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All Outputs (161)

Robust analysis of phylogenetic tree space (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, M. (2022). Robust analysis of phylogenetic tree space. Systematic Biology, 71(5), 1255-1270.

Phylogenetic analyses often produce large numbers of trees. Mapping trees’ distribution in ‘tree space’ can illuminate the behaviour and performance of search strategies, reveal distinct clusters of optimal trees, and expose differences between diffe... Read More about Robust analysis of phylogenetic tree space.

Using information theory to detect rogue taxa and improve consensus trees (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, M. R. (2022). Using information theory to detect rogue taxa and improve consensus trees. Systematic Biology, 71(5), 1088-1094.

“Rogue” taxa of uncertain affinity can confound attempts to summarize the results of phylogenetic analyses. Rogues reduce resolution and support values in consensus trees, potentially obscuring strong evidence for relationships between other taxa. In... Read More about Using information theory to detect rogue taxa and improve consensus trees.

Entrainment into particle-laden turbulent plumes (2021)
Journal Article
McConnochie, C. D., Cenedese, C., & McElwaine, J. N. (2021). Entrainment into particle-laden turbulent plumes. Physical Review Fluids, 6(12), Article 123502.

We use laboratory experiments to investigate the entrainment of ambient fluid into an axisymmetric turbulent plume containing dense particles with a settling velocity that is considerably smaller than the plume velocity. We consider the effect of par... Read More about Entrainment into particle-laden turbulent plumes.

Integrated Petrological and Fe-Zn Isotopic Modelling of Plutonic Differentiation (2021)
Journal Article
Stow, M. A., Prytulak, J., Humphreys, M. C., & Nowell, G. M. (2022). Integrated Petrological and Fe-Zn Isotopic Modelling of Plutonic Differentiation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 320, 366-391.

The upper continental crust is formed from chemically diverse granitic plutons. Active debate surrounds the range of physical conditions (P-T-X-fO2) and differentiation processes which occur in mush bodies that solidify to form plutons. Transition me... Read More about Integrated Petrological and Fe-Zn Isotopic Modelling of Plutonic Differentiation.

Volcanic air pollution and human health: recent advances and future directions (2021)
Journal Article
Stewart, C., Damby, D., Horwell, C., Elias, T., Ilyinskaya, E., Tomašek, I., …Witham, C. (2022). Volcanic air pollution and human health: recent advances and future directions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 84(1), Article 11.

Volcanic air pollution from both explosive and effusive activity can affect large populations as far as thousands of kilometers away from the source, for days to decades or even centuries. Here, we summarize key advances and prospects in the assessme... Read More about Volcanic air pollution and human health: recent advances and future directions.

Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach (2021)
Journal Article
Xiao, W., Sheen, K. L., Tang, Q., Shutler, J., Hobbs, R., & Ehmen, T. (2021). Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 734125.

Ocean submesoscale dynamics are thought to play a key role in both the climate system and ocean productivity, however, subsurface observations at these scales remain rare. Seismic oceanography, an established acoustic imaging method, provides a uniqu... Read More about Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach.

Structural geometry and evolution of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for helium potential (2021)
Journal Article
Mulaya, E., Gluyas, J., McCaffrey, K., Phillips, T., & Ballentine, C. (2022). Structural geometry and evolution of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for helium potential. Basin Research, 34(2), 938-960.

The Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania is regarded as a modern example of a cratonic rift zone despite complex polyphase extensional and episodic inversion structures. We interpret 2D seismic reflection data tied to wells to identify and describe structures... Read More about Structural geometry and evolution of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for helium potential.

Enhanced ocean connectivity and volcanism instigated global onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) ∼94.5 million years ago (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Liu, X., Selby, D., Liu, Z., Montañez, I. P., & Li, X. (2022). Enhanced ocean connectivity and volcanism instigated global onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) ∼94.5 million years ago. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, Article 117331.

Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) exemplifies an episode of global oceanographic and climatic changes in the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse. However, the timing and mechanism of its global initiation remain elusive. Here we report a high-resolution initial os... Read More about Enhanced ocean connectivity and volcanism instigated global onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) ∼94.5 million years ago.

A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal processing (2021)
Journal Article
Wouters, S., Crucifix, M., Sinnesael, M., Da Silva, A., Zeeden, C., Zivanovic, M., …Devleeschouwer, X. (2022). A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal processing. Earth-Science Reviews, 225, Article 103894.

Sedimentary rocks can record signals produced by highly complex processes. These signals are generated by a progressive deposition of sediments which can be affected, mainly through the climate system, by regular astronomical cycles (i.e. Milankovitc... Read More about A decomposition approach to cyclostratigraphic signal processing.

Crystal mush growth and collapse on a steep wall: the Marginal Border Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland (2021)
Journal Article
Holness, M. B., Humphreys, M. C., Namur, O., Andersen, J., Tegner, C., & Nielsen, T. (2022). Crystal mush growth and collapse on a steep wall: the Marginal Border Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland. Journal of Petrology, 63(1),

The Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland solidified as a closed system, with the development of progressively more fractionated material at the roof, floor and vertical walls of the magma chamber. We argue, using field observations of the exposed w... Read More about Crystal mush growth and collapse on a steep wall: the Marginal Border Series of the Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland.

