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Outputs (114)

Application of a seismic network to baleen whale call detection and localization in the Panama basin-a Bryde's whale example. (2024)
Journal Article
Tary, J. B., Peirce, C., Hobbs, R., Bonilla Walker, F., De La Hoz, C., Bird, A., & Vargas, C. A. (2024). Application of a seismic network to baleen whale call detection and localization in the Panama basin-a Bryde's whale example. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155(3), 2075-2086.

Baleen whales use sounds of various characteristics for different tasks and interactions. This study focuses on recordings from the Costa Rica Rift, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, made by 25 ocean-bottom seismographs and a vertical array of 1... Read More about Application of a seismic network to baleen whale call detection and localization in the Panama basin-a Bryde's whale example..

Oceanic crust – seismic structure, lithology and the cause of the 2A Event at borehole 504B (2024)
Journal Article
Peirce, C., & Hobbs, R. (2024). Oceanic crust – seismic structure, lithology and the cause of the 2A Event at borehole 504B. Geophysical Journal International, 237(1), 159-189.

This study focuses on the 3-D velocity structure and thickness of ~7 Myr-old oceanic crust surrounding borehole 504B, located ~235 km from the intermediate-spreading Costa Rica Rift (Panama Basin). It investigates how well seismic structure determine... Read More about Oceanic crust – seismic structure, lithology and the cause of the 2A Event at borehole 504B.

Structure and dynamics of the Ecuador Fracture Zone, Panama Basin (2023)
Journal Article
Peirce, C., Tedd, J., & Hobbs, R. (2023). Structure and dynamics of the Ecuador Fracture Zone, Panama Basin. Geophysical Journal International, 235(2), 1519-1540.

In this study, multiple geophysical data types are used to investigate the structure and dynamics of the Ecuador Fracture Zone – a complex multi-stranded strike-slip fault system located in the Panama Basin. Gravity modelling reveals a 25-30 km-wide... Read More about Structure and dynamics of the Ecuador Fracture Zone, Panama Basin.

Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes (2023)
Journal Article
Sanford, O., Schofield, N., Hobbs, R., & Brown, R. (2023). Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 152, Article 106232.

Imaging both within and beneath subsurface igneous sill complexes is a seismic exploration challenge. A significant aspect of this challenge is due to a lack of understanding of the interaction between the heterogeneous geological structures and the... Read More about Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes.

Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Sageman, B., Selby, D., Jacobson, A., Batenburg, S., Riquier, L., …Hobbs, R. (2023). Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism. Nature Geoscience, 16(2), 169-174.

Large igneous province volcanic activity during the mid-Cretaceous approximately 94.5 million years ago triggered a global-scale episode of reduced marine oxygen levels known as Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. It has been hypothesized that this geologically... Read More about Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism.

Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging (2022)
Journal Article
Sanford, O., Hobbs, R., Brown, R., & Schofield, N. (2023). Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180(1), 145-156.

Sequences of buried basalt lavas found along continental margins may be associated with hydrocarbon deposits. However, they have heterogeneous velocity and density structures that degrade seismic imaging of basalt and sub-basalt structures and make t... Read More about Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging.

Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach (2021)
Journal Article
Xiao, W., Sheen, K. L., Tang, Q., Shutler, J., Hobbs, R., & Ehmen, T. (2021). Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 734125.

Ocean submesoscale dynamics are thought to play a key role in both the climate system and ocean productivity, however, subsurface observations at these scales remain rare. Seismic oceanography, an established acoustic imaging method, provides a uniqu... Read More about Temperature and Salinity Inverted for a Mediterranean Eddy Captured With Seismic Data, Using a Spatially Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach.

Local rift and intraplate seismicity reveal shallow crustal fluid-related activity and sub-crustal faulting (2021)
Journal Article
Tary, J., Hobbs, R., Peirce, C., Lesmes Lesmes, C., & Funnell, M. (2021). Local rift and intraplate seismicity reveal shallow crustal fluid-related activity and sub-crustal faulting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 562, Article 116857.

Seismicity delineating the mid-ocean ridge system in the Panama Basin is mostly concentrated along transform offsets. Most intraplate areas show little-to-no seismic activity. Here we analyze passive recordings from a short-term deployment of 75 ocea... Read More about Local rift and intraplate seismicity reveal shallow crustal fluid-related activity and sub-crustal faulting.

Contourite processes associated with the overflow of Pacific Deep Water within the Luzon Trough: Conceptual and regional implications (2021)
Journal Article
Yin, S., Javier Hernández-Molina, F., Hobbs, R., Gao, J., Ding, W., Yang, C., …Li, J. (2021). Contourite processes associated with the overflow of Pacific Deep Water within the Luzon Trough: Conceptual and regional implications. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 170, Article 103459.

Overflows through oceanic gateways govern the exchange of water masses in the world's ocean basins. These exchanges also involve energy, salinity, nutrients, and carbon. As such, the physical features that control overflow can exert a strong influenc... Read More about Contourite processes associated with the overflow of Pacific Deep Water within the Luzon Trough: Conceptual and regional implications.

Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369 (2020)
Journal Article
Harry, D., Tejada, M., Lee, E., Wolfgring, E., Wainman, C., Brumsack, H., …White, L. (2020). Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(12), Article e2020GC009144.

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369 drilled four sites on the southwestern Australian continental margin, in the deep water Mentelle Basin (MB) and on the neighboring Naturaliste Plateau (NP). The drillsites are located on continenta... Read More about Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results from IODP Expedition 369.