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All Outputs (75)

Mass balance of the ice sheets and glaciers – progress since AR5 and challenges (2019)
Journal Article
Hanna, E., Pattyn, F., Navarro, F., Favier, V., Goelzer, H., van den Broeke, M., …Smith, B. (2020). Mass balance of the ice sheets and glaciers – progress since AR5 and challenges. Earth-Science Reviews, 201, Article 102976.

Recent research shows increasing decadal ice mass losses from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets and more generally from glaciers worldwide in the light of continued global warming. Here, in an update of our previous ISMASS paper (Hanna et al., 2... Read More about Mass balance of the ice sheets and glaciers – progress since AR5 and challenges.

Mapping crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath West Antarctica using seismic ambient noise (2019)
Journal Article
O'Donnell, J., Brisbourne, A., Stuart, G., Dunham, C., Yang, Y., Nield, G., …Winberry, J. (2019). Mapping crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath West Antarctica using seismic ambient noise. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(11), 5014-5037.

Using 8‐25s period Rayleigh and Love wave phase velocity dispersion data extracted from seismic ambient noise, we (i) model the 3D shear wave velocity structure of the West Antarctic crust and (ii) map variations in crustal radial anisotropy. Enhance... Read More about Mapping crustal shear wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy beneath West Antarctica using seismic ambient noise.

Major ice‐sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years (2019)
Journal Article
Siegert, M. J., Kingslake, J., Ross, N., Whitehouse, P. L., Woodward, J., Jamieson, S. S., …Sugden, D. E. (2019). Major ice‐sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years. Reviews of Geophysics, 57(4), 1197-1223.

Until recently, little was known about the Weddell Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. In the last 10 years, a variety of expeditions and numerical modelling experiments have improved knowledge of its glaciology, glacial geology, and tectonic... Read More about Major ice‐sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years.

The uppermost mantle seismic velocity structure of West Antarctica from Rayleigh wave tomography: insights into tectonic structure and geothermal heat flow (2019)
Journal Article
O'Donnell, J., Stuart, G., Brisbourne, A., Selway, K., Yang, Y., Nield, G., …Winberry, J. (2019). The uppermost mantle seismic velocity structure of West Antarctica from Rayleigh wave tomography: insights into tectonic structure and geothermal heat flow. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 522, 219-233.

We present a shear wave model of the West Antarctic upper mantle to ∼200 km depth with enhanced regional resolution from the 2016-2018 UK Antarctic Seismic Network. The model is constructed from the combination of fundamental mode Rayleigh wave phase... Read More about The uppermost mantle seismic velocity structure of West Antarctica from Rayleigh wave tomography: insights into tectonic structure and geothermal heat flow.

Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on cosmogenic surface-exposure dating (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, R., Whitehouse, P., Bentley, M., Small, D., & Dalton, A. (2019). Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on cosmogenic surface-exposure dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 212, 206-212.

Calculating cosmogenic-nuclide surface-exposure ages is critically dependent on a knowledge of the altitude of the sample site. Changes in altitude have occurred through time as a result of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), potentially altering loc... Read More about Impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on cosmogenic surface-exposure dating.

Solid Earth change and the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (2019)
Journal Article
Whitehouse, P., Gomez, N., King, M., & Wiens, D. (2019). Solid Earth change and the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature Communications, 10, Article 503.

Recent studies suggest that Antarctica has the potential to contribute up to ~15 m of sea-level rise over the next few centuries. The evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is driven by a combination of climate forcing and non-climatic feedbacks. In th... Read More about Solid Earth change and the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

iceTEA: Tools for plotting and analysing cosmogenic-nuclide surface-exposure data from former ice margins (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, R., Small, D., Cahill, N., Bentley, M., & Whitehouse, P. (2019). iceTEA: Tools for plotting and analysing cosmogenic-nuclide surface-exposure data from former ice margins. Quaternary Geochronology, 51, 72-86.

Cosmogenic-nuclide surface-exposure data provide important constraints on the thickness, extent and behaviour of ice masses in the geological past. A number of online calculators provide the cosmogenic nuclide community with a means of easily calcula... Read More about iceTEA: Tools for plotting and analysing cosmogenic-nuclide surface-exposure data from former ice margins.

Antarctic ice sheet palaeo-thinning rates from vertical transects of cosmogenic exposure ages (2019)
Journal Article
Small, D., Pittard, M., Whitehouse, P., Jones, R., & Bentley, M. (2019). Antarctic ice sheet palaeo-thinning rates from vertical transects of cosmogenic exposure ages. Quaternary Science Reviews, 206, 65-80.

We present a nontrivial correlation between the enhancement of the Higgs-fermion couplings and the Higgs pair production cross section in two Higgs doublet models with a flavor symmetry, with implications for LHC searches. This symmetry suppresses fl... Read More about Antarctic ice sheet palaeo-thinning rates from vertical transects of cosmogenic exposure ages.

Balancing the last glacial maximum (LGM) sea-level budget (2018)
Journal Article
Simms, A., Lisiecki, L., Gebbie, G., Whitehouse, P., & Clark, J. (2019). Balancing the last glacial maximum (LGM) sea-level budget. Quaternary Science Reviews, 205, 143-153.

Estimates of post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level rise are not balanced by the estimated amount of ice melted since the LGM. We quantify this “missing ice” by reviewing the possible contributions from each of the major ice sheets. This “missing... Read More about Balancing the last glacial maximum (LGM) sea-level budget.

Late Holocene relative sea levels near Palmer Station, northern Antarctic Peninsula, strongly controlled by late Holocene ice-mass changes (2018)
Journal Article
Simms, A., Whitehouse, P., Simkins, L., Nield, G., DeWitt, R., & Bentley, M. (2018). Late Holocene relative sea levels near Palmer Station, northern Antarctic Peninsula, strongly controlled by late Holocene ice-mass changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 199, 49-59.

Many studies of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) changes across Antarctica assume that their reconstructions record uplift from glacial isostatic adjustment caused by the demise of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice sheets. However, recent analysis... Read More about Late Holocene relative sea levels near Palmer Station, northern Antarctic Peninsula, strongly controlled by late Holocene ice-mass changes.

Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial (2018)
Journal Article
Barlow, N., McClymont, E., Whitehouse, P., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Woodroffe, S., …Sanchez-Montes, M. (2018). Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial. Nature Geoscience, 11, 627-634.

During the Last Interglacial, global mean sea level reached approximately 6 to 9 m above the present level. This period of high sea level may have been punctuated by a fall of more than 4 m, but a cause for such a widespread sea-level fall has been e... Read More about Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial.

Extensive retreat and re-advance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene (2018)
Journal Article
Kingslake, J., Scherer, R., Albrecht, T., Coenen, J., Powell, R., Reese, R., …Whitehouse, P. (2018). Extensive retreat and re-advance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene. Nature, 558(7710), 430-434.

To predict the future contributions of the Antarctic ice sheets to sea-level rise, numerical models use reconstructions of past ice-sheet retreat after the Last Glacial Maximum to tune model parameters1. Reconstructions of the West Antarctic Ice Shee... Read More about Extensive retreat and re-advance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene.

Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet from 1992 to 2017 (2018)
Journal Article
Shepherd, A., Ivins, E., Rignot, E., Smith, B., van den Broeke, M., Velicogna, I., …Wouters, B. (2018). Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet from 1992 to 2017. Nature, 558(7709), 219-222.

The Antarctic Ice Sheet is an important indicator of climate change and driver of sea-level rise. Here we combine satellite observations of its changing volume, flow and gravitational attraction with modelling of its surface mass balance to show that... Read More about Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet from 1992 to 2017.

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling: historical perspectives, recent advances, and future directions (2018)
Journal Article
Whitehouse, P. (2018). Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling: historical perspectives, recent advances, and future directions. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6(2), 401-429.

Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) describes the response of the solid Earth, the gravitational field, and the oceans to the growth and decay of the global ice sheets. A commonly studied component of GIA is postglacial rebound, which specifically rel... Read More about Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling: historical perspectives, recent advances, and future directions.

The impact of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness on glacial isostatic adjustment in West Antarctica (2018)
Journal Article
Nield, G., Whitehouse, P., van der Wal, W., Blank, B., O'Donnell, J., & Stuart, G. (2018). The impact of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness on glacial isostatic adjustment in West Antarctica. Geophysical Journal International, 214(2), 811-824.

Differences in predictions of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) for Antarctica persist due to uncertainties in deglacial history and Earth rheology. The Earth models adopted in many GIA studies are defined by parameters that vary in the radial direc... Read More about The impact of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness on glacial isostatic adjustment in West Antarctica.

Rapid ice unloading in the Fleming Glacier region, southern Antarctic Peninsula, and its effect on bedrock uplift rates (2017)
Journal Article
Zhao, C., King, M., Watson, C., Barletta, V., Bordoni, A., Dell, M., & Whitehouse, P. (2017). Rapid ice unloading in the Fleming Glacier region, southern Antarctic Peninsula, and its effect on bedrock uplift rates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 473, 164-176.

Rapid regional warming in the Antarctic Peninsula has led to the significant retreat and eventual collapse of several major ice shelves since the 1970s, triggering the subsequent acceleration and thinning of their feeding glaciers. The Wordie Ice She... Read More about Rapid ice unloading in the Fleming Glacier region, southern Antarctic Peninsula, and its effect on bedrock uplift rates.

Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex (2017)
Journal Article
Patton, H., Hubbard, A., Andreassen, K., Auriac, A., Whitehouse, P., Stroeven, A., …Hall, A. (2017). Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169, 148-172.

The Eurasian ice sheet complex (EISC) was the third largest ice mass during the Last Glacial Maximum with a span of over 4500 km and responsible for around 20 m of eustatic sea-level lowering. Whilst recent terrestrial and marine empirical insights h... Read More about Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex.

Ice sheet retreat and glacio-isostatic adjustment in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica (2017)
Journal Article
Verleyen, E., Tavernier, I., Hodgson, D. A., Whitehouse, P. L., Kudoh, S., Imura, S., …Vyverman, W. (2017). Ice sheet retreat and glacio-isostatic adjustment in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169, 85-98.

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet has relatively few field data to constrain its past volume and contribution to global sea-level change since the Last Glacial Maximum. We provide new data on deglaciation history and develop new relative sea-level (RSL) c... Read More about Ice sheet retreat and glacio-isostatic adjustment in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica.