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Intersectionality, critical race theory and American sporting oppression: Examining black and gay male athletes (2010)
Journal Article
Anderson, E., & McCormack, M. (2010). Intersectionality, critical race theory and American sporting oppression: Examining black and gay male athletes. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(8), 949-967.

This article examines the influence of the racial categories of White and Black and the sexual categories of gay and straight on sporting American men. The effect of the intersection of these cultural categories is discussed by investigating the excl... Read More about Intersectionality, critical race theory and American sporting oppression: Examining black and gay male athletes.

Fluctuation power spectra reveal dynamical heterogeneity of peptides (2010)
Journal Article
Khatri, B., Yew, Z. T., Krivov, S., McLeish, T., & Paci, E. (2010). Fluctuation power spectra reveal dynamical heterogeneity of peptides. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 133(1), Article 015101.

Characterizing the conformational properties and dynamics of biopolymers and their relation to biological activity and function is an ongoing challenge. Single molecule techniques have provided a rich experimental window on these properties, yet they... Read More about Fluctuation power spectra reveal dynamical heterogeneity of peptides.

‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel? (2010)
Journal Article
Heath, J. (2010). ‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel?. New Testament Studies, 56(4), 513-535.

Far from being the banality suggested by commentators, John's use of the vocabulary of ‘goodness’ for Jesus (ἀγαθός and καλός) is christologically significant. It points to Jesus' unity with God. The Johannine treatment of Jesus' ‘goodness’ and inter... Read More about ‘Some were saying, “He is good”’ (John 7.12b): ‘Good’ Christology in John's Gospel?.

Performing academic practice: using the master class to build postgraduate discursive competences (2010)
Journal Article
Bærenholdt, J., Gregson, N., Everts, J., Granas, B., & Healey, R. (2010). Performing academic practice: using the master class to build postgraduate discursive competences. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 34(2), 283-298.

How can we find ways of training PhD students in academic practices, while reflexively analysing how academic practices are performed? The paper's answer to this question is based on evaluations from a British–Nordic master class. The paper discusses... Read More about Performing academic practice: using the master class to build postgraduate discursive competences.

Castes of genes? Representing human genetic diversity in India (2010)
Journal Article
Egorova, Y. (2010). Castes of genes? Representing human genetic diversity in India. Genomics, society and policy, 6(3), 32-49.

This paper explores the historical and social context of population genetic research conducted in India by focusing on a study by Reich et al which aimed to reconstruct Indian population history. The paper addresses two themes. First, it considers th... Read More about Castes of genes? Representing human genetic diversity in India.

Planar dynamical systems with pure Lebesgue diffraction spectrum (2010)
Journal Article
Baake, M., & Ward, T. (2010). Planar dynamical systems with pure Lebesgue diffraction spectrum. Journal of Statistical Physics, 140(1), 90-102.

We examine the diffraction properties of lattice dynamical systems of algebraic origin. It is well-known that diverse dynamical properties occur within this class. These include different orders of mixing (or higher-order correlations), the presence... Read More about Planar dynamical systems with pure Lebesgue diffraction spectrum.

Dirichlet series for finite combinatorial rank dynamics (2010)
Journal Article
Everest, G., Miles, R., Stevens, S., & Ward, T. (2010). Dirichlet series for finite combinatorial rank dynamics. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 362(01), 199-227.

We introduce a class of group endomorphisms -- those of finite combinatorial rank -- exhibiting slow orbit growth. An associated Dirichlet series is used to obtain an exact orbit counting formula, and in the connected case this series is shown to hav... Read More about Dirichlet series for finite combinatorial rank dynamics.

The RASS-6dFGS catalogue: a sample of X-ray selected AGN from the 6dF Galaxy Survey (2010)
Journal Article
Mahony, E., Croom, S., Boyle, B., Edge, A., Mauch, T., & Sadler, E. (2010). The RASS-6dFGS catalogue: a sample of X-ray selected AGN from the 6dF Galaxy Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(2), 1151-1165.

We present a catalogue of 3405 X-ray sources from the ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) Bright Source Catalogue which fall within the area covered by the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). The catalogue is count-rate limited at 0.05 cts s−1 in the X-ray and covers... Read More about The RASS-6dFGS catalogue: a sample of X-ray selected AGN from the 6dF Galaxy Survey.

Pixel-based correction for Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys (2010)
Journal Article
Massey, R., Stoughton, C., Leauthaud, A., Rhodes, J., Koekemoer, A., Ellis, R., & Shaghoulian, E. (2010). Pixel-based correction for Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 401(1), 371-384.

Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) due to radiation damage above the Earth's atmosphere creates spurious trailing in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. Radiation damage also creates unrelated warm pixels – but these happen to be perfect for measuri... Read More about Pixel-based correction for Charge Transfer Inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys.

On cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings (2010)
Journal Article
Aubert, A., Onn, U., Prasad, A., & Stasinski, A. (2010). On cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 175(1), 391-420.

We define a new notion of cuspidality for representations of GL n over a finite quotient o k of the ring of integers o of a non-Archimedean local field F using geometric and infinitesimal induction functors, which involve automorphism groups G λ of t... Read More about On cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings.

Managing dyspeptic symptoms (2010)
Journal Article
Husband, A., & Bailey, A. (2010). Managing dyspeptic symptoms. The British journal of clinical pharmacy, 2(1), 17-18

Rights, Security and Conflicting International Obligations: Exploring Inter-Jurisdictional Judicial Dialogues in Europe' (2010)
Journal Article
de Londras, F., & Kingston, S. (2010). Rights, Security and Conflicting International Obligations: Exploring Inter-Jurisdictional Judicial Dialogues in Europe'. The American Journal of Comparative Law, 58(2), 359-413.

The European Court of Justice's decision in Kadi & Al Barakaat has frequently been condemned as a missed opportunity for the Court to engage in a wider international debate about how states' multiple layers of obligation relate to one another. In thi... Read More about Rights, Security and Conflicting International Obligations: Exploring Inter-Jurisdictional Judicial Dialogues in Europe'.

Reactions of ultracold alkali-metal dimers (2010)
Journal Article
Zuchowski, P. S., & Hutson, J. M. (2010). Reactions of ultracold alkali-metal dimers. Physical Review A, 81(6), Article 060703.

We investigate the energetics of reactions involving pairs of alkali-metal dimers. Atom exchange reactions to form homonuclear dimers are energetically allowed for some but not all of the heteronuclear dimers. We carry out high-level electronic struc... Read More about Reactions of ultracold alkali-metal dimers.

Angular asymptotics for multi-dimensional non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero drift (2010)
Journal Article
MacPhee, I. M., Menshikov, M. V., & Wade, A. R. (2010). Angular asymptotics for multi-dimensional non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero drift. Markov processes and related fields, 16(2), 351-388

We study the first exit time $\tau$ from an arbitrary cone with apex at the origin by a non-homogeneous random walk (Markov chain) on $\Z^d$ ($d \geq 2$) with mean drift that is asymptotically zero. Specifically, if the mean drift at $\bx \in \Z^d$ i... Read More about Angular asymptotics for multi-dimensional non-homogeneous random walks with asymptotically zero drift.

The Philosophical Implications of Russian Conceptualism (2010)
Journal Article
Epstein, M. (2010). The Philosophical Implications of Russian Conceptualism. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 1(1), 64-71.

The formation of Russian postmodernist thought can be traced to the theoretical works of Andrei Siniavsky, in particular to his treatise “On Socialist Realism” (1959). Instead of praising socialist realism as the “truthful reflection of life” (as did... Read More about The Philosophical Implications of Russian Conceptualism.