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All Outputs (54)

Noninvertible symmetries and anomalies from gauging 1-form electric centers (2024)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Chan, S. Y. L. (2024). Noninvertible symmetries and anomalies from gauging 1-form electric centers. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(3), Article 169.

We devise a general method for obtaining 0-form noninvertible discrete chiral symmetries in 4-dimensional SU(N)/ℤp and SU(N) × U(1)/ℤp gauge theories with matter in arbitrary representations, where ℤp is a subgroup of the electric 1-form center symme... Read More about Noninvertible symmetries and anomalies from gauging 1-form electric centers.

Remarks on QCD 4 with fundamental and adjoint matter (2023)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., Lohitsiri, N., & Sulejmanpasic, T. (2023). Remarks on QCD 4 with fundamental and adjoint matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(12), Article 63.

We study 4-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with one adjoint Weyl fermion and fundamental matter — either bosonic or fermionic. Symmetries, their ’t Hooft anomalies, and the Vafa-Witten-Weingarten theorems strongly constrain the possible bulk phases. T... Read More about Remarks on QCD 4 with fundamental and adjoint matter.

2-index chiral gauge theories (2023)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Chan, S. Y. L. (2023). 2-index chiral gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(10), Article 25.

We undertake a systematic study of the 4-dimensional SU(N) 2-index chiral gauge theories and investigate their faithful global symmetries and dynamics. These are a finite set of theories with fermions in the 2-index symmetric and anti-symmetric repre... Read More about 2-index chiral gauge theories.

Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4 (2023)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (in press). Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(9), Article 95.

We construct analytical self-dual Yang-Mills fractional instanton solutions on a four-torus T4 with ’t Hooft twisted boundary conditions. These instantons possess topological charge Q=rN, where 1 ≤ r < N. To implement the twist, we employ SU(N) trans... Read More about Multi-fractional instantons in SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory on the twisted T 4.

Noninvertible anomalies in SU( N ) × U(1) gauge theories (2023)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2023). Noninvertible anomalies in SU( N ) × U(1) gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023(8), Article 149.

We study 4-dimensional SU(N) × U(1) gauge theories with a single massless Dirac fermion in the 2-index symmetric/antisymmetric representations and show that they are endowed with a noninvertible 0-form ℤ~2N±2χ chiral symmetry along with a 1-form ℤN1... Read More about Noninvertible anomalies in SU( N ) × U(1) gauge theories.

New anomalies, TQFTs, and confinement in bosonic chiral gauge theories (2022)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., Hong, S., & Son, M. (2022). New anomalies, TQFTs, and confinement in bosonic chiral gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(2), Article 62.

We study a class of 4-dimensional SU(N) chiral gauge theories with fermions in the 2-index symmetric and antisymmetric representations and classify their infrared phases. The choice N = 4ℤ corresponds to gauging the fermion number and makes the theor... Read More about New anomalies, TQFTs, and confinement in bosonic chiral gauge theories.

The gaugino condensate from asymmetric four-torus with twists (2022)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2022). The gaugino condensate from asymmetric four-torus with twists. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, Article 118 (2023).

We calculate the gaugino condensate in SU(2) super Yang-Mills theory on an asymmetric four-torus 𝕋4 with ’t Hooft’s twisted boundary conditions. The 𝕋4 asymmetry is controlled by a dimensionless detuning parameter ∆, proportional to L3L4 − L1L2, with... Read More about The gaugino condensate from asymmetric four-torus with twists.

Nonperturbative effects in the Standard Model with gauged 1-form symmetry (2021)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2021). Nonperturbative effects in the Standard Model with gauged 1-form symmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(12), Article 55.

We study the Standard Model with gauged Z(1)N=2,3,6 subgroups of its Z(1)6 1-form global symmetry, making the gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)ZN. We show that, on a finite T3, there are self-dual instantons of fractional topological charge. They mediate... Read More about Nonperturbative effects in the Standard Model with gauged 1-form symmetry.

Condensates and anomaly cascade in vector-like theories (2021)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M. (2021). Condensates and anomaly cascade in vector-like theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(3), Article 191.

We study the bilinear and higher-order fermion condensates in 4-dimensional SU(N) gauge theories with a single Dirac fermion in a general representation. Augmented with a mixed anomaly between the 0-form discrete chiral, 1-form center, and 0-form bar... Read More about Condensates and anomaly cascade in vector-like theories.

