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All Outputs (13)

North Iberian temperature and rainfall seasonality over the Younger Dryas and Holocene (2019)
Journal Article
Baldini, L. M., Baldini, J. U. L., McDermott, F., Arias, P., Cueto, M., Fairchild, I. J., Hoffmann, D. L., Mattey, D. P., Muller, W., Nita, D. C., Ontanon, R., Garcia-Monco, C., & Richards, D. A. (2019). North Iberian temperature and rainfall seasonality over the Younger Dryas and Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 226, Article 105998.

Several stalagmite records have yielded important but discontinuous insights into northern Iberian climate since the Last Glacial. Here we present the first continuous Iberian stalagmite-based reconstruction of climate since the Bølling-Allerød inter... Read More about North Iberian temperature and rainfall seasonality over the Younger Dryas and Holocene.

Global distribution and controls on cave drip water oxygen isotope composition (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, A., Hartmann, A., Duan, W., Hankin, S., Comas-Bru, L., Cuthbert, M., …Perz-Mejias, C. (2019). Global distribution and controls on cave drip water oxygen isotope composition. Nature Communications, 10, Article 2984.

The oxygen isotope composition of speleothems is a widely used proxy for past climate change. Robust use of this proxy depends on understanding the relationship between precipitation and cave drip water δ18O. Here, we present the first global analysi... Read More about Global distribution and controls on cave drip water oxygen isotope composition.

Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries (2016)
Journal Article
Baldini, L. M., Baldini, J. U. L., McElwaine, J., Frappier, A. B., Asmerom, Y., Liu, K. B., Prufer, K., Ridley, H. E., Polyak, V., Kennett, D. J., Macpherson, C. G., Aquino, V. V., Awe, J., & Breitenbach, S. F. M. (2016). Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries. Scientific Reports, 6, Article 37522.

Accurately predicting future tropical cyclone risk requires understanding the fundamental controls on tropical cyclone dynamics. Here we present an annually-resolved 450-year reconstruction of western Caribbean tropical cyclone activity developed usi... Read More about Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries.

A novel approach for construction of radiocarbon-based chronologies for speleothems (2016)
Journal Article
Lechleitner, F. A., Fohlmeister, J., McIntyre, C., Baldini, L. M., Jamieson, R. A., Hercman, H., Gąsiorowski, M., Pawlak, J., Stefaniak, K., Socha, P., Eglinton, T. I., & Baldini, J. U. L. (2016). A novel approach for construction of radiocarbon-based chronologies for speleothems. Quaternary Geochronology, 35, 54-66.

Robust chronologies are crucial for the correct interpretation of climate proxy records and for detailed reconstructions of palaeoclimate. Stalagmites have garnered strong interest as recorders of past climate in part due to their amenability to U-se... Read More about A novel approach for construction of radiocarbon-based chronologies for speleothems.

Reconstructing high-resolution climate using CT scanning of unsectioned stalagmites: A case study identifying the mid-Holocene onset of the Mediterranean climate in southern Iberia. (2015)
Journal Article
Walczak, I., Baldini, J., Baldini, L., McDermott, F., Marsden, S., Standish, C., Richards, D., Andreo, B., & Slater, J. (2015). Reconstructing high-resolution climate using CT scanning of unsectioned stalagmites: A case study identifying the mid-Holocene onset of the Mediterranean climate in southern Iberia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 127, 117-128.

Regional temperature, atmospheric circulation, and sea-ice variability within the Younger Dryas Event constrained using a speleothem from northern Iberia (2015)
Journal Article
Baldini, L., McDermott, F., Baldini, J., Arias, P., Cueto, M., Fairchild, I., Hoffmann, D., Mattey, D., Müller, W., Nita, D., Ontañón, R., Garciá-Moncó, C., & Richards, D. (2015). Regional temperature, atmospheric circulation, and sea-ice variability within the Younger Dryas Event constrained using a speleothem from northern Iberia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 419, 101-110.

Precisely-dated, high-resolution stable isotope and trace element data from a stalagmite from La Garma Cave, northern Spain, reveal several stages of distinct climatic variability along the northern Iberian Atlantic margin, and provide new constraint... Read More about Regional temperature, atmospheric circulation, and sea-ice variability within the Younger Dryas Event constrained using a speleothem from northern Iberia.

Aerosol forcing of the position of the intertropical convergence zone since AD1550 (2015)
Journal Article
Ridley, H., Asmerom, Y., Baldini, J., Breitenbach, S., Aquino, V., Prufer, K., …Haug, G. (2015). Aerosol forcing of the position of the intertropical convergence zone since AD1550. Nature Geoscience, 8(3), 195-200.

The position of the intertropical convergence zone is an important control on the distribution of low-latitude precipitation. Its position is largely controlled by hemisphere temperature contrasts1, 2. The release of aerosols by human activities may... Read More about Aerosol forcing of the position of the intertropical convergence zone since AD1550.

Identifying short-term and seasonal trends in cave drip water trace element concentrations based on a daily-scale automatically collected drip water dataset (2012)
Journal Article
Baldini, J., McDermott, F., Baldini, L., Ottley, C., Linge, K., Clipson, N., & Jarvis, K. (2012). Identifying short-term and seasonal trends in cave drip water trace element concentrations based on a daily-scale automatically collected drip water dataset. Chemical Geology, 330-331, 1-16.

An investigation of the controls on Irish precipitation δ18O values on monthly and event timescales. (2010)
Journal Article
Baldini, L., McDermott, F., Baldini, J., Fischer, M., & Möllhoff, M. (2010). An investigation of the controls on Irish precipitation δ18O values on monthly and event timescales. Climate Dynamics, 35(6), 977-993.

This two-year study investigates the relative influence of meteorological variables (precipitation amount and temperature), atmospheric circulation, air mass history, and moisture source region on Irish precipitation oxygen isotopes (δ18Op) on event... Read More about An investigation of the controls on Irish precipitation δ18O values on monthly and event timescales..

Spatial variability in the European winter precipitation d18O-NAO relationship: Implications for reconstructing NAO-mode climate variability in the Holocene. (2008)
Journal Article
Baldini, L., McDermott, F., & Foley, A. (2008). Spatial variability in the European winter precipitation d18O-NAO relationship: Implications for reconstructing NAO-mode climate variability in the Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(4), Article L04709.

This paper investigates the links between precipitation δ18O and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on decadal timescales to identify the optimum locations within Europe at which to compile δ18O-based proxy records of past NAO variability. δ18O is... Read More about Spatial variability in the European winter precipitation d18O-NAO relationship: Implications for reconstructing NAO-mode climate variability in the Holocene..

Carbon dioxide sources, sinks, and spatial variability in shallow temperate zone caves: Evidence from Ballynamintra Cave, Ireland (2006)
Journal Article
Baldini, J., Baldini, L., McDermott, F., & Clipson, N. (2006). Carbon dioxide sources, sinks, and spatial variability in shallow temperate zone caves: Evidence from Ballynamintra Cave, Ireland. Journal of cave and karst studies, 68(1), 4-11

Carbon dioxide concentrations in Ballynamintra Cave, S. Ireland, generally increase with distance from the entrance, but this trend is non-linear because physical constrictions and slope changes compartmentalize the cave into zones with distinct PCO2... Read More about Carbon dioxide sources, sinks, and spatial variability in shallow temperate zone caves: Evidence from Ballynamintra Cave, Ireland.

Biomass effects on stalagmite growth and isotope ratios: A 20th century analogue from Wiltshire, England (2005)
Journal Article
Baldini, J., McDermott, F., Baker, A., Baldini, L., Mattey, D., & Railsback, L. (2005). Biomass effects on stalagmite growth and isotope ratios: A 20th century analogue from Wiltshire, England. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 240(2), 486-494.

Increases in calcite deposition rates combined with decreases in δ13C and δ18O in three modern stalagmites from Brown's Folly Mine, Wiltshire, England, are correlative with a well-documented re-vegetation above the mine. Increased soil PCO2 resulted... Read More about Biomass effects on stalagmite growth and isotope ratios: A 20th century analogue from Wiltshire, England.