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Führung im Ideenmanagement - Der Zusammenhang zwischen transformationaler Führung und dem individuellen Engagement im Ideenmanagement (Leadership in idea management: The correlation between transformational leadership and personal effort in idea management) (2005)
Journal Article
Pundt, A., & Schyns, B. (2005). Führung im Ideenmanagement - Der Zusammenhang zwischen transformationaler Führung und dem individuellen Engagement im Ideenmanagement (Leadership in idea management: The correlation between transformational leadership and personal effort in idea management). Journal of Personnel Psychology, 4(2), 55-65.

Psychologische Bedingungen für den Erfolg des Ideenmanagements wurden bislang kaum empirisch untersucht. Sowohl aus theoretischer wie auch aus praktischer Sicht wird dem Faktor Führung diesbezüglich eine wichtige Rolle zugeschrieben. In dieser Studie... Read More about Führung im Ideenmanagement - Der Zusammenhang zwischen transformationaler Führung und dem individuellen Engagement im Ideenmanagement (Leadership in idea management: The correlation between transformational leadership and personal effort in idea management).

Dispersal, eviction, and conflict in meerkats (Suricata suricatta): An evolutionarily stable strategy model (2005)
Journal Article
Stephens, P., Russell, A., Young, A., Sutherland, W., & Clutton-Brock, T. (2005). Dispersal, eviction, and conflict in meerkats (Suricata suricatta): An evolutionarily stable strategy model. The American Naturalist, 165(1), 120-135.

Decisions regarding immigration and emigration are crucial to understanding group dynamics in social animals, but dispersal is rarely treated in models of optimal behavior. We developed a model of evolutionarily stable dispersal and eviction strategi... Read More about Dispersal, eviction, and conflict in meerkats (Suricata suricatta): An evolutionarily stable strategy model.

APPNA SEHAT: A description of the development of a health education programme in rural Pakistan (2005)
Journal Article
Khalil, M., Ayub, M., Naeem, F., Irfan, M., Rehman, S., Bacha, S., …Ashraf, N. (2005). APPNA SEHAT: A description of the development of a health education programme in rural Pakistan. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 43(4), 137-144.

Background Pakistan is a developing country with a high rate of mortality and morbidity. The rates of infant and maternal mortality are higher than some other countries in the region with a similar level of income. The APPNA SEHAT programme focused o... Read More about APPNA SEHAT: A description of the development of a health education programme in rural Pakistan.

Tales of the unexpected? Stirring things up in health care management (2005)
Journal Article
Learmonth, M. (2005). Tales of the unexpected? Stirring things up in health care management. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 19(3), 181-188.

Purpose – Received wisdom about management and leadership in health care takes it for granted that better management is, by definition, a good thing. Aims to raise some doubts about this received wisdom and suggest that perhaps better management may... Read More about Tales of the unexpected? Stirring things up in health care management.

数字时代的中国研究图书馆资源 = Chinese Studies Research Libraries in the Digital Age (2005)
Journal Article
Sunuodula, M. (2005). 数字时代的中国研究图书馆资源 = Chinese Studies Research Libraries in the Digital Age. Guowai shehui kexue, 2005(4), 66-69

中国目前至少有3家主要的电子图书商和4家电子期服务商提供约80%的大学核心连续出版物和上百万种中文图书的全文检索,这个数量为1949年中华人民共和国建国以来所出版专著数量的2/3以上。目前存在的一些技术和商业方面的困难妨碍了西方图书馆提供这些文献的检索服务。如... Read More about 数字时代的中国研究图书馆资源 = Chinese Studies Research Libraries in the Digital Age.

Interventions for preventing obesity in children (2005)
Journal Article
Summerbell, C., Waters, E., Edmunds, L., Kelly, S., Brown, T., & Campbell, K. (2005). Interventions for preventing obesity in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3,

Background Obesity prevention is an international public health priority. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing in child populations throughout the world, impacting on short and long-term health. Obesity prevention strategies for chi... Read More about Interventions for preventing obesity in children.

OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution? (2005)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2005). OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution?. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 5(2), 234-251.

This article describes some of the recent and profound changes witnessed in OEM-supplier relations in the auto industry. It considers different perspectives on the reasons for such change. A key question in analysis of the evolving supplier-OEM nexus... Read More about OEM-supplier relations in the global auto and components industry: is there a business revolution?.

Exploring gender differences in leaders' occupational self-efficacy (2005)
Journal Article
Schyns, B., & Sanders, K. (2005). Exploring gender differences in leaders' occupational self-efficacy. Women in management review (1992), 20(7), 513-523.

Purpose – This study focuses on gender differences in the relationship between transformational leadership and leader's occupational self-efficacy. The aim is to explain how female and male leaders develop their self-efficacy. This knowledge is impor... Read More about Exploring gender differences in leaders' occupational self-efficacy.

Psychiatric problems in an Afghan village (2005)
Journal Article
Mufti, K., Naeem, F., Ayub, M., Saifi, F., Haroon, A., Dagarwal, S., & Kingdon, D. (2005). Psychiatric problems in an Afghan village. Journal of Ayub Medical College, 17(3), 19-20

Background: The rates of psychiatric disorders might be very high in Afghanistan. The country has faced many years of war and violence and therefore this is hardly surprising. We are describing the results of a community survey conducted by clinician... Read More about Psychiatric problems in an Afghan village.

Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests (2005)
Journal Article
Beckmann, J., & Beckmann, N. (2005). Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests. Psychologische Beiträge (Lengerich), 47(2), 262-278

In an experimental study, a set of 12 number series problems with open-answer format had to be solved by a sample of 120 eighth and ninth graders randomly assigned to one of two test conditions (standard condition: no feedback; feedback condition: co... Read More about Effects of feedback on performance and response latencies in untimed reasoning tests.

China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform? (2005)
Journal Article
Sutherland, D. (2005). China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform?. Asia Pacific Business Review, 11(1), 83-104.

Over a decade ago China launched a large-scale programme to develop science parks with on site business incubators. A major goal of this project was to redesign the economic architecture by creating institutions that would greatly improve the nation'... Read More about China’s science parks: production bases or a tool for institutional reform?.

Isomorphism rigidity in entropy rank two (2005)
Journal Article
Einsiedler, M., & Ward, T. (2005). Isomorphism rigidity in entropy rank two. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 147(1), 269-284.

We study the rigidity properties of a class of algebraic Z^3-actions with entropy rank two. For this class, conditions are found which force an invariant measure to be the Haar measure on an affine subset. This is applied to show isomorphism rigidity... Read More about Isomorphism rigidity in entropy rank two.

‘It's Not for Lazy Students like Me …' (2005)
Journal Article
Mitchell, J., Smith, J., & Kenyon, A. (2005). ‘It's Not for Lazy Students like Me …'. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 42(1), 41-51.

This paper details development of problem-based learning in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at UCL, including opportunities and challenges in implementation experienced as the ‘pitfalls of the pilot’ with regard to issues in s... Read More about ‘It's Not for Lazy Students like Me …'.