Critical assessment of pressure estimates in volcanic plumbing systems: The case study of Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico (2021)
Journal Article
Tommasini, S., Bindi, L., Savia, L., Mangler, M. F., Orlando, A., & Petrone, C. M. (2022). Critical assessment of pressure estimates in volcanic plumbing systems: The case study of Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico. Lithos, 408-409, Article 106540.

Most geobarometers use chemical compositions of minerals and their host melt to estimate crystallization pressures. Crystal structural parameters such as cell and site volumes are not usually considered despite their known sensitivity to pressure. He... Read More about Critical assessment of pressure estimates in volcanic plumbing systems: The case study of Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico.

Trans-Atlantic correlation of Late Cretaceous high-frequency sea-level cycles (2021)
Journal Article
Plint, A. G., Uličný, D., Čech, S., Walaszczyk, I., Gröcke, D. R., Laurin, J., …Jarvis, I. (2022). Trans-Atlantic correlation of Late Cretaceous high-frequency sea-level cycles. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 578, Article 117323.

Previous studies of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks have used multi-proxy correlation methods to suggest eustatic change, modulated by the c. 400 kyr long eccentricity rhythm. Although numerous authors have inferred eustatic changes on shorter timescale... Read More about Trans-Atlantic correlation of Late Cretaceous high-frequency sea-level cycles.

Fluvial organic carbon composition regulated by seasonal variability in lowland river migration and water discharge (2021)
Journal Article
Golombek, N. Y., Scheingross, J. S., Repasch, M. N., Hovius, N., Menges, J., Sachse, D., …Szupiany, R. N. (2021). Fluvial organic carbon composition regulated by seasonal variability in lowland river migration and water discharge. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(24), Article e2021GL093416.

Identifying drivers of seasonal variations in fluvial particulate organic carbon (POC) composition can aid sediment provenance and biogeochemical cycling studies. We evaluate seasonal changes in POC composition in the Río Bermejo, Argentina, a lowlan... Read More about Fluvial organic carbon composition regulated by seasonal variability in lowland river migration and water discharge.

Quantifying metasomatic high-field-strength and rare-earth element transport from alkaline magmas (2021)
Journal Article
Sokół, K., Finch, A. A., Hutchison, W., Cloutier, J., Borst, A. M., & Humphreys, M. C. (2022). Quantifying metasomatic high-field-strength and rare-earth element transport from alkaline magmas. Geology, 50(3), 305-310.

Alkaline igneous rocks host many global high-field-strength element (HFSE) and rare-earth element (REE) deposits. While HFSEs are commonly assumed to be immobile in hydrothermal systems, transport by late-stage hydrothermal fluids associated with alk... Read More about Quantifying metasomatic high-field-strength and rare-earth element transport from alkaline magmas.

Identifying crystal accumulation in granitoids through amphibole composition and in situ zircon O isotopes in North Qilian Orogen (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, S., Niu, Y., Wang, X., Xue, Q., & Sun, W. (2021). Identifying crystal accumulation in granitoids through amphibole composition and in situ zircon O isotopes in North Qilian Orogen. Journal of Petrology, 62(12), Article egab096.

Granitoids are the main constituents of the continental crust, and an understanding of their petrogenesis is key to the origin and evolution of continents. Whether crystal fractionation is the dominant way to generate evolved magmas has long been deb... Read More about Identifying crystal accumulation in granitoids through amphibole composition and in situ zircon O isotopes in North Qilian Orogen.

Middle-Late Jurassic magmatism in the west central Lhasa subterrane, Tibet: Petrology, zircon chronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotopic geochemistry (2021)
Journal Article
Tong, X., Yan, J., Zhao, Z., Niu, Y., Qi, N., Shi, Q., …Zhu, D. (2022). Middle-Late Jurassic magmatism in the west central Lhasa subterrane, Tibet: Petrology, zircon chronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotopic geochemistry. Lithos, 408-409, Article 106549.

Mesozoic magmatic rocks are widespread in the Lhasa terrane, but most of them are of cretaceous age. Because Jurassic rocks are relatively rare and our knowledge on such earlier magmatism in the context of the tectonic setting and evolution is limite... Read More about Middle-Late Jurassic magmatism in the west central Lhasa subterrane, Tibet: Petrology, zircon chronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Mg isotopic geochemistry.

Concentration‐discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering (2021)
Journal Article
Hilton, R. G., Turowski, J. M., Winnick, M., Dellinger, M., Schleppi, P., Williams, K. H., …Hayton, A. (2021). Concentration‐discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering. Water Resources Research, 57(11), Article e2021WR029844.

Oxidative weathering of sedimentary rocks plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Rhenium (Re) has been proposed as a tracer of rock organic carbon (OCpetro) oxidation. However, the sources of Re and its mobilization by hydrological proce... Read More about Concentration‐discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering.