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On Special L-Values Attached to Siegel Modular Forms (2014)
Book Chapter
Bouganis, A. (2014). On Special L-Values Attached to Siegel Modular Forms. In A. Bouganis, & O. Venjakob (Eds.), Iwasawa theory 2012 : state of the art and recent advances (135-176). Springer Verlag.

In his admirable book “Arithmeticity in the Theory of Automorphic Forms” Shimura establishes various algebraicity results concerning special values of Siegel modular forms. These results are all stated over an algebraic closure of Q . In this article... Read More about On Special L-Values Attached to Siegel Modular Forms.

Guaranteed resonance enclosures and exclosures for atoms and molecules (2014)
Journal Article
Boegli, S., Brown, B. M., Marletta, M., Tretter, C., & Wagenhofer, M. (2014). Guaranteed resonance enclosures and exclosures for atoms and molecules. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 470(2171),

In this paper, we confirm, with absolute certainty, a conjecture on a certain oscillatory behaviour of higher auto-ionizing resonances of atoms and molecules beyond a threshold. These results not only definitely settle a more than 30 year old controv... Read More about Guaranteed resonance enclosures and exclosures for atoms and molecules.

Scattering amplitudes in Lifshitz spacetime (2014)
Journal Article
Andrade, T., Ross, S. F., & Lei, Y. (2014). Scattering amplitudes in Lifshitz spacetime. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(21), Article 215002.

We consider the calculation of scattering amplitudes in field theories dual to Lifshitz spacetimes. These amplitudes provide an interesting probe of the IR structure of the field theory; our aim is to use them to explore the observable consequences o... Read More about Scattering amplitudes in Lifshitz spacetime.

Multiwell Deconvolution (2014)
Journal Article
Cumming, J., Wooff, D., Whittle, T., & Gringarten, A. (2014). Multiwell Deconvolution. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 17(04), 457-465.

In well-test analysis, deconvolution is used to transform variablerate-pressure data into a single constant-rate drawdown suitable for interpretation. It is becoming part of a standard workflow for exploration and appraisal well-test analyses and in... Read More about Multiwell Deconvolution.

Delayed self-regulation and time-dependent chemical drive leads to novel states in epigenetic landscapes (2014)
Journal Article
Mitra, M., Taylor, P., Hutchison, C., McLeish, T., & Chakrabarti, B. (2014). Delayed self-regulation and time-dependent chemical drive leads to novel states in epigenetic landscapes. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 11(100),

The epigenetic pathway of a cell as it differentiates from a stem cell state to a mature lineage-committed one has been historically understood in terms of Waddington's landscape, consisting of hills and valleys. The smooth top and valley-strewn bott... Read More about Delayed self-regulation and time-dependent chemical drive leads to novel states in epigenetic landscapes.

Estimating a Path through a Map of Decision Making (2014)
Journal Article
Brock, W., Bentley, R., O'Brien, M., & Caiado, C. (2014). Estimating a Path through a Map of Decision Making. PLoS ONE, 9(11), Article e111022.

Studies of the evolution of collective behavior consider the payoffs of individual versus social learning. We have previously proposed that the relative magnitude of social versus individual learning could be compared against the transparency of payo... Read More about Estimating a Path through a Map of Decision Making.

A Bayesian shifting method for uncertainty in the open-hole gamma-ray log around casing points (2014)
Journal Article
Oughton, R. H., Wooff, D. A., & O'Connor, S. A. (2014). A Bayesian shifting method for uncertainty in the open-hole gamma-ray log around casing points. Petroleum Geoscience, 20(4), 375-391.

The wireline gamma-ray log is sensitive to open-hole conditions and, in particular, the diameter. This means that the log can jump at casing points. Although environmental corrections exist, they can fail at these points. We present a Bayesian method... Read More about A Bayesian shifting method for uncertainty in the open-hole gamma-ray log around casing points.

Quantum Channels in Quantum Gravity (2014)
Journal Article
Rangamani, M., & Rota, M. (2014). Quantum Channels in Quantum Gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 23(12), Article 1442009-1.

The black hole final state proposal implements manifest unitarity in the process of black hole formation and evaporation in quantum gravity, by postulating a unique final state boundary condition at the singularity. We argue that this proposal can be... Read More about Quantum Channels in Quantum Gravity.

A complete topological invariant for braided magnetic fields (2014)
Journal Article
Yeates, A., & Hornig, G. (2014). A complete topological invariant for braided magnetic fields. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 544(1), Article 012002.