Natural inflation, strong dynamics, and the role of generalized anomalies (2020)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Baker, S. (2020). Natural inflation, strong dynamics, and the role of generalized anomalies. Physical Review D, 102(10), Article 103515.

We revisit models of natural inflation and show that the single-field effective theory described by the potential V ( a ) ∼ cos a f breaks down as the inflaton a makes large-field excursions, even for values of f smaller than the Planck scale. To rem... Read More about Natural inflation, strong dynamics, and the role of generalized anomalies.

Generalized ’t Hooft anomalies on non-spin manifolds (2020)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2020). Generalized ’t Hooft anomalies on non-spin manifolds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(4), Article 97.

We study the mixed anomaly between the discrete chiral symmetry and general baryon-color-flavor (BCF) backgrounds in SU(Nc) gauge theories with Nf flavors of Dirac fermions in representations ℛc of N -ality nc, formulated on non-spin manifolds. We sh... Read More about Generalized ’t Hooft anomalies on non-spin manifolds.

Deconfinement on axion domain walls (2020)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2020). Deconfinement on axion domain walls. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(3), Article 124.

We study SU(Nc) gauge theories with Dirac fermions in representations ℛ of nonzero N -ality, coupled to axions. These theories have an exact discrete chiral symmetry, which has a mixed ’t Hooft anomaly with general baryon-color-flavor backgrounds, ca... Read More about Deconfinement on axion domain walls.

On the baryon-color-flavor (BCF) anomaly in vector-like theories (2019)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2019). On the baryon-color-flavor (BCF) anomaly in vector-like theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(11), Article 063.

We consider the most general fractional background fluxes in the color, flavor, and baryon number directions, compatible with the faithful action of the global symmetry of a given theory. We call the obstruction to gauging symmetries revealed by such... Read More about On the baryon-color-flavor (BCF) anomaly in vector-like theories.

Domain walls in high-T SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory and QCD(adj) (2019)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2019). Domain walls in high-T SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory and QCD(adj). Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(5), Article 151.

We study the domain walls in hot 4-D SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory and QCD(adj), with nf Weyl flavors. We find that the k-wall worldvolume theory is 2-D QCD with gauge group SU(N − k) × SU(k) × U(1) and Dirac fermions charged under U(1) and transform... Read More about Domain walls in high-T SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory and QCD(adj).

Anomaly matching, (axial) Schwinger models, and high-T super Yang-Mills domain walls (2018)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2018). Anomaly matching, (axial) Schwinger models, and high-T super Yang-Mills domain walls. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(9), Article 76.

We study the discrete chiral- and center-symmetry ’t Hooft anomaly matching in the charge-q two-dimensional Schwinger model. We show that the algebra of the discrete symmetry operators involves a central extension, implying the existence of q vacua,... Read More about Anomaly matching, (axial) Schwinger models, and high-T super Yang-Mills domain walls.

Entanglement entropy, dualities, and deconfinement in gauge theories (2018)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Kolligs, B. J. (2018). Entanglement entropy, dualities, and deconfinement in gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(8), Article 175.

Computing the entanglement entropy in confining gauge theories is often accompanied by puzzles and ambiguities. In this work we show that compactifying the theory on a small circle S1L evades these difficulties. In particular, we study Yang-Mills the... Read More about Entanglement entropy, dualities, and deconfinement in gauge theories.

Large-scale messengers from massive higher spin fields (2018)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M. (2018). Large-scale messengers from massive higher spin fields. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(6), Article 154.

We show that nonperturbative production of massive higher spin fields from vacuum will accompany the generation of non-vanishing macroscopic energy-momentum tensor correlators. This argument is based on the general causal field formalism, which gives... Read More about Large-scale messengers from massive higher spin fields.

New nonperturbative scales and glueballs in confining supersymmetric gauge theories (2018)
Journal Article
Anber, M. M., & Poppitz, E. (2018). New nonperturbative scales and glueballs in confining supersymmetric gauge theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(3), Article 052.

We show that new nonperturbative scales exist in four-dimensional N = 1 super-Yang-Mills theory compactified on a circle, with an iterated-exponential dependence on the inverse gauge coupling. The lightest states with the quantum numbers of four-dime... Read More about New nonperturbative scales and glueballs in confining supersymmetric gauge theories.