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All Outputs (237)

Spatial quantification of leafless canopy structure in a boreal birch forest (2014)
Journal Article
Reid, T., Spencer, M., Huntley, B., Essery, R., Carle, J., Holden, R., …Rutter, N. (2014). Spatial quantification of leafless canopy structure in a boreal birch forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 188, 1-12.

Leafless deciduous canopies in boreal regions affect the energy available for snowmelt and reduce overall surface albedo during winter, thereby exerting a strong influence on weather and climate. In this work, ground-based measurements of leafless ca... Read More about Spatial quantification of leafless canopy structure in a boreal birch forest.

Southern Hemisphere temperate tree lines are not climatically depressed (2014)
Journal Article
Cieraad, E., McGlone, M., & Huntley, B. (2014). Southern Hemisphere temperate tree lines are not climatically depressed. Journal of Biogeography, 41(8), 1456-1466.

Aim Southern temperate tree lines are found at low elevations compared with their Northern Hemisphere counterparts. They are also regarded as forming at warm temperatures, which has been attributed to taxon-specific limitations. Using New Zealand tre... Read More about Southern Hemisphere temperate tree lines are not climatically depressed.

Suborbital climatic variability and centres of biological diversity in the Cape region of southern Africa (2014)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Midgley, G., Barnard, P., & Valdes, P. (2014). Suborbital climatic variability and centres of biological diversity in the Cape region of southern Africa. Journal of Biogeography, 41(7), 1338-1351.

Aim To explore the magnitude and spatial patterns of last glacial stage orbitally forced climatic changes and suborbital climatic fluctuations in southern Africa, and to evaluate their potential roles in determining present biodiversity patterns. Loc... Read More about Suborbital climatic variability and centres of biological diversity in the Cape region of southern Africa.

Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations (2014)
Journal Article
Hancock, S., Essery, R., Reid, T., Carle, J., Baxter, R., Rutter, N., & Huntley, B. (2014). Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189-190, 105-114.

Previous studies have shown that terrestrial lidar is capable of characterising forest canopies but suggest that lidar underestimates gap fraction compared to hemispherical camera photography. This paper performs a detailed comparison of lidar to cam... Read More about Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations.

Projecting impacts of anthropogenic climatic change on the bird communities of southern Swedish spruce monocultures: Will the species poor get poorer? (2014)
Journal Article
Felton, A., Lindbladh, M., Elmberg, J., Felton, A., Andersson, E., Sekercioglu, C., …Huntley, B. (2014). Projecting impacts of anthropogenic climatic change on the bird communities of southern Swedish spruce monocultures: Will the species poor get poorer?. Ornis Fennica, 91(1), 1-13

The potential impact of climatic change on bird species’ distributions in Europe was recently modeled for several scenarios of projected late 21st century climate. The results indicate mean range shifts of hundreds of kilometres north for many of Eur... Read More about Projecting impacts of anthropogenic climatic change on the bird communities of southern Swedish spruce monocultures: Will the species poor get poorer?.

Biases in Reanalysis Snowfall Found by Comparing the JULES Land Surface Model to GlobSnow (2014)
Journal Article
Hancock, S., Huntley, B., Ellis, R., & Baxter, R. (2014). Biases in Reanalysis Snowfall Found by Comparing the JULES Land Surface Model to GlobSnow. Journal of Climate, 27(2), 624-632.

Snow exerts a strong influence on weather and climate. Accurate representation of snow processes within models is needed to ensure accurate predictions. Snow processes are known to be a weakness of land surface models (LSMs), and studies suggest that... Read More about Biases in Reanalysis Snowfall Found by Comparing the JULES Land Surface Model to GlobSnow.

Evaluating the carbon balance estimate from an automated ground-level flux chamber system in artificial grass mesocosms (2013)
Journal Article
Heinemeyer, A., Gornall, J., Baxter, R., Huntley, B., & Ineson, P. (2013). Evaluating the carbon balance estimate from an automated ground-level flux chamber system in artificial grass mesocosms. Ecology and Evolution, 3(15), 4998-5010.

Measuring and modeling carbon (C) stock changes in terrestrial ecosystems are pivotal in addressing global C-cycling model uncertainties. Difficulties in detecting small short-term changes in relatively large C stocks require the development of robus... Read More about Evaluating the carbon balance estimate from an automated ground-level flux chamber system in artificial grass mesocosms.

Environmental and vegetation drivers of seasonal CO2 fluxes in a Sub-arctic forest–mire ecotone (2013)
Journal Article
Poyatos, R., Heinemeyer, A., Ineson, P., Evans, J., Ward, H., Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2014). Environmental and vegetation drivers of seasonal CO2 fluxes in a Sub-arctic forest–mire ecotone. Ecosystems, 17(3), 377-393.

Unravelling the role of structural and environmental drivers of gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R eco) in highly heterogeneous tundra is a major challenge for the upscaling of chamber-based CO2 fluxes in Arctic landscapes.... Read More about Environmental and vegetation drivers of seasonal CO2 fluxes in a Sub-arctic forest–mire ecotone.

Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark, northernmost Europe (2013)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Long, A., & Allen, J. (2013). Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark, northernmost Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 70, 158-175.

Precisely-dated records of palaeovegetation and reconstructed palaeoclimate are presented from three lakes in northernmost Finnmark. The lakes lie adjacent to the southern shore of the Barents Sea and are located along a west–east transect. The three... Read More about Spatio-temporal patterns in late-glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of Finnmark, northernmost Europe.

Do ecological differences between taxonomic groups influence the relationship between species’ distributions and climate? A global meta-analysis using species distribution models (2013)
Journal Article
Kharouba, H., McCune, J., Thuiller, W., & Huntley, B. (2013). Do ecological differences between taxonomic groups influence the relationship between species’ distributions and climate? A global meta-analysis using species distribution models. Ecography, 36(6), 657-664.

Understanding whether and how ecological traits affect species’ geographic distributions is a fundamental issue that bridges ecology and biogeography. While climate is thought to be the major determinant of species’ distributions, there is considerab... Read More about Do ecological differences between taxonomic groups influence the relationship between species’ distributions and climate? A global meta-analysis using species distribution models.

Millennial climatic fluctuations are key to the structure of last glacial ecosystems (2013)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Allen, J. R., Collingham, Y. C., Hickler, T., Lister, A. M., Singarayer, J., …Valdes, P. J. (2013). Millennial climatic fluctuations are key to the structure of last glacial ecosystems. PLoS ONE, 8(4), Article e61963.

Whereas fossil evidence indicates extensive treeless vegetation and diverse grazing megafauna in Europe and northern Asia during the last glacial, experiments combining vegetation models and climate models have to-date simulated widespread persistenc... Read More about Millennial climatic fluctuations are key to the structure of last glacial ecosystems.

Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation site networks under climate change: accounting for uncertainty (2013)
Journal Article
Bagchi, R., Crosby, M., Huntley, B., Hole, D., Butchart, S., Collingham, Y., …Willis, S. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation site networks under climate change: accounting for uncertainty. Global Change Biology, 19(4), 1236-1248.

We forecasted potential impacts of climate change on the ability of a network of key sites for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas; IBAs) to provide suitable climate for 370 bird species of current conservation concern in two Asian biodiversity h... Read More about Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation site networks under climate change: accounting for uncertainty.

Species’ distribution models indicate contrasting late-Quaternary histories for southern and northern hemisphere bird species (2013)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Allen, J., Barnard, P., Collingham, Y., & Holliday, P. (2013). Species’ distribution models indicate contrasting late-Quaternary histories for southern and northern hemisphere bird species. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(3), 277-288.

Aim  To test the following hypotheses: that Fynbos species had more extensive distributions at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), extending onto the exposed ‘Agulhas Plain’; that genetically distinct British taxa could have persisted through the LGM on... Read More about Species’ distribution models indicate contrasting late-Quaternary histories for southern and northern hemisphere bird species.

Evaluating global snow water equivalent products for testing land surface models (2013)
Journal Article
Hancock, S., Baxter, R., Evans, J., & Huntley, B. (2013). Evaluating global snow water equivalent products for testing land surface models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 128, 107-117.

This paper compares three global snow water equivalent (SWE) products, SSM/I (NSIDC), AMSR-E (NSIDC) and Globsnow (v1.0, ESA) to each other, snow covered area (SCA), ground measures of snow depth and meteorological data in an attempt to determine whi... Read More about Evaluating global snow water equivalent products for testing land surface models.

Density-dependent dispersal and the speed of range expansions (2013)
Journal Article
Altwegg, R., Collingham, Y., Erni, B., & Huntley, B. (2013). Density-dependent dispersal and the speed of range expansions. Diversity and Distributions, 19(1), 60-68.

Aim The speed of range expansions, be it invasive species colonizing a new area or species tracking a moving climatic niche, critically depends on dispersal. Models for species' range expansions generally assume dispersal to be independent of local p... Read More about Density-dependent dispersal and the speed of range expansions.

Vegetation ecology and global change. (2012)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2012). Vegetation ecology and global change. In E. van der Maarel, & J. Franklin (Eds.), Vegetation Ecology (509-525). (2nd Edition). Wiley