). Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescene. Geomorphology, 94(1-2), 117-130.

The stone runs of the Falkland Islands are thought to be periglacial blockfields but their age and detailed origin remain enigmatic. We examine the fine sediments that underlie two stone runs in order to establish whether Optically Stimulated Lumines... Read More about Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescene..

Till sedimentology and stratigraphy on the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland: implications for Late Quaternary regional ice flow patterns (2008)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Hiemstra, J. (2008). Till sedimentology and stratigraphy on the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland: implications for Late Quaternary regional ice flow patterns. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 119(2), 137-152.

Investigation of Late Quaternary glacigenic sediments exposed in coastal sections on the Dingle Peninsula, southwest Ireland shows that during the last glaciation, an advance of local ice occurred across the western and northern coasts of the peninsu... Read More about Till sedimentology and stratigraphy on the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland: implications for Late Quaternary regional ice flow patterns.

The sedimentology of the Late Pleistocene Bannow Till stratotype, County Wexford, southeast Ireland (2008)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2008). The sedimentology of the Late Pleistocene Bannow Till stratotype, County Wexford, southeast Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 119(3-4), 329-338.

The sedimentology and structural features of the Bannow Till are presented from two sites in Bannow Bay, CountyWexford, southern Ireland, the stratotype for this Irish inland till. Beach deposits of last interglacial age are overlain locally by aeoli... Read More about The sedimentology of the Late Pleistocene Bannow Till stratotype, County Wexford, southeast Ireland.

A millennial-scale record of Arctic Ocean sea ice variability and the demise of the Ellesmere Island ice shelves (2008)
Journal Article
England, J., Lakeman, T., Lemmen, D., Bednarski, J., Stewart, T., & Evans, D. (2008). A millennial-scale record of Arctic Ocean sea ice variability and the demise of the Ellesmere Island ice shelves. Geophysical Research Letters, 35,

Sea-ice ice shelves, at the apex of North America (>80N), constitute the oldest sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere. We document the establishment and subsequent stability of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, and multiyear landfast sea ice in adjacent fiords,... Read More about A millennial-scale record of Arctic Ocean sea ice variability and the demise of the Ellesmere Island ice shelves.

Glacial geomorphology of the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet (2008)
Journal Article
Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2008). Glacial geomorphology of the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Maps, 2008, 358-377.

We here present a glacial geomorphological map covering 11,800 km2, at a scale of 1:550,000, of the central sector of the last (Main Late Devensian) British-Irish Ice Sheet. The map is based on the 5 m resolution NEXTMap dataset. Six landform types h... Read More about Glacial geomorphology of the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet.

Radiocarbon constraints on the age of the maximum advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in the Celtic Sea (2007)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2007). Radiocarbon constraints on the age of the maximum advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in the Celtic Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(9-10), 1197-1203.

Reconstructions of the British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Celtic Sea and southern Ireland have been hampered by a paucity of well-dated stratigraphic records. As a result, the timing of the last advance of the... Read More about Radiocarbon constraints on the age of the maximum advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in the Celtic Sea.

Glacial geomorphology and chronology of deglaciation, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic (2007)
Journal Article
Bentley, M., Evans, D., Fogwill, C., Hansom, J., Sugden, D., & Kubik, P. (2007). Glacial geomorphology and chronology of deglaciation, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(5-6), 644-677.

We mapped and dated the glacial geomorphology of north-east South Georgia, in the maritime sub-Antarctic. The aim was to examine the timing of deglaciation of the island in the context of inter-hemispheric phasing of climate change. Former glacier li... Read More about Glacial geomorphology and chronology of deglaciation, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic.

Subglacial till: Formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification (2006)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Phillips, E., Hiemstra, J., & Auton, C. (2006). Subglacial till: Formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification. Earth-Science Reviews, 78(1-2), 115-176.

We review the major subglacial till forming processes as presently understood by glacial researchers and define the parameters within which tills are produced and reconcile them with sedimentary end members. Processes of deformation, flow, sliding, l... Read More about Subglacial till: Formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification.

A critical assessment of subglacial mega-floods: A case study of glacial sediments and landforms in south-central Alberta, Canada (2006)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Rea, B., Hiemstra, J., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2006). A critical assessment of subglacial mega-floods: A case study of glacial sediments and landforms in south-central Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(13-14), 1638-1667.

The existing subglacial megaflood explanation of glacial sediment deposition and landform production in south-central Alberta relies upon four sets of observations and associated interpretations: (1) a subglacial genesis for all glacilacustrine sedim... Read More about A critical assessment of subglacial mega-floods: A case study of glacial sediments and landforms in south-central Alberta, Canada.

Till deposition by glacier submarginal, incremental thickening (2005)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Hiemstra, J. (2005). Till deposition by glacier submarginal, incremental thickening. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 30(13), 1633-1662.

Macro- and micro-scale sedimentological analyses of recently deposited tills and complex push/squeeze moraines on the forelands of Icelandic glaciers and in a stacked till sequence at the former Younger Dryas margin of the Loch Lomond glacier lobe in... Read More about Till deposition by glacier submarginal, incremental thickening.

The last British Ice Sheet: A review of the evidence utilised in the compilation of the Glacial Map of Britain (2005)
Journal Article
Evans, D., Clark, C., & Mitchell, W. (2005). The last British Ice Sheet: A review of the evidence utilised in the compilation of the Glacial Map of Britain. Earth-Science Reviews, 70(3-4), 253-312.

This paper reviews the evidence presently available (as at December 2003) for the compilation of the Glacial Map of Britain (see [Clark C.D., Evans D.J.A., Khatwa A., Bradwell T., Jordan C.J., Marsh S.H., Mitchell W.A., Bateman, M.D. , 2004. Map and... Read More about The last British Ice Sheet: A review of the evidence utilised in the compilation of the Glacial Map of Britain.

Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream (2005)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., Dowdeswell, J., Allen, C., Hiemstra, J., Pudsey, C., Evans, J., & Evans, D. (2005). Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(5-6), 709-740.

Geophysical and geological data indicate that during the last glacial cycle a palaeo-ice stream drained the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet (APIS) through Marguerite Bay to the edge of the continental shelf via a bathymetric trough (Marguerite Trough).... Read More about Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream.

Map and GIS database of glacial landforms and features related to the last British Ice Sheet (2004)
Journal Article
Clark, C., Evans, D., Khatwa, A., Bradwell, T., Jordan, C., Marsh, S., …Bateman, M. (2004). Map and GIS database of glacial landforms and features related to the last British Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 33(4), 359-375.

A review of the academic literature and British Geological Survey mapping is employed to produce a 'Glacial Map', and accompanying geographic information system (GIS) database, of features related to the last (Devensian) British Ice Sheet. The map (1... Read More about Map and GIS database of glacial landforms and features related to the last British Ice Sheet.

Glaciers. (2004)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2004). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 28(2), 294-305

Glaciers. (2003)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2003). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(2), 261-274

Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation (2003)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2003). Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 32(1), 76-101.

Late Devensian/Midlandian glacial deposits on the southeast Irish coast contain a record of sedimentation at the margins of the Irish Sea ice stream (ISIS). Exposures through the Screen Hills reveal a stratigraphy that documents the initial onshore f... Read More about Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation.

The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland (2002)
Journal Article
Evans, D., & Twigg, D. (2002). The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21(20-22), 2143-2177.

Accurate interpretations of ancient glaciated terrains rely heavily on our knowledge of process–form relationships in contemporary glacierized basins. A landsystems model for temperate, actively receding glaciers is presented based upon Breiðamerkurj... Read More about The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland.

Glaciers. (2001)
Journal Article
Evans, D. (2001). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 25(3), 428-439

Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet (2001)
Journal Article
Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2001). Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet. Geology, 29(9), 795-798.

The Irish Sea ice stream was the largest ice stream to drain the last British ice sheet, and around the margins of the Celtic Sea it deposited a shelly diamict facies that has been variously interpreted as subglacial till or distal glacial marine mud... Read More about Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet.