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All Outputs (3)

The Cenozoic uplift and earthquake belt of mainland Britain as a response to an Underlying hot, low-density upper mantle (2004)
Journal Article
Bott, M., & Bott., J. (2004). The Cenozoic uplift and earthquake belt of mainland Britain as a response to an Underlying hot, low-density upper mantle. Journal of the Geological Society, 161(1), 19-29.

A belt of hot, low-density uppermost mantle underlying mainland Britain down to at least 200 km depth, revealed by seismic tomography, may be the prime cause of the Cenozoic uplift and exhumation. We use finite-element modelling to demonstrate how is... Read More about The Cenozoic uplift and earthquake belt of mainland Britain as a response to an Underlying hot, low-density upper mantle.

Patterns of stress at midocean ridges and their offsets due to seafloor subsidence (2004)
Journal Article
Neves, M., Bott, M., & Searle, R. (2004). Patterns of stress at midocean ridges and their offsets due to seafloor subsidence. Tectonophysics, 386(3-4), 223-242.

The effect of the seafloor subsidence on the horizontal stress field is investigated by combining the finite element method with a formulation that allows us to compute the two-dimensional (2D) horizontal stresses arising from isostatically compensat... Read More about Patterns of stress at midocean ridges and their offsets due to seafloor subsidence.