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Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation (2024)
Journal Article
Kuzemko, C., Blondeel, M., Bradshaw, M., Bridge, G., Faigen, E., & Fletcher, L. (2024). Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation. Geopolitics, 1-35.

We are in the midst of a global energy system transformation (GEST) which is rewiring the world economy, opening new axes of political contestation, and revolutionising the energetic basis of human civilisation. Energy geopolitics has not yet reconci... Read More about Rethinking Energy Geopolitics: Towards a Geopolitical Economy of Global Energy Transformation.

World cities under conditions of digitization and platform capitalism: Updating the advanced producer services complex (2024)
Journal Article
Bassens, D., Hendrikse, R., Lai, K. P., & van Meeteren, M. (2024). World cities under conditions of digitization and platform capitalism: Updating the advanced producer services complex. Geoforum, 152, Article 104021.

This themed issue showcases contributions that study how processes of digitization and platformization are reshaping the intermediary role and operations of advanced producer services (APS). It places these alterations against the backdrop of earlier... Read More about World cities under conditions of digitization and platform capitalism: Updating the advanced producer services complex.

Making a U-turn on the Purfleet Interchange: Stone Tool Technology in Marine Isotope Stage 9 Britain and the Emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in Europe (2024)
Journal Article
White, M., Rawlinson, A., Foulds, F., Dale, L., Davis, R., Bridgland, D., Shipton, C., & Ashton, N. (2024). Making a U-turn on the Purfleet Interchange: Stone Tool Technology in Marine Isotope Stage 9 Britain and the Emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in Europe. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 7(1), Article 13.

This paper re-examines earlier Palaeolithic core technology from British sites assigned to MIS 11, 9, and 7 using primarily a châine opératoire approach, with the objective of better understanding the earliest occurrence and distribution of Levallois... Read More about Making a U-turn on the Purfleet Interchange: Stone Tool Technology in Marine Isotope Stage 9 Britain and the Emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in Europe.

The Quaternary sequence of the Nahr el Kebir, NW Syria: An important repository for evidence of Palaeolithic occupation and landscape evolution in the eastern Mediterranean (2024)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D. R., Shaw, A. D., Westaway, R., Daoud, M., & Romieh, M. A. (2024). The Quaternary sequence of the Nahr el Kebir, NW Syria: An important repository for evidence of Palaeolithic occupation and landscape evolution in the eastern Mediterranean. Geomorphology, 458, Article 109229.

The third largest river in Syria, the Nahr el Kebir has a well-preserved record of river-terrace deposits that have produced substantial Palaeolithic artefact assemblages both from within the terrace deposits and from the land surfaces above and arou... Read More about The Quaternary sequence of the Nahr el Kebir, NW Syria: An important repository for evidence of Palaeolithic occupation and landscape evolution in the eastern Mediterranean.

Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow (2024)
Journal Article
Carter, C. M., Bentley, M. J., Jamieson, S. S. R., Paxman, G. J. G., Jordan, T. A., Bodart, J. A., …Napoleoni, F. (2024). Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow. The Cryosphere, 18(5), 2277-2296.

The subglacial landscape of Antarctica records and influences the behaviour of its overlying ice sheet. However, in many places, the evolution of the landscape and its control on ice sheet behaviour have not been investigated in detail. Using recentl... Read More about Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow.

Cultures of labour: aspiration, developmental futures and the materiality of memory after Chinese economic reform (2024)
Journal Article
Berlin, S. (2024). Cultures of labour: aspiration, developmental futures and the materiality of memory after Chinese economic reform. Social and Cultural Geography,

This article argues for attention to the affective investments that motivate working people’s life choices in contemporary China by tracing the materiality of the development of aspirations in a rapidly developing context. Turning to the work of Bern... Read More about Cultures of labour: aspiration, developmental futures and the materiality of memory after Chinese economic reform.

“You cannot really live (or die) here” – Ongoing struggles over Muslim cemeteries in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957–2020 (2024)
Journal Article
Huss, M., & Margalit, T. (2024). “You cannot really live (or die) here” – Ongoing struggles over Muslim cemeteries in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957–2020. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,

The article examines the Muslim community’s struggle to maintain their cemeteries in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, and highlights a broader geo-temporal interpretation of the indigenous right-to-the-city. We analyse a succession of mobilizations against sales and... Read More about “You cannot really live (or die) here” – Ongoing struggles over Muslim cemeteries in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957–2020.

Walking tours as transcultural memory activism: Referencing memories of trauma and migration to redefine urban belonging (2024)
Journal Article
Huss, M. (online). Walking tours as transcultural memory activism: Referencing memories of trauma and migration to redefine urban belonging. Memory Studies, 1-19.

This article maps two grids of city walking tours, conceptualizing them as expressions of transcultural memory activism. The first are walking tours in Berlin, guided by Syrian refugees, which use memorials of local traumatic history to testify to th... Read More about Walking tours as transcultural memory activism: Referencing memories of trauma and migration to redefine urban belonging.

Improving predictions of critical shear stress in gravel bed rivers: Identifying the onset of sediment transport and quantifying sediment structure (2024)
Journal Article
Hodge, R. A., Voepel, H. E., Yager, E. M., Leyland, J., Johnson, J. P. L., Sear, D. A., & Ahmed, S. (2024). Improving predictions of critical shear stress in gravel bed rivers: Identifying the onset of sediment transport and quantifying sediment structure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(8), 2517-2537.

Understanding when gravel moves in river beds is essential for a range of different applications but is still surprisingly hard to predict. Here we consider how our ability to predict critical shear stress (τ c ) is being improved by recent advances... Read More about Improving predictions of critical shear stress in gravel bed rivers: Identifying the onset of sediment transport and quantifying sediment structure.

Geologic Provinces Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Constrained by Geophysical Data Synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
MacGregor, J. A., Colgan, W. T., Paxman, G. J. G., Tinto, K. J., Csathó, B., Darbyshire, F. A., …Sergienko, O. V. (2024). Geologic Provinces Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Constrained by Geophysical Data Synthesis. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(8), Article e2023GL107357.

Present understanding of Greenland's subglacial geology is derived mostly from interpolation of geologic mapping of its ice‐free margins and unconstrained by geophysical data. Here we refine the extent of its geologic provinces by synthesizing geophy... Read More about Geologic Provinces Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet Constrained by Geophysical Data Synthesis.

Where is the past? Time in historical geography (2024)
Journal Article
Marković, I. (2024). Where is the past? Time in historical geography. Journal of Historical Geography, 84, 27-36.

Despite human geography's sophisticated analyses and overwhelming focus on space, time in its various guises has certainly not been absent in the literature. The same cannot be said for historical geography, which is particularly interesting as its m... Read More about Where is the past? Time in historical geography.

Rendering Development Investible: The Anti-Politics Machine and the Financialisation of Development (2024)
Journal Article
Power, M., & Taggart, J. (2024). Rendering Development Investible: The Anti-Politics Machine and the Financialisation of Development. Progress in Human Geography,

We critically engage with the so-called ‘Financialisation of Development’ and argue that such is neither automatic nor inexorable. We review and extend a body of recent research that underscores the extensive ‘work’ required by ‘big D’ Development ac... Read More about Rendering Development Investible: The Anti-Politics Machine and the Financialisation of Development.

Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming (2024)
Journal Article
Norris, S. L., Margold, M., Evans, D. J. A., Atkinson, N., & Froese, D. G. (2024). Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1533-1559.

The shift in climate that occurred between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Early Holocene (ca. 18–12 kyr BP) displayed rates of temperature increase similar to present-day warming trends. The most rapid recorded changes in temperature occurred... Read More about Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming.

Landscape response to tectonic deformation and cyclic climate change since ca. 800 ka in the southern Central Andes (2024)
Journal Article
Orr, E., Schildgen, T., Tofelde, S., Wittmann, H., & Alonso, R. (online). Landscape response to tectonic deformation and cyclic climate change since ca. 800 ka in the southern Central Andes. Earth Surface Dynamics,

heory suggests that the response time of alluvial channel long-profiles to perturbations in climate is related to the magnitude of the forcing and the length of the system. Shorter systems may record a higher frequency of forcing compared to longer s... Read More about Landscape response to tectonic deformation and cyclic climate change since ca. 800 ka in the southern Central Andes.

The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons (2024)
Journal Article
Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., & Phillips, E. (2024). The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135(3), 217-236.

Construction of the Holderness/Flamborough Head moraine belt on the East Yorkshire coast, England, records the oscillatory onshore flow of the North Sea Lobe of the British-Irish Ice Sheet from ~25.8 to ~19.7 ka BP, during which time a thick sequence... Read More about The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons.

Pro+: Automated protrusion and critical shear stress estimates from 3D point clouds of gravel beds (2024)
Journal Article
Yager, E. M., Shim, J., Hodge, R., Monsalve, A., Tonina, D., Johnson, J. P. L., & Telfer, L. (2024). Pro+: Automated protrusion and critical shear stress estimates from 3D point clouds of gravel beds. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(7), 2155-2170.

The dimensionless critical shear stress (τ*c) needed for the onset of sediment motion is important for a range of studies from river restoration projects to landscape evolution calculations. Many studies simply assume a τ*c value within the large ran... Read More about Pro+: Automated protrusion and critical shear stress estimates from 3D point clouds of gravel beds.

Alpine topography of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica, mapped from ice sheet surface morphology (2024)
Journal Article
Lea, E. J., Jamieson, S. S. R., & Bentley, M. J. (2024). Alpine topography of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica, mapped from ice sheet surface morphology. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1733-1751.

Landscapes buried beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet preserve information about the geologic and geomorphic evolution of the continent both before and during the wide-scale glaciation that began roughly 34×106 years ago. Since the inception of this ice... Read More about Alpine topography of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica, mapped from ice sheet surface morphology.

The past, present and future of health geography: An exchange with three long standing participants in the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group (2024)
Journal Article
Asker, C., Gorman, R., Lowe, T. A., Curtis, S., Moon, G., & Jones, J. (2024). The past, present and future of health geography: An exchange with three long standing participants in the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group. Area, Article e12940.

This article traces the past, present and future of health geography through the career journeys of three notable academics, Sarah Curtis (SC), Julia Jones (JJ) and Graham Moon (GM). All three of these scholars have had entanglements with the Geograp... Read More about The past, present and future of health geography: An exchange with three long standing participants in the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group.

Lessons learned from shallow subglacial bedrock drilling campaigns in Antarctica (2024)
Journal Article
Braddock, S., Venturelli, R. A., Nichols, K., Moravec, E., Boeckmann, G. V., Campbell, S., …Goehring, B. (2024). Lessons learned from shallow subglacial bedrock drilling campaigns in Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 1-11.

We review successes and challenges from five recent subglacial bedrock drilling campaigns intended to find evidence for Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat during warm periods in the geologic past. Insights into times when the polar ice sheets were smaller t... Read More about Lessons learned from shallow subglacial bedrock drilling campaigns in Antarctica.