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Success, survive or escape? aspirations and poverty traps (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Chivers, D. (2017). Success, survive or escape? aspirations and poverty traps

I present a model of occupational choice where an agent decides whether to invest in a project that yields risky returns or a project that yields safe returns. An agent’s utility is a¤ected by the presence of an aspiration level which will only be sa... Read More about Success, survive or escape? aspirations and poverty traps.

An analysis of contextual and other indicators of HE students for possible use in widening participation (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & Boliver, V. (2017). An analysis of contextual and other indicators of HE students for possible use in widening participation

This paper looks at the HESA statistics for all students at university at HEIs in England from 2008/9 to 2011/12, linked to the National Pupil Database (NPD), with records for all pupils in England who ended Key Stage 4 (KS4) in 2006.This limits the... Read More about An analysis of contextual and other indicators of HE students for possible use in widening participation.

Disapproval Aversion or Inflated Inequity Acceptance? The Impact of Expressing Emotions in Ultimatum Bargaining (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Chen, J. I., & Kamei, K. (2017). Disapproval Aversion or Inflated Inequity Acceptance? The Impact of Expressing Emotions in Ultimatum Bargaining

Past experimental research has shown that when rating systems are available, buyers are more generous in accepting unfair offers in ultimatum bargaining. But it at the same time suggests that sellers behave more fairly to avoid receiving negative fee... Read More about Disapproval Aversion or Inflated Inequity Acceptance? The Impact of Expressing Emotions in Ultimatum Bargaining.

Risk attitudes, sample selection and attrition in a longitudinal field experiment (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Harrison, G. W., Lau, M., & Yoo, H. I. (2017). Risk attitudes, sample selection and attrition in a longitudinal field experiment

Longitudinal experiments allow one to evaluate the temporal stability of latent preferences, but raise concerns about sample selection and attrition that may confound inferences about temporal stability. We evaluate the hypothesis of temporal stabili... Read More about Risk attitudes, sample selection and attrition in a longitudinal field experiment.

Unconditionally Optimal Ramsey policy (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Damjanovic, T., Damjanovic, V., & Nolan, C. (2017). Unconditionally Optimal Ramsey policy

We discuss a time invariant policy which delivers the unconditionally optimal outcomes in purely forward-looking models and Ramsey outcomes in purely backward-looking models. This policy is a product of interaction between two institutions with disti... Read More about Unconditionally Optimal Ramsey policy.

Landscapes of the Bashmur – Settlements and Monasteries in the Northern Egyptian Delta from the Seventh to the Ninth Century (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, P. (2017). Landscapes of the Bashmur – Settlements and Monasteries in the Northern Egyptian Delta from the Seventh to the Ninth Century. In H. Willems, & J. Dahms (Eds.), The Nile : natural and cultural landscapes in Egypt. Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 22 & 23 February 2013 (345-368).

Robust algorithms with polynomial loss for near-unanimity CSPs (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dalmau, V., Kozik, M., Krokhin, A., Makarychev, K., Makarychev, Y., & Oprsal, J. (2017). Robust algorithms with polynomial loss for near-unanimity CSPs. In P. N. Klein (Ed.), Proceedings of the twenty-eighth Annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (340-357).

An instance of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is given by a family of constraints on overlapping sets of variables, and the goal is to assign values from a fixed domain to the variables so that all constraints are satisfied. In the optimiz... Read More about Robust algorithms with polynomial loss for near-unanimity CSPs.

Varifocal virtuality: a novel optical layout for near-eye display (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aksit, K., Ng, R., Banks, M. S., Love, G. D., Lopes, W., Kim, J., …Srinivasan, P. (2017). Varifocal virtuality: a novel optical layout for near-eye display. In SIGGRAPH '17 Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 30-August 03, 2017.

Augmented reality (AR) has recently gained momentum in the form of a variety of available optical see-through near-eye displays (NEDs) such as the Meta 2and the Microsoft Hololens. These devices are a big step forward towards Sutherland's vision of a... Read More about Varifocal virtuality: a novel optical layout for near-eye display.

Con fidence intervals for posterior intercepts, with application to the PIAAC literacy survey (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Einbeck, J., Gray, E., Sofroniou, N., Marques da Silva Junior, A., & Gledhill, J. (2017). Con fidence intervals for posterior intercepts, with application to the PIAAC literacy survey. In M. Grzegorczyk, & G. Ceoldo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling : Groningen, Netherlands, 3-7 July, 2017 (217-222)

For variance component models, it is often the posterior estimate of the random effect (‘posterior intercept’) rather than the estimate of the fixed effect parameters, which is of main interest. This is the case, for instance, when ranking region–wis... Read More about Con fidence intervals for posterior intercepts, with application to the PIAAC literacy survey.

Representations of GL_N over finite local principal ideal rings: an overview (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stasinski, A. (2017). Representations of GL_N over finite local principal ideal rings: an overview. In F. Brumley, M. P. Gómez Aparicio, & A. Mínguez (Eds.), Around Langlands correspondences : international conference on around Langlands correspondences, June 17-20, 2015, Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France ; proceedings (337-358).

We give a survey of the representation theory of GLN over finite local principal ideal rings via Clifford theory, with an emphasis on the construction of regular representations. We review results of Shintani and Hill, and the generalisation of Takas... Read More about Representations of GL_N over finite local principal ideal rings: an overview.

Flavour symmetric connections with CLFV (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhou, Y., Lodovico, F. D., Pascoli, S., & Ballett, P. (2017). Flavour symmetric connections with CLFV. In Proceedings, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (NuPhys2016) : London, UK, December 12-14, 2016

Flavons are crucial for understanding lepton mixing in models with non-Abelian discrete symmetries. They also result in charged lepton flavour violation (CLFV) via the couplings with leptons. I emphasise that the flavon-triggered CLFV succeeds strong... Read More about Flavour symmetric connections with CLFV.

Creating the Baryon Asymmetry from Lepto-Bubbles (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pascoli, S., Turner, J., Zhou, Y., Lodovico, F. D., Pascoli, S., & Ballett, P. (2017). Creating the Baryon Asymmetry from Lepto-Bubbles. In Proceedings, Prospects in Neutrino Physics (NuPhys2016) : London, UK, December 12-14, 2016

We propose a new mechanism of baryogenesis which proceeds via a CP-violating phase transition. During this phase transition, the coupling of the Weinberg operator is dynamically realised and subsequently a lepton asymmetry is generated via the non-ze... Read More about Creating the Baryon Asymmetry from Lepto-Bubbles.

International students as curriculum advisers for academic writing courses: staff-student partnerships in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Edwards, T., Şahan, K. C., Melsen, M., Tawell, A., Newell, K., & Wortmann, K. (2017). International students as curriculum advisers for academic writing courses: staff-student partnerships in English for Academic Purposes (EAP). In Doing education differently : proceedings of the 2017 STORIES conference (36-42)

A non-parametric Bayesian prior for causal inference of auditory streaming (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yates, T., Larigaldie, N., & Beierholm, U. (2017). A non-parametric Bayesian prior for causal inference of auditory streaming. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. . J. Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (1381-1386).

traditionally been modeled using a mechanistic approach. The problem however is essentially one of source inference – a problem that has recently been tackled using statistical Bayesian models in visual and auditory-visual modalities. Usually the mod... Read More about A non-parametric Bayesian prior for causal inference of auditory streaming.

Encrypted accelerated least squares regression (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Esperança, P., Aslett, L., & Holmes, C. (2017). Encrypted accelerated least squares regression. In A. Singh, & J. Zhu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 54 (334-343)

Information that is stored in an encrypted format is, by definition, usually not amenable to statistical analysis or machine learning methods. In this paper we present detailed analysis of coordinate and accelerated gradient descent algorithms which... Read More about Encrypted accelerated least squares regression.

Independent Feedback Vertex Set for P5-free Graphs (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bonamy, M., Dabrowski, K. K., Feghali, C., Johnson, M., & Paulusma, D. (2017). Independent Feedback Vertex Set for P5-free Graphs. In Y. Okamoto, & T. Tokuyama (Eds.), 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2017) ; proceedings (16:1-16:12).

The NP-complete problem Feedback Vertex Set is to decide if it is possible, for a given integer k ≥ 0, to delete at most k vertices from a given graph so that what remains is a forest. The variant in which the deleted vertices must form an independen... Read More about Independent Feedback Vertex Set for P5-free Graphs.

Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bardou, L., Gendron, E., Rousset, G., Gratadour, D., Basden, A. G., Bonaccini, D., …Reyes Garcia-Talavera, M. (2017). Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS. In Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5 (AO4ELT5) : Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, June 25-30, 2017.

We present on-sky results of wavefront sensing on an elongated LGS. These results are derived from observations made with the multi-object AO demonstrator CANARY on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma. The laser guide star is produced us... Read More about Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS.

Reducing the Field of View in Correlating Wavefront Sensors for Solar Adaptive Optics (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Townson, M. J., & Saunter, C. D. (2017). Reducing the Field of View in Correlating Wavefront Sensors for Solar Adaptive Optics. In Proceedings of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5 (AO4ELT5) : Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, June 25-30, 2017.

Wavefront sensing for solar adaptive optics currently requires the use of extended-field Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors. Such wavefront sensors suffer from a reduced sensitivity to high altitude turbulence due effects of measuring wavefront gradien... Read More about Reducing the Field of View in Correlating Wavefront Sensors for Solar Adaptive Optics.