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Outputs (60)

Failure on the frontier: a response to Price & Jaffe (2023)
Journal Article
Kitching, P., & Witcher, R. (2023). Failure on the frontier: a response to Price & Jaffe. Antiquity, 97(396), 1613-1616.

Price and Jaffe (2023) argue that acknowledging failure humanises the past. It can also serve as a lens through which to reflect on archaeological reasoning. Here, we turn to the Roman world, and the frontier of northern Britain in particular, to co... Read More about Failure on the frontier: a response to Price & Jaffe.

One City, Two Tibers? Reintegrating the Supply Networks of Imperial Rome (2023)
Book Chapter
Moreno Escobar, M., & Witcher, R. (2023). One City, Two Tibers? Reintegrating the Supply Networks of Imperial Rome. In P. Campbell, & A. Tibbs (Eds.), Rivers and Waterways in the Roman World: Empire of Water (53-68). (1). London: Routledge.

The Tiber constituted a fundamental axis of transport and trade to Rome that made possible its subsistence and development in antiquity. However, different trajectories of research in the upper/middle and lower Tiber valley have led to an apparent pe... Read More about One City, Two Tibers? Reintegrating the Supply Networks of Imperial Rome.

Women in Antiquity: an analysis of gender and publishing in a global archaeology journal (2022)
Journal Article
Hanscam, E., & Witcher, R. (2023). Women in Antiquity: an analysis of gender and publishing in a global archaeology journal. Journal of Field Archaeology, 48(2), 87-101.

Studies of archaeology publishing demonstrate a persistent imbalance in the ratio of male and female authors. We present an analysis of the world archaeology journal Antiquity using submissions and editorial decisions data (2015–2020). We identify a... Read More about Women in Antiquity: an analysis of gender and publishing in a global archaeology journal.

The Roman Hinterland Project: integrating archaeological field surveys around Rome and beyond (2021)
Journal Article
Attema, P., Carafa, P., Jongman, W., Smith, C., Bronkhorst, A., Capanna, M., …Wouda, N. (2022). The Roman Hinterland Project: integrating archaeological field surveys around Rome and beyond. European Journal of Archaeology, 25(2), 238-258.

This article presents the background to and prospects for a new initiative in archaeological field survey and database integration. The Roman Hinterland Project combines data from the Tiber Valley Project, Roman Suburbium Project, and the Pontine Reg... Read More about The Roman Hinterland Project: integrating archaeological field surveys around Rome and beyond.

The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland: The British School at Rome's Tiber Valley Project (2020)
Patterson, H., Witcher, R. E., & Di Giuseppe, H. (2020). The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland: The British School at Rome's Tiber Valley Project. Archaeopress

The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland presents a new regional history of the middle Tiber valley as a lens through which to view the emergence and transformation of the city of Rome from 1000 BC to AD 1000. Setting the ancient city wi... Read More about The Changing Landscapes of Rome’s Northern Hinterland: The British School at Rome's Tiber Valley Project.

Patterns of Etruscan urbanism (2020)
Journal Article
Stoddart, S., Palmisano, A., Redhouse, D., Barker, G., Di Paola, G., Motta, L., …Witcher, R. (2020). Patterns of Etruscan urbanism. Frontiers in digital humanities, 7, Article 1.

This paper examines the patterns of Etruscan urbanism by the innovative use of newly available rural data, employing rank size, and indices of centralization. The detailed case study looks at the development of urbanism of pre-Roman Etruria where bot... Read More about Patterns of Etruscan urbanism.

Historical fiction and archaeological interpretation: introduction (2019)
Book Chapter
Van Helden, D., & Witcher, R. (2020). Historical fiction and archaeological interpretation: introduction. In D. Van Helden, & R. Witcher (Eds.), Researching the archaeological past through imagined narratives: a necessary fiction. Routledge.

The transformation of the material traces of the past into archaeological narrative is a fundamentally creative act. But what happens when archaeologists engage with the work and methods of historical novelists and filmmakers? Do they risk transgress... Read More about Historical fiction and archaeological interpretation: introduction.

The global Roman countryside: connectivity and community (2017)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2017). The global Roman countryside: connectivity and community. In T. de Haas, & G. Tol (Eds.), The economic integration of Roman Italy : rural communities in a globalising world (28-50). Brill Academic Publishers

The globalized Roman world (2016)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2016). The globalized Roman world. In T. Hodos (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of globalization and archaeology (634-651). Routledge

Death on the frontier: military cremation practices in the north of Roman Britain (2016)
Journal Article
Thompson, T., Szigeti, J., Gowland, R., & Witcher, R. (2016). Death on the frontier: military cremation practices in the north of Roman Britain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10, 828-836.

The study of cremated human remains from archaeological contexts has traditionally been viewed as less valuable than the study of inhumed bodies. However, recent methodological and theoretical developments regarding the taphonomic processes that tran... Read More about Death on the frontier: military cremation practices in the north of Roman Britain.

Agricultural production in Roman Italy (2016)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2016). Agricultural production in Roman Italy. In A. Cooley (Ed.), A companion to Roman Italy (459-482). Wiley.

This chapter considers the practice and organization of agricultural production in Roman Italy drawing on textual, archaeological, and ethnoarchaeological evidence. As well as reviewing the types of crops cultivated and animals husbanded, it consider... Read More about Agricultural production in Roman Italy.

Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE) (2015)
Journal Article
Sewell, J., & Witcher, R. (2015). Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE). Internet Archaeology, 40,

This article describes the methodology of a two-year research project to create an analytical database and GIS of 583 (proto-)urban centres on the Italian peninsula that existed between 350 BCE and 300 CE. The article is linked to the project's data... Read More about Urbanism in Ancient Peninsular Italy: developing a methodology for a database analysis of higher order settlements (350 BCE to 300 CE).

Globalisation and Roman Cultural Heritage (2014)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2014). Globalisation and Roman Cultural Heritage. In M. Pitts, & M. Versluys (Eds.), Globalisation and the Roman world : world history, connectivity and material culture (198-222). Cambridge University Press

On Rome’s Ecological Contribution to British Flora and Fauna: landscape, legacy and identity (2013)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2013). On Rome’s Ecological Contribution to British Flora and Fauna: landscape, legacy and identity. Landscape History, 34(2), 5-26.

This paper addresses the flora and fauna of Roman Britain via two long-lived and closely-related notions: the ‘Roman introduction’ and the ‘living legacy’. These concepts connect knowledge and beliefs about the introduction of new species during the... Read More about On Rome’s Ecological Contribution to British Flora and Fauna: landscape, legacy and identity.

(Sub)urban Surroundings (2013)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2013). (Sub)urban Surroundings. In P. Erdkamp (Ed.), The Cambridge companion to Ancient Rome (205-225). Cambridge University Press

Ancient Roman writers such as Dionysius of Halicarnassus (4.13.4-5) observed the impossibility of locating the point at which Rome ceased and the countryside began. In contrast, modern guidebooks to the remains of the ancient city have less trouble,... Read More about (Sub)urban Surroundings.

Cities and Gods: Religious Space in Transition (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
(2013). Cities and Gods: Religious Space in Transition. In T. Kaizer, A. Leone, E. Thomas, & R. Witcher (Eds.), Cities and gods : religious space in transition (1-4)

‘Much That Has Long Been Hidden’: Reconstructing the Survey Methodology (2012)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R., & Craven, M. (2013). ‘Much That Has Long Been Hidden’: Reconstructing the Survey Methodology. In R. Cascino, H. Di Giuseppe, & H. Patterson (Eds.), Veii. The historical topography of the ancient city. A restudy of John Ward-Perkins’s survey (9-24). British School at Rome

Life of an Ancient Monument: Hadrian's Wall in History (2012)
Journal Article
Hingley, R., Witcher, R., & Nesbitt, C. (2012). Life of an Ancient Monument: Hadrian's Wall in History. Antiquity, 86(333), 760-771.

The Romans are Britain's favourite invaders, and Hadrian's Wall is among the largest and finest of the relics they left behind on the island. However, as our authors urge, we should demand more intellectual depth from our monuments today. Not simply... Read More about Life of an Ancient Monument: Hadrian's Wall in History.

'That From A Long Way Off Look Like Farms': The Classification of Roman Rural Sites. (2012)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2012). 'That From A Long Way Off Look Like Farms': The Classification of Roman Rural Sites. In P. Attema, & G. Schörner (Eds.), Comparative Issues in the Archaeology of the Roman Rural Landscape. Site Classification Between Survey, Excavation and Historical Categories (11-30). Journal of Roman Archaeology

Double Dutch: two perspectives on the landscapes of first millennium BC Italy (2011)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (online). Double Dutch: two perspectives on the landscapes of first millennium BC Italy. Antiquity, 1476-1478.

TESSE D. STEK. Cult places and cultural change in Republican Italy: a contextual approach to religious aspects of rural society after the Roman conquest (Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 14). xii+263 pages, numerous illustrations. 2009. Amsterdam: Am... Read More about Double Dutch: two perspectives on the landscapes of first millennium BC Italy.

The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 2: Encountering Hadrian’s Wall (2010)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2010). The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 2: Encountering Hadrian’s Wall. Public Archaeology, 9(4), 211-238.

In 2003, the Hadrian's Wall National Trail was opened, providing a 135 km (84 mile) public footpath along the length of the Roman frontier from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway. Each year, thousands of visitors walk the Trail from end-to-end and many mo... Read More about The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 2: Encountering Hadrian’s Wall.

The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 1: Representing Hadrian’s Wall (2010)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2010). The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 1: Representing Hadrian’s Wall. Public Archaeology, 9(3), 126-152.

Hadrian’s Wall is one of the most instantly recognizable ancient monuments in the UK. This paper explores the historical and contemporary visualization practices which have created this iconic image. Moving between the disciplines of archaeology, cul... Read More about The Fabulous Tales of the Common People, Part 1: Representing Hadrian’s Wall.

Modelling the Agricultural Landscapes of Republican Italy (2010)
Book Chapter
Goodchild, H., & Witcher, R. (2010). Modelling the Agricultural Landscapes of Republican Italy. In J. Carlsen, & E. Lo Cascio (Eds.), Agricoltura e scambi nell’Italia tardo repubblicana (187-220). Edipuglia

In this paper, we review two recent models of Roman agriculture presented by Nathan Rosenstein and Paul Erdkamp. Firstly, we identify the similarities and differences between these models in terms of starting assumptions and variables, and evaluate t... Read More about Modelling the Agricultural Landscapes of Republican Italy.

Predictive Modelling of Roman Settlement in the Middle Tiber Valley (2010)
Journal Article
Kay, S., & Witcher, R. (2010). Predictive Modelling of Roman Settlement in the Middle Tiber Valley. Archeologia e calcolatori (Testo stampato), 20(2009), 277-290

This paper discusses the results of an inductive predictive modelling experiment on Roman settlement data from the middle Tiber valley, Italy. The study forms part of the British School at Rome’s Tiber Valley Project, which since its inception in 199... Read More about Predictive Modelling of Roman Settlement in the Middle Tiber Valley.

Archaeologies of Landscape. Excavating the Materialities of Hadrian's Wall (2010)
Journal Article
Witcher, R., Tolia-Kelly, D., & Hingley, R. (2010). Archaeologies of Landscape. Excavating the Materialities of Hadrian's Wall. Journal of Material Culture, 15(1), 105-128.

This article interrogates the materiality of Hadrian’s Wall beyond its widespread perception as a monument of/to Ancient Rome. Encounters with this monument have generated multitudinous materialities: hegemonic, conflicting and ambiguous. These traje... Read More about Archaeologies of Landscape. Excavating the Materialities of Hadrian's Wall.

The Villa of the Gordiani at the 3rd Mile of the Via Prenestina, Rome. Reassessment of a Roman and Medieval Site in the Suburbs of Rome (2009)
Journal Article
Leone, A., Palombi, D., Maiuro, M., Witcher, R., Howard, P., & Vallelonga, F. (2009). The Villa of the Gordiani at the 3rd Mile of the Via Prenestina, Rome. Reassessment of a Roman and Medieval Site in the Suburbs of Rome

This article presents the principal aims and the preliminary results of the Villa dei Gordiani project conducted during summer 2006. The research is jointly run by the University of Durham, Department of Archaeology and the University “La Sapienza” d... Read More about The Villa of the Gordiani at the 3rd Mile of the Via Prenestina, Rome. Reassessment of a Roman and Medieval Site in the Suburbs of Rome.

The Countryside (2009)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2009). The Countryside. In A. Erskine (Ed.), A companion to ancient history (462-473). Blackwell

This chapter introduces some key academic debates about the ancient countryside, with particular emphasis on economy, demography and representation. It draws on textual and archaeological evidence to consider some of the most prominent academic discu... Read More about The Countryside.

Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy (2008)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2008). Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy. In L. de Ligt, & S. Northwood (Eds.), People, land and politics : demographic developments and the transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC - AD 14 (273-303). Brill Academic Publishers

This article considers some of the key debates concerning the demography of Roman Italy from the perspective of archaeological field survey. First, it addresses the question of whether or not the results of survey archaeology reveal the supposed decl... Read More about Regional Field Survey and the Demography of Roman Italy.

(Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data (2008)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2008). (Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data. Internet Archaeology, 24,

Legacy data have always been important for Mediterranean archaeologists. Over the past decade, one specific category of legacy data, that deriving from regional survey, has become particularly important. Not only has the scale of research questions b... Read More about (Re)surveying Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: GIS and Legacy Survey Data.

The Tiber Valley Project: The Database and Geographical Information System (2008)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R., & Kay, S. (2008). The Tiber Valley Project: The Database and Geographical Information System. In F. Coarelli, & H. Patterson (Eds.), Mercator placidissimus : the Tiber Valley in antiquity : new research in the upper and middle river valley (417-429). QUASAR

This short contribution outlines the basic information technology at the heart of the Tiber valley project; the purpose of this article is to introduce the principles of the database and GIS and the methodologies followed. More detailed discussion of... Read More about The Tiber Valley Project: The Database and Geographical Information System.

The Middle Tiber Valley in the Imperial Period (2008)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2008). The Middle Tiber Valley in the Imperial Period. In F. Coarelli, & H. Patterson (Eds.), Mercator placidissimus : the Tiber Valley in antiquity : new research in the upper and middle river valley (467-486). QUASAR

This paper explores the settlement and economy of the middle Tiber valley during the early and mid imperial periods. Drawing on the results of the Tiber valley project, in particular the restudy of the South Etruria survey and more recent surveys and... Read More about The Middle Tiber Valley in the Imperial Period.

The Upper Simeto Valley Project: An Interim Report on the First Season (2007)
Book Chapter
Leone, A., Witcher, R., Privitera, F., & Spigo, U. (2007). The Upper Simeto Valley Project: An Interim Report on the First Season. In M. Fitzjohn (Ed.), Uplands of Ancient Sicily and Calabria : the archaeology of landscape revisited (49-58). Accordia Research Institute, University of London

This paper introduces a new survey project, located on the north-west flank of Etna, and presents the preliminary results of the first season of fieldwork (2006). The project research area includes the territories of the comuni of Bronte, Maletto and... Read More about The Upper Simeto Valley Project: An Interim Report on the First Season.

Settlement and Society in Early Imperial Etruria (2006)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2006). Settlement and Society in Early Imperial Etruria. The Journal of Roman Studies, 96, 88-123.

This paper compares the early imperial period results from thirty surveys in and around regio VII Etruria in order to identify similarities and differences of settlement, population and economy. Three sub-regional patterns are defined: the suburbium,... Read More about Settlement and Society in Early Imperial Etruria.

Broken Pots and Meaningless Dots? Surveying the Rural Landscapes of Roman Italy (2006)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2006). Broken Pots and Meaningless Dots? Surveying the Rural Landscapes of Roman Italy. Papers of the British School at Rome, 74, 39-72.

In this paper, I question why the rapid methodological development of field survey as a technique for the study of rural Roman Italy has not been accompanied by parallel developments in theoretical and interpretative frameworks. Field survey remains... Read More about Broken Pots and Meaningless Dots? Surveying the Rural Landscapes of Roman Italy.

Agrarian spaces in Roman Italy: society, economy and Mediterranean agriculture (2006)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2006). Agrarian spaces in Roman Italy: society, economy and Mediterranean agriculture. Arqueología espacial, 26, 341-359

This article aims to explore some of the wealth of evidence for the diversity of agrarian landscapes in Roman Italy. It takes as it starting point, several recent contributions to the debate about the history and ecology of the Mediterranean and Rome... Read More about Agrarian spaces in Roman Italy: society, economy and Mediterranean agriculture.

The Extended Metropolis: Urbs, Suburbium and Population (2005)
Journal Article
Witcher, R. (2005). The Extended Metropolis: Urbs, Suburbium and Population. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 18, 120-138

The relationship between Rome and its surrounding territory has long been a focus of historical and archaeological study and debate. This paper aims to add to this discussion in two specific ways. First, it questions and dismisses the pervasive dicho... Read More about The Extended Metropolis: Urbs, Suburbium and Population.

The Hinterlands of Rome: Settlement Diversity in the Early Imperial Landscape of Regio VII Etruria (2005)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2005). The Hinterlands of Rome: Settlement Diversity in the Early Imperial Landscape of Regio VII Etruria. In P. Attema, A. Nijboer, & A. Zifferero (Eds.), Papers in Italian archaeology VI : communities and settlements from the neolithic to the early medieval period (1045-1055). Archaeopress

Regional survey is revealing ever more diversity of rural settlement across Italy. This paper compares the early imperial period results from thirty surveys across the area of regio VII Etruria in order to identify similarities and differences. Three... Read More about The Hinterlands of Rome: Settlement Diversity in the Early Imperial Landscape of Regio VII Etruria.

The Tiber Valley Project: The Role of GIS and Databases in Field Survey Data Integration and Analysis (2005)
Journal Article
Kay, S., & Witcher, R. (2005). The Tiber Valley Project: The Role of GIS and Databases in Field Survey Data Integration and Analysis. Archeologia e calcolatori (Testo stampato), 16, 113-127

Information Technology is at the heart of the Tiber Valley Project, from the integration, storage and analysis of data, through project management to the visualization and dissemination of results. Here, some of the ongoing applications of this techn... Read More about The Tiber Valley Project: The Role of GIS and Databases in Field Survey Data Integration and Analysis.

Late Roman Common Wares and Amphorae in the Middle Tiber Valley. The Preliminary Results of the Tiber Valley Project (2004)
Book Chapter
Patterson, H., Bousquet, A., Fontana, S., Witcher, R., & Zampini, S. (2005). Late Roman Common Wares and Amphorae in the Middle Tiber Valley. The Preliminary Results of the Tiber Valley Project. In J. Gurt i Esparraguera, J. Buxeda i Garrigos, & M. Cau Ontiveros (Eds.), Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean : archaeology and archaeometry (369-384). Archaeopress

This paper discusses the ceramic evidence from survey and excavations in the middle Tiber valley during the 4th to 7th centuries AD and its significance for our understanding of settlement, production and distribution. The results derive from the Bri... Read More about Late Roman Common Wares and Amphorae in the Middle Tiber Valley. The Preliminary Results of the Tiber Valley Project.

Three South Etrurian Crises: First Results of the Tiber Valley Project (2004)
Journal Article
Patterson, H., Di Giuseppe, H., & Witcher, R. (2004). Three South Etrurian Crises: First Results of the Tiber Valley Project. Papers of the British School at Rome, 72, 1-37

This article is intended to provide a first report on some of the core results of the British School at Rome's Tiber Valley Project. We focus upon the results of the restudy of the South Etruria Survey material and explore how this allows us to re-ev... Read More about Three South Etrurian Crises: First Results of the Tiber Valley Project.

The Enhancement of the South Etruria Survey: Phase 1 (2004)
Book Chapter
Harrison, A., Rajala, U., Stoddart, S., Witcher, R., & Zubrow, E. (2004). The Enhancement of the South Etruria Survey: Phase 1. In H. Patterson (Ed.), Bridging the Tiber : approaches to regional archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley (29-35). British School at Rome

This paper gives an historical account of the first steps towards the computerization of the South Etruria survey data prior to the current Leverhulme project. Preliminary analysis of the quality of the data was undertaken, together with some prelimi... Read More about The Enhancement of the South Etruria Survey: Phase 1.

Progetto Tiber Valley. La Sabina e le due rive a confronto (2004)
Book Chapter
Patterson, H., Di Giuseppe, H., & Witcher, R. (2004). Progetto Tiber Valley. La Sabina e le due rive a confronto. In A. Guidi, & S. Ponchia (Eds.), Ricerche archeologiche in Italia e in Siria : atti delle Giornate di studio, Verona, 6-7 maggio 2002 (67-88). Sargon

An English translation of the section by R. Witcher: Central to the Tiber Valley Project has been the collation and integration of the results of over 100 years of landscape research and the development of new fieldwork projects to improve our unders... Read More about Progetto Tiber Valley. La Sabina e le due rive a confronto.

The Re-evaluation of the South Etruria Survey: The First Results from Veii (2004)
Book Chapter
Patterson, H., di Gennaro, F., Di Giuseppe, H., Fontana, S., Rendeli, M., Sansoni, M., …Witcher, R. (2004). The Re-evaluation of the South Etruria Survey: The First Results from Veii. In H. Patterson (Ed.), Bridging the Tiber : approaches to regional archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley (11-28). British School at Rome

The re-evaluation of the South Etruria survey carried out during the 1950s to ?70s is at the core of the British School at Rome?s Tiber Valley project. Since 1997, a team of fifteen ceramic specialists has been restudying the material collected by Jo... Read More about The Re-evaluation of the South Etruria Survey: The First Results from Veii.

Mapping the Roman World: The Contribution of Field Survey Data (2004)
Book Chapter
Mattingly, D., & Witcher, R. (2004). Mapping the Roman World: The Contribution of Field Survey Data. In S. Alcock, & J. Cherry (Eds.), Side-by-side survey : comparative regional studies in the Mediterranean world (173-186). Oxbow Books

The Sabinensis Ager Revisited: A Field Survey in the Sabina Tiberina (2002)
Journal Article
Di Giuseppe, H., Sansoni, M., Williams, J., & Witcher, R. (2002). The Sabinensis Ager Revisited: A Field Survey in the Sabina Tiberina. Papers of the British School at Rome, 70, 99-150

This paper presents the results of a small field survey in the Sabina Tiberina, to the southwest of the ancient town of Cures Sabini, north of Rome. The choice of study area and objectives respond to specific research problems identified by the Briti... Read More about The Sabinensis Ager Revisited: A Field Survey in the Sabina Tiberina.

The Tiber and Rome through Two Millennia (2002)
Book Chapter
Patterson, H., & Witcher, R. (2002). The Tiber and Rome through Two Millennia. In P. Attema, G. Burgers, E. van Joolen, M. van Leusen, & B. Mater (Eds.), New developments in italian landscape archaeology (87-90). Archaeopress

The Tiber Valley Project: The Tiber and Rome through Two Millennia (2000)
Journal Article
Patterson, H., di Gennaro, F., Di Giuseppe, H., Fontana, S., Gaffney, V., Harrison, A., …Witcher, R. (2000). The Tiber Valley Project: The Tiber and Rome through Two Millennia. Antiquity, 74(284), 395-403

In 1997 a new collaborative research project was initiated by the British School at Rome. This project draws on a variety of sources of archaeological information to explore the regional impact of the City of Rome throughout the period from 1000 BC t... Read More about The Tiber Valley Project: The Tiber and Rome through Two Millennia.

Globalisation and Roman Imperialism: Perspectives on Identities in Roman Italy (2000)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2000). Globalisation and Roman Imperialism: Perspectives on Identities in Roman Italy. In E. Herring, & K. Lomas (Eds.), The emergence of state identities in Italy in the first millennium BC (213-225). Accordia Research Institute, University of London

In the contemporary world we are increasingly aware of global processes which transcend the interests of individual nations and affect the population of the entire world. In spite of this shrinking globe, simultaneously we live in a world of fragment... Read More about Globalisation and Roman Imperialism: Perspectives on Identities in Roman Italy.

Epilogue. Modelling Roman agricultural production: people, pots and power (1999)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (2019). Epilogue. Modelling Roman agricultural production: people, pots and power. In J. Remesal Rodríguez, V. Revilla Calvo, D. Martín-Arroyo Sánchez, & A. Martín i Oliveras (Eds.), Paisajes productivos y redes comerciales en el Imperio Romano / Productive landscapes and trade networks in the Roman Empire (247-254). Universitat de Barcelona

GIS and Landscapes of Perception (1999)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (1999). GIS and Landscapes of Perception. In M. Gillings, D. Mattingly, & J. van Dalen (Eds.), Geographical information systems and landscape archaeology (13-22). Oxbow Books

Roman Roads: Phenomenological Perspectives on Roads in the Landscape (1998)
Book Chapter
Witcher, R. (1998). Roman Roads: Phenomenological Perspectives on Roads in the Landscape. In C. Forcey, J. Hawthorne, & R. Witcher (Eds.), TRAC 97 : proceedings of the Seventh Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, which formed part of the Second International Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Nottingham, April 1997 (60-70). Oxbow Books