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Outputs (138)

Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of oceanic core complexes at 13N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2022)
Journal Article
Peirce, C., Funnell, M., Reston, T., & MacLeod, C. (2022). Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of oceanic core complexes at 13N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geophysical Journal International, 232(1), 615-642.

13°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is regarded as a type site for oceanic core complexes (OCCs). Within ~70 km along the spreading centre, it hosts four OCCs in different stages of their life cycle making this an ideal location to determine how OCCs are... Read More about Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of oceanic core complexes at 13N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Carbon and sediment fluxes inhibited in the submarine Congo Canyon by landslide-damming (2022)
Journal Article
Pope, E. L., Heijnen, M. S., Talling, P. J., Jacinto, R. S., Gaillot, A., Baker, M. L., …Urlaub, M. (2022). Carbon and sediment fluxes inhibited in the submarine Congo Canyon by landslide-damming. Nature Geoscience, 15(10), 845-853.

Landslide-dams, which are often transient, can strongly affect the geomorphology, and sediment and geochemical fluxes, within subaerial fluvial systems. The potential occurrence and impact of analogous landslide-dams in submarine canyons has, however... Read More about Carbon and sediment fluxes inhibited in the submarine Congo Canyon by landslide-damming.

A new subsurface record of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian, Lower Jurassic, of Yorkshire (2022)
Journal Article
Trabucho-Alexandre, J., Gröcke, D., Atar, E., Herringshaw, L., & Jarvis, I. (2022). A new subsurface record of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian, Lower Jurassic, of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 64(2),

Here, we describe the upper Pliensbachian to middle Toarcian stratigraphy of the Dove's Nest borehole, which was drilled near Whitby, North Yorkshire, in 2013. The core represents a single, continuous vertical section through unweathered, immature Lo... Read More about A new subsurface record of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian, Lower Jurassic, of Yorkshire.

Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity (2022)
Journal Article
Collettini, C., Barchi, M., De Paola, N., Trippetta, F., & Tinti, E. (2022). Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 5627.

Analysis of seismicity can illuminate active fault zone structures but also deformation within large volumes of the seismogenic zone. For the Mw 6.5 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence, seismicity not only localizes along the major structures ho... Read More about Rock and fault rheology explain differences between on fault and distributed seismicity.

Scotland’s first farmers: new insights into early farming practices in north-west Europe (2022)
Journal Article
Bishop, R., Gröcke, D., Ralston, I., Clarke, D., Lee, D., Shepherd, A., …Church, M. (2022). Scotland’s first farmers: new insights into early farming practices in north-west Europe. Antiquity, 96(389),

Thirty years after the discovery of an Early Neolithic timber hall at Balbridie in Scotland was reported in Antiquity, new analysis of the site's archaeobotanical assemblage, featuring 20 000 cereal grains preserved when the building burnt down in th... Read More about Scotland’s first farmers: new insights into early farming practices in north-west Europe.

Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador (2022)
Journal Article
Hoult, H., Brown, R. J., Van Eaton, A. R., Hernandez, W., Dobson, K. J., & Woodward, B. (2022). Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431, Article 107670.

Aggregation processes control both the residence time and dispersal of volcanic ash during eruptions yet remain incompletely understood. The products of aggregation vary from simple ash clusters to large, complexly layered accretionary lapilli. Here... Read More about Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador.

Hydrologic connectivity and source heterogeneity control concentration–discharge relationships (2022)
Journal Article
Knapp, J. L., Li, L., & Musolff, A. (2022). Hydrologic connectivity and source heterogeneity control concentration–discharge relationships. Hydrological Processes, 36(9), Article e14683.

Changes in streamwater chemistry have frequently been used to understand the storage and release of water and solutes at the catchment scale. Streamwater chemistry typically varies in space and time, depending on sources, mobilization mechanisms, and... Read More about Hydrologic connectivity and source heterogeneity control concentration–discharge relationships.

A light-cone catalogue from the Millennium-XXL simulation: improved spatial interpolation and colour distributions for the DESI BGS (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, A., Cole, S., Grove, C., Norberg, P., & Zarrouk, P. (2022). A light-cone catalogue from the Millennium-XXL simulation: improved spatial interpolation and colour distributions for the DESI BGS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516(3), 4529 - 4542.

The use of realistic mock galaxy catalogues is essential in the preparation of large galaxy surveys, in order to test and validate theoretical models and to assess systematics. We present an updated version of the mock catalogue constructed from the... Read More about A light-cone catalogue from the Millennium-XXL simulation: improved spatial interpolation and colour distributions for the DESI BGS.

No Unique Scaling Law for Igneous Dikes (2022)
Journal Article
Gill, S., Walker, R., McCaffrey, K., & Greenfield, C. (2022). No Unique Scaling Law for Igneous Dikes. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 127(9), Article e2022JB024120.

In linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), veins, dikes, and sills grow in length when the stress intensity factor urn:x-wiley:21699313:media:jgrb55827:jgrb55827-math-0001 at the tip reaches a critical value: the host rock fracture toughness urn:x-... Read More about No Unique Scaling Law for Igneous Dikes.