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All Outputs (165)

A study of a phase formalism for calculating the cumulative density of states of one-dimensional photonic crystals (2017)
Journal Article
Abram, R., Greshnov, A., Brand, S., & Kaliteevski, M. (2017). A study of a phase formalism for calculating the cumulative density of states of one-dimensional photonic crystals. Journal of Modern Optics, 64(15), 1501-1509.

We explore a phase formalism that underpins a method of calculation of the cumulative density of states of one-dimensional photonic crystals based on the node counting theorem. Node counting is achieved by considering the spatial dependence of a phas... Read More about A study of a phase formalism for calculating the cumulative density of states of one-dimensional photonic crystals.

Some theory of a dual-polarization interferometer for sensor applications (2015)
Journal Article
Abram, R., & Brand, S. (2015). Some theory of a dual-polarization interferometer for sensor applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48(12), Article 125101.

It is shown that by making straightforward approximations it is possible to simplify the analysis of the measurements of a well-established dual-waveguide interferometer for sensor applications. In particular we derive approximate algebraic formulae... Read More about Some theory of a dual-polarization interferometer for sensor applications.

Analytical theory of light localization in one-dimensional disordered photonic crystals (2013)
Journal Article
Greshnov, A., Kaliteevski, M., & Abram, R. (2013). Analytical theory of light localization in one-dimensional disordered photonic crystals. Solid State Communications, 158, 38-45.

Influence of the various types of disorder on propagation of light in one-dimensional periodic structures is studied analytically using statistical approach based on a Fokker–Planck type equation. It is shown that light localization length behaves no... Read More about Analytical theory of light localization in one-dimensional disordered photonic crystals.

Generic picture of the emission properties of III-nitride polariton laser diodes: Steady state and current modulation response (2012)
Journal Article
Iorsh, I., Glauser, M., Rossbach, G., Levrat, J., Cobet, M., Butte, R., …Kavokin, A. V. (2012). Generic picture of the emission properties of III-nitride polariton laser diodes: Steady state and current modulation response. Physical review B, 86(12), Article 125308.

The main emission characteristics of electrically driven polariton lasers based on planar GaN microcavities with embedded InGaN quantum wells are studied theoretically. The polariton emission dependence on pump current density is first modeled using... Read More about Generic picture of the emission properties of III-nitride polariton laser diodes: Steady state and current modulation response.

Parabolic polarization splitting of Tamm states in a metal-organic microcavity (2012)
Journal Article
Brückner, R., Sudzius, M., Hintschich, S., Froeb, H., Lyssenko, V., Kaliteevski, M., …Leo, K. (2012). Parabolic polarization splitting of Tamm states in a metal-organic microcavity. Applied Physics Letters, 100(6), Article 062101.

We observe hybrid states of cavity photons and Tamm plasmons in an organic microcavity with an incorporated thin silver layer of increasing thickness up to 40 nm. Via μ-photoluminescence spectroscopy, we investigate their angular dependence. At obliq... Read More about Parabolic polarization splitting of Tamm states in a metal-organic microcavity.

Tamm plasmon polaritons in multilayered cylindrical structures (2012)
Journal Article
Little, C., Anufriev, R., Iorsh, I., Kaliteevski, M., Abram, R., & Brand, S. (2012). Tamm plasmon polaritons in multilayered cylindrical structures. Physical review B, 86(23), Article 235425.

It is shown that cylindrical Bragg reflector structures with either a metal core, a metal cladding, or both can support Tamm plasmon polaritons (TPPs) that can propagate axially along the interface between the metallic layer and the adjacent dielectr... Read More about Tamm plasmon polaritons in multilayered cylindrical structures.

An 'electromagnetic wiggler' originating from refraction of waves at the side edge of a Bragg reflector (2011)
Journal Article
Iorsh, I., Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., & Kaliteevskaya, N. (2011). An 'electromagnetic wiggler' originating from refraction of waves at the side edge of a Bragg reflector. Journal of Modern Optics, 58(8), 686-693.

Calculations are reported which predict that light incident on the side edge of a Bragg reflector can show varied and unusual refraction behaviour, including a rapid transition from positive to negative refraction. Although under certain conditions n... Read More about An 'electromagnetic wiggler' originating from refraction of waves at the side edge of a Bragg reflector.

Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton-polaritons (2011)
Journal Article
Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., Iorsh, I., Kavokin, A., Liew, T., & Shelykh, I. (2011). Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton-polaritons. Superlattices and Microstructures, 49(3), 229-232.

We have demonstrated theoretically that it is possible to use the resonant coupling of exciton-polaritons in a planar microcavity and Tamm plasmons at a metal film on the surface of the structure to provide lateral spatial control of the exciton-pola... Read More about Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton-polaritons.

Stimulated emission of terahertz radiation by exciton-polariton lasers (2010)
Journal Article
Kavokin, K., Kaliteevski, M., Abram, R., Kavokin, A., Sharkova, S., & Shelykh, I. (2010). Stimulated emission of terahertz radiation by exciton-polariton lasers. Applied Physics Letters, 97(20), Article 201111.

