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Opas-Hänninen, L.L.; Ore, E.S.; Warwick, C.


L.L. Opas-Hänninen

E.S. Ore


Digital Humanities 2008 in Oulu, Finland, confirmed that the field—leaving aside the question of whether Digital Humanities is a field—is growing. For most of the conference there were four parallel tracks giving room for 80 accepted papers, 12 panel sessions, and 29 accepted posters. The opening plenary talk by Eero Hyvönen from the University of Helsinki, ‘Culture Sampo - Finnish Culture on the Semantic Web’, showed a development towards new areas for these conferences. And it was a pleasure to note that along with the well-established scholars there were notable presentations by graduate students and scholars new to the field. There was also an especially strong presence from Japan, which shows that DH is spreading ever more widely accross the globe.


Opas-Hänninen, L., Ore, E., & Warwick, C. (2009). Intoduction. Literary and linguistic computing, 24(2), 127-128.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2009-06
Deposit Date Sep 5, 2014
Journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
Print ISSN 0268-1145
Electronic ISSN 1477-4615
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 2
Pages 127-128
Public URL