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All Outputs (70)

Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska (2002)
Journal Article
Selby, D., Creaser, R., Hart, C., Rombach, C., Thompson, J., Smith, M., …Goldfarb, R. (2002). Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska. Geology, 30(9), 791-794.

New Re-Os molybdenite dates from two lode gold deposits of the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska, provide direct timing constraints for sulfide and gold mineralization. At Fort Knox, the Re-Os molybdenite date is identical to the U-Pb zircon age for the host... Read More about Absolute timing of sulfide and gold mineralization: A comparison of Re-Os molybdenite and Ar-Ar mica methods from the Tintina Gold Belt, Alaska.

On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction (2002)
Journal Article
van Hunen, J., van den Berg, A., & Vlaar, N. (2002). On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction. Tectonophysics, 352(3-4), 317-333.

Oceanic plateaus, aseismic ridges or seamount chains all have a thickened crust and their subduction has been proposed as a possible mechanism to explain the occurrence of flat subduction and related absence of arc magmatism below Peru, Central Chile... Read More about On the role of subducting oceanic plateaus in the development of shallow flat subduction.

Plume-driven plumbing and crustal formation in Iceland (2002)
Journal Article
Allen, R., Nolet, G., Morgan, W., Vogfjörd, K., Nettles, M., Ekström, G., …Stefánsson, R. (2002). Plume-driven plumbing and crustal formation in Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(B8), Article 2163.

Through combination of surface wave and body wave constraints we derive a three-dimensional (3-D) crustal S velocity model and Moho map for Iceland. It reveals a vast plumbing system feeding mantle plume melt into upper crustal magma chambers where c... Read More about Plume-driven plumbing and crustal formation in Iceland.

Chemostratigraphy of the Jurassic System: applications, limitations and implications for palaeoceanography. (2002)
Journal Article
Jenkyns, H., Jones, C., & Gröcke, D. (2002). Chemostratigraphy of the Jurassic System: applications, limitations and implications for palaeoceanography. Journal of the Geological Society, 159(4), 351-378.

Current chemostratigraphical studies of the Jurassic System primarily involve the use of one sedimentary component (marine organic carbon), one divalent transition metal substituted in carbonate (manganese), and two isotopic tracers: strontium-isotop... Read More about Chemostratigraphy of the Jurassic System: applications, limitations and implications for palaeoceanography..

Domainal deformation patterns and strain partitioning during transpression: an example from the Southern Uplands terrane, Scotland (2002)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, R., Tavarnelli, E., Clegg, P., Pinheiro, R., Jones, R., & McCaffrey, K. (2002). Domainal deformation patterns and strain partitioning during transpression: an example from the Southern Uplands terrane, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 159(4), 401-415.

The partitioning of deformation into wrench- and contraction-dominated deformation domains is a widely reported but poorly described phenomenon in ancient transpression zones. This paper documents spectacularly exposed examples of such partitioning f... Read More about Domainal deformation patterns and strain partitioning during transpression: an example from the Southern Uplands terrane, Scotland.

Siliciclastic and volcaniclastic influences on equatorial carbonates: insights from the Neogene of Indonesia (2002)
Journal Article
Wilson, M., & Lokier, S. (2002). Siliciclastic and volcaniclastic influences on equatorial carbonates: insights from the Neogene of Indonesia. Sedimentology, 49(3), 583-601.

In active tectonic areas of humid equatorial regions, nearshore shallow-water environments are commonly sites of near-continuous siliciclastic influx and/or punctuated volcaniclastic input. Despite significant clastic influence, Neogene carbonates de... Read More about Siliciclastic and volcaniclastic influences on equatorial carbonates: insights from the Neogene of Indonesia.

Ankerite carbonatite from Swartbooisdrif, Namibia: the first evidence for magmatic ferrocarbonatite (2002)
Journal Article
Thompson, R., Smith, P., Gibson, S., Mattey, D., & Dickin, A. (2002). Ankerite carbonatite from Swartbooisdrif, Namibia: the first evidence for magmatic ferrocarbonatite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 146(3), 377-395.

Although general accounts of carbonatites usually envisage Ca-Mg carbonate melts evolving by fractional crystallisation to Fe-rich residua, there is longstanding concern that ferrocarbonatites may actually be products of hydrothermal rather than magm... Read More about Ankerite carbonatite from Swartbooisdrif, Namibia: the first evidence for magmatic ferrocarbonatite.

Structure of the 8200-year cold event revealed by a speleothem trace element record (2002)
Journal Article
Baldini, J., McDermott, F., & Fairchild, I. (2002). Structure of the 8200-year cold event revealed by a speleothem trace element record. Science, 296(5576), 2203-2206.

Abrupt first-order shifts in strontium and phosphorus concentrations in stalagmite calcite deposited in western Ireland during the 8200-year event (the major cooling episode 8200 years before the present) are interpreted as responses to a drier clima... Read More about Structure of the 8200-year cold event revealed by a speleothem trace element record.

Insights into Collisional Magmatism from Isotopic Fingerprints of Melting Reactions (2002)
Journal Article
Knesel, K., & Davidson, J. (2002). Insights into Collisional Magmatism from Isotopic Fingerprints of Melting Reactions. Science, 296(5576), 2206-2208.

Piston-cylinder experiments in the granite system demonstrate that a wide variety of isotopically distinct melts can arise from progressive melting of a single source. The relation between the isotopic composition of Sr and the stoichiometry, of the... Read More about Insights into Collisional Magmatism from Isotopic Fingerprints of Melting Reactions.

Geochemistry of near-EPR seamounts: Importance of source vs. process and the origin of enriched mantle component (2002)
Journal Article
Niu, Y., Regelous, M., Wendt, J., Batiza, R., & O’Hara, M. (2002). Geochemistry of near-EPR seamounts: Importance of source vs. process and the origin of enriched mantle component. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 199(3-4), 327-345.

Niu and Batiza [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 148 (1997) 471–483] show that lavas from the seamounts on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between 5° and 15°N vary from extremely depleted tholeiites to highly enriched alkali basalts. The extent of... Read More about Geochemistry of near-EPR seamounts: Importance of source vs. process and the origin of enriched mantle component.

The geometry and kinematics of flow perturbation folds. (2002)
Journal Article
Alsop, G., & Holdsworth, R. (2002). The geometry and kinematics of flow perturbation folds. Tectonophysics, 350(2), 99-125.

Minor folds formed synchronous with ductile deformation in high strain zones can preserve a record of the scale and kinematics of heterogeneous flow. Using structures associated with WNW-directed Caledonian thrusting in N Scotland, we show that local... Read More about The geometry and kinematics of flow perturbation folds..

Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction? (2002)
Journal Article
Jerram, D., & Stollhofen, H. (2002). Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction?. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 114(1-2), 231-249.

This study reports on lava–sediment interaction in dry depositional settings focusing on the Early Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequence in the Huab Basin, NW Namibia, as a detailed example. Here an active aeolian sand sea (erg) system was progress... Read More about Lava-sediment interaction in desert settings; are all peperite-like textures the result of magma-water interaction?.

Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions (2002)
Journal Article
Du, Z., Foulger, G., Julian, B., Allen, R., Nolet, G., Morgan, W., …Vogfjord, K. (2002). Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions. Geophysical Journal International, 149(2), 349-363.

We determine the crustal structures beneath 14 broad-band seismic stations, deployed in western, eastern, central and southern Iceland, using surface wave dispersion curves and receiver functions. We implement a method to invert receiver functions us... Read More about Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions.

The carbon isotope composition of ancient CO2 based on higher-plant organic matter. (2002)
Journal Article
Gröcke, D. (2002). The carbon isotope composition of ancient CO2 based on higher-plant organic matter. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 360(1793), 633-658.

Carbon isotope ratios in higher–plant organic matter (δ13Cplant) have been shown in several studies to be closely related to the carbon isotope composition of the ocean–atmosphere carbon reservoir, and, in particular, the isotopic composition of CO2.... Read More about The carbon isotope composition of ancient CO2 based on higher-plant organic matter..

Strontium-isotope stratigraphy and oxygen-and carbon-isotope variation during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous of the Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic (2002)
Journal Article
Price, G., & Gröcke, D. (2002). Strontium-isotope stratigraphy and oxygen-and carbon-isotope variation during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous of the Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 183(3-4), 209-222.

87Sr/86Sr data of belemnites are presented from a Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous succession from the Falkland Plateau (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 511 and 330) that was deposited in a periodically anoxic, semi-enclosed shallow water basin. Diag... Read More about Strontium-isotope stratigraphy and oxygen-and carbon-isotope variation during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous of the Falkland Plateau, South Atlantic.

The rheology of a bubbly liquid (2002)
Journal Article
Llewellin, E., Mader, H., & Wilson, S. (2002). The rheology of a bubbly liquid. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 458(2020), 987-1016.

A semiempirical constitutive model for the visco-elastic rheology of bubble suspensions with gas volume fractions &phis; < 0.5 and small deformations (Ca << 1) is developed. The model has its theoretical foundation in a physical analysis of dilute em...