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Outputs (205)

Novel Higgs potentials from gauge mediation of exact scale breaking (2014)
Journal Article
Abel, S., & Mariotti, A. (2014). Novel Higgs potentials from gauge mediation of exact scale breaking. Physical Review D, 89(12), Article 125018.

We present a gauge mediation principle for beyond standard model theories where exact UV scale invariance is broken in a hidden sector. The relevant configurations are those in which the standard model and a hidden sector emanate from a scale invaria... Read More about Novel Higgs potentials from gauge mediation of exact scale breaking.

Dark D-brane cosmology (2014)
Journal Article
Koivisto, T., Wills, D., & Zavala, I. (2014). Dark D-brane cosmology. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2014(06), Article 036.

Disformally coupled cosmologies arise from Dirac-Born-Infeld actions in Type II string theories, when matter resides on a moving hidden sector D-brane. Since such matter interacts only very weakly with the standard model particles, this scenario can... Read More about Dark D-brane cosmology.

Collective coordinate approximation to the scattering of solitons in the (1+1) dimensional NLS model (2014)
Journal Article
Baron, H., Zakrzewski, W., & Luchini, G. (2014). Collective coordinate approximation to the scattering of solitons in the (1+1) dimensional NLS model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47(26), Article 265201.

We present a collective coordinate approximation to model the dynamics of two interacting nonlinear Schrödinger solitons. We discuss the accuracy of this approximation by comparing our results with those of the full numerical simulations and find tha... Read More about Collective coordinate approximation to the scattering of solitons in the (1+1) dimensional NLS model.

Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature (2014)
Journal Article
Aslett, L., Coolen, F., & Wilson, S. (2015). Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature. Risk Analysis, 35(9), 1640-1651.

The concept of survival signature has recently been introduced as an alternative to the signature for reliability quantification of systems. While these two concepts are closely related for systems consisting of a single type of component, the surviv... Read More about Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature.

Thermal enhancement and stochastic resonance of polaron ratchet (2014)
Journal Article
Brizhik, L., Eremko, A., Piette, B., & Zakrzewski, W. (2014). Thermal enhancement and stochastic resonance of polaron ratchet. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 89(6), Article 062905.

We study the ratchet drift of large polarons (solitons) in molecular diatomic chains induced by unbiased time periodic electric fields at nonzero temperature below its critical value. We show that, at a nonzero temperature, the critical value of the... Read More about Thermal enhancement and stochastic resonance of polaron ratchet.

Resonant Penetrative Convection with an Internal Heat Source/Sink (2014)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2014). Resonant Penetrative Convection with an Internal Heat Source/Sink. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 132(1), 561-581.

We develop a detailed linear instability and nonlinear stability analysis for the situation of convection in a horizontal plane layer of fluid when there is a heat sink/source which is linear in the vertical coordinate which is in the opposite direct... Read More about Resonant Penetrative Convection with an Internal Heat Source/Sink.

Novel metals and insulators from holography (2014)
Journal Article
Donos, A., & Gauntlett, J. P. (2014). Novel metals and insulators from holography. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(6),

Using simple holographic models in D = 4 spacetime dimensions we construct black hole solutions dual to d = 3 CFTs at finite charge density with a Q-lattice deformation. At zero temperature we find new ground state solutions, associated with broken t... Read More about Novel metals and insulators from holography.

Bethe ansatz for Yangian invariants: Towards super Yang–Mills scattering amplitudes (2014)
Journal Article
Frassek, R., Kanning, N., Ko, Y., & Staudacher, M. (2014). Bethe ansatz for Yangian invariants: Towards super Yang–Mills scattering amplitudes. Nuclear Physics B, 883, 373-424.

We propose that Baxter's Z -invariant six-vertex model at the rational gl(2) point on a planar but in general not rectangular lattice provides a way to study Yangian invariants. These are identified with eigenfunctions of certain monodromies of an au... Read More about Bethe ansatz for Yangian invariants: Towards super Yang–Mills scattering amplitudes.