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All Outputs (17)

Applications of alpha space (2020)
Journal Article
Rutter, D., & van Rees, B. C. (2020). Applications of alpha space. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(12), Article 48.

We extend the definition of ‘alpha space’ as introduced in [1] to two spacetime dimensions. We discuss how this can be used to find conformal block decompositions of known functions and how to easily recover several lightcone bootstrap results. In th... Read More about Applications of alpha space.

The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: higher dimensional amplitudes (2019)
Journal Article
Paulos, M. F., Penedones, J., Toledo, J., van Rees, B. C., & Vieira, P. (2019). The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: higher dimensional amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(12), Article 40.

We consider constraints on the S-matrix of any gapped, Lorentz invariant quantum field theory in 3+1 dimensions due to crossing symmetry, analyticity and unitarity. We extremize cubic couplings, quartic couplings and scattering lengths relevant for t... Read More about The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: higher dimensional amplitudes.

The S-matrix bootstrap IV: multiple amplitudes (2019)
Journal Article
Homrich, A., Penedones, J., Toledo, J., van Rees, B. C., & Vieira, P. (2019). The S-matrix bootstrap IV: multiple amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(11), Article 76.

We explore the space of consistent three-particle couplings in ℤ2-symmetric two-dimensional QFTs using two first-principles approaches. Our first approach relies solely on unitarity, analyticity and crossing symmetry of the two-to-two scattering ampl... Read More about The S-matrix bootstrap IV: multiple amplitudes.

Crossing symmetry in alpha space (2017)
Journal Article
Hogervorst, M., & van Rees, B. C. (2017). Crossing symmetry in alpha space. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(11), Article 193.

We initiate the study of the conformal bootstrap using Sturm-Liouville theory, specializing to four-point functions in one-dimensional CFTs. We do so by decomposing conformal correlators using a basis of eigenfunctions of the Casimir which are labele... Read More about Crossing symmetry in alpha space.

The S-matrix Bootstrap II: Two Dimensional Amplitudes (2017)
Journal Article
Paulos, M. F., Penedones, J., Toledo, J., van Rees, B. C., & Vieira, P. (2017). The S-matrix Bootstrap II: Two Dimensional Amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(11), Article 143.

We consider constraints on the S-matrix of any gapped, Lorentz invariant quantum field theory in 1 + 1 dimensions due to crossing symmetry and unitarity. In this way we establish rigorous bounds on the cubic couplings of a given theory with a fixed m... Read More about The S-matrix Bootstrap II: Two Dimensional Amplitudes.

The S-matrix bootstrap. Part I: QFT in AdS (2017)
Journal Article
Paulos, M. F., Penedones, J., Toledo, J., van Rees, B. C., & Vieira, P. (2017). The S-matrix bootstrap. Part I: QFT in AdS. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(11), Article 133.

We propose a strategy to study massive Quantum Field Theory (QFT) using conformal bootstrap methods. The idea is to consider QFT in hyperbolic space and study correlation functions of its boundary operators. We show that these are solutions of the cr... Read More about The S-matrix bootstrap. Part I: QFT in AdS.

More N = 4 superconformal bootstrap (2017)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. C. (2017). More N = 4 superconformal bootstrap. Physical Review D, 96(4), Article 046014.

In this long overdue second installment, we continue to develop the conformal bootstrap program for N = 4 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in four dimensions via an analysis of the correlation function of four stress-tensor supermultiplets. We r... Read More about More N = 4 superconformal bootstrap.

Unitarity violation at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in 4-epsilon dimensions (2016)
Journal Article
Hogevorst, M., Rychkov, S., & van Rees, B. (2016). Unitarity violation at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in 4-epsilon dimensions. Physical Review D, 93(12), Article 125025.

We consider the continuation of free and interacting scalar field theory to noninteger spacetime dimension d. We find that the correlation functions in these theories are necessarily incompatible with unitarity (or with reflection positivity in Eucli... Read More about Unitarity violation at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in 4-epsilon dimensions.

The N=2 superconformal bootstrap (2016)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Lemos, M., Liendo, P., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. (2016). The N=2 superconformal bootstrap. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(3), Article 183.

In this work we initiate the conformal bootstrap program for N=2N=2 super-conformal field theories in four dimensions. We promote an abstract operator-algebraic viewpoint in order to unify the description of Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian theories, an... Read More about The N=2 superconformal bootstrap.

The (2, 0) superconformal bootstrap (2016)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Lemos, M., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. C. (2016). The (2, 0) superconformal bootstrap. Physical Review D, 93(2), Article 025016.

We develop the conformal bootstrap program for six-dimensional conformal field theories with (2, 0) supersymmetry, focusing on the universal four-point function of stress tensor multiplets. We review the solution of the superconformal Ward identities... Read More about The (2, 0) superconformal bootstrap.

Conformal invariance in the long-range Ising model (2015)
Journal Article
Paulos, M., Rychkov, S., van Rees, B., & Zan, B. (2016). Conformal invariance in the long-range Ising model. Nuclear Physics B, 902, 246-291.

We consider the question of conformal invariance of the long-range Ising model at the critical point. The continuum description is given in terms of a nonlocal field theory, and the absence of a stress tensor invalidates all of the standard arguments... Read More about Conformal invariance in the long-range Ising model.

W symmetry in six dimensions (2015)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. C. (2015). W symmetry in six dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(05), Article 017.

Six-dimensional conformal field theories with p2, 0q supersymmetry are shown to possess a protected sector of operators and observables that are isomorphic to a twodimensional chiral algebra. We argue that the chiral algebra associated to a p2, 0q th... Read More about W symmetry in six dimensions.

Chiral algebras of class S (2015)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Peelaers, W., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. C. (2015). Chiral algebras of class S. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(05), Article 020.

Four-dimensional NN = 2 superconformal field theories have families of protected correlation functions that possess the structure of two-dimensional chiral algebras. In this paper, we explore the chiral algebras that arise in this manner in the conte... Read More about Chiral algebras of class S.

Infinite Chiral Symmetry in Four Dimensions (2015)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Lemos, M., Liendo, P., Peelaers, W., Rastelli, L., & van Rees, B. C. (2015). Infinite Chiral Symmetry in Four Dimensions. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 336(3), 1359-1433.

We describe a new correspondence between four-dimensional conformal field theories with extended supersymmetry and two-dimensional chiral algebras. The meromorphic correlators of the chiral algebra compute correlators in a protected sector of the fou... Read More about Infinite Chiral Symmetry in Four Dimensions.

Truncated conformal space approach in d dimensions: A cheap alternative to lattice field theory? (2015)
Journal Article
Hogevorst, M., Rychkov, S., & van Rees, B. (2015). Truncated conformal space approach in d dimensions: A cheap alternative to lattice field theory?. Physical Review D, 91(2), Article 025005.

We show how to perform accurate, nonperturbative and controlled calculations in quantum field theory in d dimensions. We use the truncated conformal space approach, a Hamiltonian method which exploits the conformal structure of the UV fixed point. Th... Read More about Truncated conformal space approach in d dimensions: A cheap alternative to lattice field theory?.

Resummation and S-duality in N = 4 SYM (2014)
Journal Article
Beem, C., Rastelli, L., Sen, A., & van Rees, B. C. (2014). Resummation and S-duality in N = 4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(04), Article 122.

We consider the problem of resumming the perturbative expansions for anomalous dimensions of low twist, non-BPS operators in four dimensional NN = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. The requirement of S-duality invariance imposes considerable rest... Read More about Resummation and S-duality in N = 4 SYM.

A natural language for AdS/CFT correlators (2011)
Journal Article
Fitzpatrick, A. L., Kaplan, J., Penedones, J., Raju, S., & van Rees, B. C. (2011). A natural language for AdS/CFT correlators. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(11), Article 095.

We provide dramatic evidence that ‘Mellin space’ is the natural home for correlation functions in CFTs with weakly coupled bulk duals. In Mellin space, CFT correlators have poles corresponding to an OPE decomposition into ‘left’ and ‘right’ sub-corre... Read More about A natural language for AdS/CFT correlators.