A topological flux function is introduced to quantify the topology of magnetic braids: non-zero line-tied magnetic fields whose field lines all connect between two boundaries. This scalar function is an ideal invariant defined on a cross-section of t... Read More about A complete topological invariant for braided magnetic fields.

Computing a configuration skeleton for motion planning of two round robots on a metric graph (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurlin, V., & Safi-Samghabadi, M. (2014). Computing a configuration skeleton for motion planning of two round robots on a metric graph. In International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics Conference (ICROM 2014) : digest book : October 15-17, 2014, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University, Tehran, Iran (723-729).

A connected metric graph G with n vertices and without loops and multiple edges is given as an n × n-matrix whose entry aij is the length of a single edge between vertices i ≠ j. A robot in the metric graph G is the metric ball with a center x ϵ G an... Read More about Computing a configuration skeleton for motion planning of two round robots on a metric graph.

A specious unlinking strategy (2014)
Journal Article
Friedl, S., Nagel, M., & Powell, M. (2014). A specious unlinking strategy. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 69(2), 207-210.

We show that the following unlinking strategy does not always yield an optimal sequence of crossing changes: first split the link with the minimal number of crossing changes, and then unknot the resulting components.

Multi-way dual Cheeger constants and spectral bounds of graphs (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, S. (2015). Multi-way dual Cheeger constants and spectral bounds of graphs. Advances in Mathematics, 268, 306-338.

We introduce a set of multi-way dual Cheeger constants and prove universal higher-order dual Cheeger inequalities for eigenvalues of normalized Laplace operators on weighted finite graphs. Our proof proposes a new spectral clustering phenomenon deduc... Read More about Multi-way dual Cheeger constants and spectral bounds of graphs.

Comments on Entanglement Negativity in Holographic Field Theories (2014)
Journal Article
Rangamani, M., & Rota, M. (2014). Comments on Entanglement Negativity in Holographic Field Theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), Article 60.

We explore entanglement negativity, a measure of the distillable entanglement contained in a quantum state, in relativistic field theories in various dimensions. We first give a general overview of negativity and its properties and then explain a wel... Read More about Comments on Entanglement Negativity in Holographic Field Theories.

Nonconcordant links with homology cobordant zero-framed surgery manifolds (2014)
Journal Article
Cha, J. C., & Powell, M. (2014). Nonconcordant links with homology cobordant zero-framed surgery manifolds. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 272(1), 1-33.

We use topological surgery in dimension four to give sufficient conditions for the zero framed surgery manifold of a 3-component link to be homology cobordant to the 3-torus, which arises from zero framed surgery on the Borromean rings, via a topolog... Read More about Nonconcordant links with homology cobordant zero-framed surgery manifolds.

The superconformal index and an elliptic algebra of surface defects (2014)
Journal Article
Bullimore, M., Fluder, M., Hollands, L., & Richmond, P. (2014). The superconformal index and an elliptic algebra of surface defects. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), Article 062.

In this paper we continue the study of the superconformal index of four-dimensional N =2 theories of class S in the presence of surface defects. Our main result is the construction of an algebra of difference operators, whose elements are labeled by... Read More about The superconformal index and an elliptic algebra of surface defects.

Shrinking of toroidal decomposition spaces (2014)
Journal Article
Kasprowski, D., & Powell, M. (2014). Shrinking of toroidal decomposition spaces. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 227(3), 271-296.

Given a sequence of oriented links L^1,L^2,L^3,... each of which has a distinguished, unknotted component, there is a decomposition of the 3-sphere naturally associated to it, which is constructed as the components of the intersection of an infinite... Read More about Shrinking of toroidal decomposition spaces.

Mass-deformed brane tilings (2014)
Journal Article
Bianchi, M., Cremonesi, S., Hanany, A., Morales, J. F., Ricci Pacifici, D., & Seong, R. (2014). Mass-deformed brane tilings. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(10), Article 027.

We study renormalization group flows among N=1N=1 SCFTs realized on the worldvolume of D3-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau singularities, thus admitting a brane tiling description. The flows are triggered by masses for adjoint or vector-like pairs of... Read More about Mass-deformed brane tilings.

On the Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process with linear model of coregionalization (2014)
Journal Article
Konomi, B., Karagiannis, G., & Lin, G. (2015). On the Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process with linear model of coregionalization. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 157-158, 1-15.

The Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process (BTMGP) and Bayesian treed Gaussian process (BTGP) provide straightforward mechanisms for emulating non-stationary multivariate computer codes that alleviate computational demands by fitting models loc... Read More about On the Bayesian treed multivariate Gaussian process with linear model of coregionalization.