We show that planar semiconductor microcavities in the strong coupling regime can be used as sources of stimulated terahertz radiation. Emitted terahertz photons would have a frequency equal to the splitting of the cavity polariton modes. The optical... Read More about Stimulated emission of terahertz radiation by exciton-polariton lasers.

Exciton-polariton integrated circuits (2010)
Journal Article
Liew, T., Kavokin, A., Ostatnicky, T., Kaliteevski, M., Shelykh, I., & Abram, R. (2010). Exciton-polariton integrated circuits. Physical review B, 82(3), Article 033302.

We show that logical signals encoded in bistable states in semiconductor microcavities can be generated and controlled electronically by exploiting the electrical sensitivity of Tamm-plasmon–exciton-polariton modes. The signals can be transported alo... Read More about Exciton-polariton integrated circuits.

Evanescently coupled interface states in the gap between two Bragg reflectors (2010)
Journal Article
Brand, S., Abram, R., & Kaliteevski, M. (2010). Evanescently coupled interface states in the gap between two Bragg reflectors. Optics Letters, 35(12), 2085-2087.

Interface states are known to exist at the surface of an appropriately structured Bragg reflector. If such reflectors are present on the surfaces of two prisms separated by a narrow gap, the evanescently coupled interface states can interact to produ... Read More about Evanescently coupled interface states in the gap between two Bragg reflectors.

Tailor-made surface plasmon polaritons above the bulk plasma frequency: a design strategy for indium tin oxide (2010)
Journal Article
Brand, S., Abram, R., & Kaliteevski, M. (2010). Tailor-made surface plasmon polaritons above the bulk plasma frequency: a design strategy for indium tin oxide. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43(14), Article 145104.

A simple phase-matching approach is employed as a design aid to engineer surface plasmon polariton states at the interface of an indium tin oxide layer on the top of a Bragg reflector. By altering the details of the reflector, and in particular the o... Read More about Tailor-made surface plasmon polaritons above the bulk plasma frequency: a design strategy for indium tin oxide.

Polarization beats in a pillar microcavity (2010)
Journal Article
Iorsh, I., Koreshkova, A., Kaliteevskaya, N., Kavokin, A., Abram, R., Brand, S., & Kaliteevski, M. (2010). Polarization beats in a pillar microcavity. Superlattices and Microstructures, 47(1), 24-28.

The beats of the Stokes luminescence parameters in pillar semiconductor microcavities are theoretically analysed. The beats are originated by a slight in-plane anisotropy of the pillar. The influence of the coherence time of exciton polaritons on the... Read More about Polarization beats in a pillar microcavity.

Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton polaritons (2009)
Journal Article
Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., Iorsh, I., Kavokin, A., & Shelykh, I. (2009). Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton polaritons. Applied Physics Letters, 95(25), Article 251108.

Channeling of exciton polaritons in the plane of semiconductor microcavities can be achieved by the deposition of metallic mesas on the top of the semiconductor structure. We show theoretically that the regime of strong coupling between cavity polari... Read More about Hybrid states of Tamm plasmons and exciton polaritons.

Bragg reflector enhanced attenuated total reflectance (2009)
Journal Article
Brand, S., Abram, R., & Kaliteevski, M. (2009). Bragg reflector enhanced attenuated total reflectance. Journal of Applied Physics, 106(11), Article 113109.

We model the effects of a quasibound photonic state that can exist within a substrate/metal film/Bragg reflector/air structure. The photonic state is confined as a result of total internal reflection at the air interface coupled with the effect of th... Read More about Bragg reflector enhanced attenuated total reflectance.

Whispering-gallery exciton polaritons in submicron spheres (2009)
Journal Article
Platts, C., Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., Iorsh, I., & Kavokin, A. (2009). Whispering-gallery exciton polaritons in submicron spheres. Physical review B, 79(24),

We show that a semiconductor sphere with a radius comparable with the wavelength of light at the exciton resonance frequency can behave as a high-quality three-dimensional microcavity or "polariton dot." We obtain numerical results for gallium arseni... Read More about Whispering-gallery exciton polaritons in submicron spheres.

Optical Tamm states above the bulk plasma frequency at a Bragg stack/metal interface (2009)
Journal Article
Brand, S., Kaliteevski, M., & Abram, R. (2009). Optical Tamm states above the bulk plasma frequency at a Bragg stack/metal interface. Physical review B, 79(8), Article 085416.

We demonstrate theoretically that surface-plasmon polaritons, a form of optical Tamm state, can occur at the interface between a metal and a Bragg reflector at frequencies above the bulk plasma frequency of the metal. The frequencies of the excitatio... Read More about Optical Tamm states above the bulk plasma frequency at a Bragg stack/metal interface.

Negative refraction can make non-diffracting beams (2008)
Journal Article
Kaliteevski, A., Brand, S., Abram, R., Gallant, A., & Chamberlain, J. (2008). Negative refraction can make non-diffracting beams. Optics Express, 16(19), 14582-14587.

We report the results of simulations relating to the illumination of a structure consisting of a slab constructed from a 2-D hexagonal array of metal rods with a terahertz frequency source. As a consequence of negative refraction an essentially non-d... Read More about Negative refraction can make non-diffracting beams.