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Outputs (7)

Monte Carlo sampling for error propagation in linear regression and applications in isochron geochronology (2018)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Zhang, S., Hobbs, R., Caiado, C., Sproson, A., Selby, D., & Rooney, A. (2019). Monte Carlo sampling for error propagation in linear regression and applications in isochron geochronology. Science Bulletin, 64(3), 189-197.

Geochronology is essential for understanding Earth’s history. The availability of precise and accurate isotopic data is increasing; hence it is crucial to develop transparent and accessible data reduction techniques and tools to transform raw mass sp... Read More about Monte Carlo sampling for error propagation in linear regression and applications in isochron geochronology.

Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part I: hydrography of the basin (2018)
Journal Article
Banyte, D., Morales Maqueda, M., Hobbs, R., Smeed, D., Megann, A., & Recalde, S. (2018). Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part I: hydrography of the basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10), 7382-7392.

The Panama Basin serves as a laboratory to investigate abyssal water upwelling. The basin has only a single abyssal water inflow pathway through the narrow Ecuador Trench. The estimated critical inflow through the Trench reaches 0.34 ± 0.07 m s−1, re... Read More about Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part I: hydrography of the basin.

Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part II: abyssal water mass transformation (2018)
Journal Article
Banyte, D., Morales Maqueda, M., Smeed, D., Megann, A., Hobbs, R., & Recalde, S. (2018). Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part II: abyssal water mass transformation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(10), 7393-7406.

Diabatic upwelling of abyssal waters is investigated in the Panama Basin employing the water mass transformation framework of Walin [1982]. We find that, in large areas of the basin, the bottom boundary layer is very weakly stratified and extends hun... Read More about Geothermal heating in the Panama Basin. Part II: abyssal water mass transformation.

Geophysical evidence for structurally-controlled, authigenic carbonate cementation in the Laminaria High, Bonaparte basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia (2018)
Journal Article
Abudlkareem, L., Imber, J., & Hobbs, R. (2019). Geophysical evidence for structurally-controlled, authigenic carbonate cementation in the Laminaria High, Bonaparte basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 99, 563-576.

3D seismic reflection data are used to investigate the processes which have led to the development of amplitude anomalies on reflectors in the faulted, Cenozoic overburden on the Laminaria High, Northwest Shelf of Australia. Amplitude and root mean s... Read More about Geophysical evidence for structurally-controlled, authigenic carbonate cementation in the Laminaria High, Bonaparte basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia.

Uncertainty analysis of depth predictions from seismic reflection data using Bayesian statistics (2018)
Journal Article
Michelioudakis, D., Hobbs, R., & Caiado, C. (2018). Uncertainty analysis of depth predictions from seismic reflection data using Bayesian statistics. Geophysical Journal International, 213(3), 2161-2176.

Estimating the depths of target horizons from seismic reflection data is an important task in exploration geophysics. To constrain these depths we need a reliable and accurate velocity model. Here, we build an optimum 2D seismic reflection data proce... Read More about Uncertainty analysis of depth predictions from seismic reflection data using Bayesian statistics.

Thermal structure of the Panama Basin by analysis of seismic attenuation (2018)
Journal Article
Vargas, C., Pulido, J., & Hobbs, R. (2018). Thermal structure of the Panama Basin by analysis of seismic attenuation. Tectonophysics, 730, 81-99.

Using recordings of earthquakes on Oceanic Bottom Seismographs and onshore stations on the coastal margins of Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, we estimate attenuation parameters in the upper lithosphere of the Panama Basin. The tomographic images of th... Read More about Thermal structure of the Panama Basin by analysis of seismic attenuation.

Expedition 369 Preliminary Report: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. International Ocean Discovery Program. Tectonic, paleoclimate, and paleoceanographic history of high-latitude southern margins of Australia during the Cretaceous, 26 September–26 November 2017 (2018)
Huber, B., Hobbs, R., Bogus, K., & Scientists, E. 3. (2018). Expedition 369 Preliminary Report: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. International Ocean Discovery Program. Tectonic, paleoclimate, and paleoceanographic history of high-latitude southern margins of Australia during the Cretaceous, 26 September–26 November 2017. International Ocean Discovery Program.

The tectonic and paleoceanographic setting of the Great Australian Bight (GAB) and the Mentelle Basin (MB; adjacent to Naturaliste Plateau) offered an outstanding opportunity to investigate Cretaceous and Cenozoic climate change and ocean dynamics du... Read More about Expedition 369 Preliminary Report: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. International Ocean Discovery Program. Tectonic, paleoclimate, and paleoceanographic history of high-latitude southern margins of Australia during the Cretaceous, 26 September–26 November 2017.