'Aqui Lourenço Marques!! [Lourenço Marques here!!]: 'Radio-Colonization' and cultural identity in colonial Mozambique 1932-1974'.
Journal Article
Power, M. (2000). 'Aqui Lourenço Marques!! [Lourenço Marques here!!]: 'Radio-Colonization' and cultural identity in colonial Mozambique 1932-1974'. Journal of Historical Geography, 26(4), 605-628. https://doi.org/10.1006/jhge.2000.0240
Outputs (20)
Globalization, National State Policies and Regional differentiation: the Case of the UK. (2000)
Book Chapter
Hudson, R. (2000). Globalization, National State Policies and Regional differentiation: the Case of the UK. In M. Vellinga (Ed.), The Dialectics of Globalization (235-256). Westview
Restructurer la region, restructurer l'Etat: le cas de l'Angleterre du Nord Est. (2000)
Book Chapter
Hudson, R. (2000). Restructurer la region, restructurer l'Etat: le cas de l'Angleterre du Nord Est. In G. Benko, & A. Lipietz (Eds.), La Richesse de Regions: La Nouvelle Geographie Socio-Economique (391-422). Presses Universitaire de France
Between Academy and Popular Geographies: Cartographic Imaginations and the Cultural Landscape of Sweden (2000)
Book Chapter
Crang, M. (2000). Between Academy and Popular Geographies: Cartographic Imaginations and the Cultural Landscape of Sweden. In I. Cook, D. Crouch, S. Naylor, & J. Ryan (Eds.), Cultural Turns/ Geographical Turns: perspectives on cultural geography (88-108). Prentice Hall
Playing Nymphs and Swains in a Pastoral Myth? (2000)
Book Chapter
Crang, M. (2000). Playing Nymphs and Swains in a Pastoral Myth?. In A. Hughes, C. Morris, & S. Seymour (Eds.), Ethnography & Rural Research (158-78). Countryside and Community Press
'21st Century Foxed: global media broadcasting and the reconfiguration of Moçambicanidade'. (2000)
Journal Article
Power, M. (2000). '21st Century Foxed: global media broadcasting and the reconfiguration of Moçambicanidade'. South African Geographical Journal, 82(1), 47-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2000.9713684
Making Sense: embodiment and the sensibilities of the everyday. (2000)
Journal Article
Harrsion, P. (2000). Making Sense: embodiment and the sensibilities of the everyday. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 18, 497-517. https://doi.org/10.1068/d195t
Gender, Geography and Empire: Victorian Women Travellers in Africa (2000)
McEwan, C. (2000). Gender, Geography and Empire: Victorian Women Travellers in Africa. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315191799
One Europe or Many? Reflections on becoming European. (2000)
Journal Article
Hudson, R. (2000). One Europe or Many? Reflections on becoming European. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 25(4), 409-426
'The Short-cut to international development: representing Africa in 'New Britain'. (2000)
Journal Article
Power, M. (2000). 'The Short-cut to international development: representing Africa in 'New Britain'. Area, 32(1), 91-100. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4762.2000.tb00118.x
Thinking Space (2000)
Crang, M., & Thrift, N. (Eds.). (2000). Thinking Space. RoutledgeAs theorists have begun using geographical concepts and metaphors to think about the complex and differentiated world, it is important to reflect on their work, and its impact on our thoughts on space. This revealing book explores the work of a wide... Read More about Thinking Space.
Digging up Trouble: Environment, Protest and Opencast Coal Mining. (2000)
Hudson, R., Beynon, H., & Cox, A. (2000). Digging up Trouble: Environment, Protest and Opencast Coal Mining. Rivers Oram
Production, Places and Environment: Changing Perspectives in Economic Geography. (2000)
Hudson, R. (2000). Production, Places and Environment: Changing Perspectives in Economic Geography. Longman
Coalfields Regeneration: Dealing with the Consequences of Industrial Decline (2000)
Bennett, K., Beynon, H., & Hudson, R. (2000). Coalfields Regeneration: Dealing with the Consequences of Industrial Decline. Poilicy Press
Divided Britain (2000)
Hudson, R., & Williams, A. (2000). Divided Britain. (New edition). Mallard Editions
Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City (2000)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2000). Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 4(3), 303-315. https://doi.org/10.1080/713657026Some recent work in architecture has begun to think through the implications of an electronically mediated environment - both in terms of new forms of spaces and of changes to existing ones. New possibilities are read as resulting from these new tech... Read More about Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissable City.
Matavén Selva Corazon de la Salud (2000)
Lobo-Guerrero, M., Luque-Ayala, A., Herrera, X., & de Greiff, J. (Eds.). Matavén Selva Corazon de la Salud. Fundación Etnollano / Prorama COAMA / Union Europea
Relics, places and unwritten geographies in the work of Michael de Certeau (1925-86) (2000)
Book Chapter
Crang, M. (2000). Relics, places and unwritten geographies in the work of Michael de Certeau (1925-86). In M. Crang, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Thinking space (136-153). Routledge
Distribution of Postgraduates in UK Geography Departments (2000)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2000). Distribution of Postgraduates in UK Geography Departments. Environment and Planning A, 32(4), 571-576. https://doi.org/10.1068/a32214
Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up? (2000)
Journal Article
Crang, M. (2000). Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up?. Urban Studies, 37(2), 301-317. https://doi.org/10.1080/0042098002203Commentary around the electronic media has raised issues of political action, community formation and changing identities. This paper explores how the notions of 'public space' can inform this debate over electronic media. It examines the metaphorica... Read More about Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the real city please stand up?.