Digital and platform economies
Book Chapter
Richardson, L. (2019). Digital and platform economies. In A. Kobayashi (Ed.), International encyclopedia of human geography (317-321). Elsevier
Outputs (17)
Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal (2019)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2020). Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 52(3), 619-636. online food delivery company Deliveroo has a platform that automates the coordination of meal delivery, creating a market for the delivered meal. This market indicates the necessity to examine the social arrangements produced through the platform... Read More about Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal.
The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems (2019)
Book Chapter
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2019). The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems. In C. Nash, & A. Gorman-Murray (Eds.), Interfaced lives, interwoven worlds : geographies of sexualities in the digital age (11-27). Palgrave Macmillan. chapter examines the queer temporalities of the internet. Our starting point is that space cannot be adequately theorised without reference to time. Geographers have theorised the spatial structure of internet infrastructures, but they have paid... Read More about The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems.
Culturalisation and devices: what is culture in cultural economy? (2018)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2019). Culturalisation and devices: what is culture in cultural economy?. Journal of Cultural Economy, 12(3), 228-241. of culture is often absent from research on production in the creative and cultural sector. Further, cultural production has been largely untouched by the insights of the cultural economy approach. Culturalisation is a means of addressin... Read More about Culturalisation and devices: what is culture in cultural economy?.
Sharing Economy (2018)
Book Chapter
Richardson, L. (2018). Sharing Economy. In J. Ash, R. Kitchin, & A. Leszczynski (Eds.), Digital geographies (200-209). SAGE Publications
Platforms and the publicness of urban markets (2018)
Digital Artefact
Richardson, L. (2018). Platforms and the publicness of urban markets
Planning working futures: precarious work through carceral space (2018)
Journal Article
Richardson, L., & Thieme, T. (2020). Planning working futures: precarious work through carceral space. Social and Cultural Geography, 21(1), 25-44. of precarious work are advanced through an eight month qualitative study of prisoners nearing release from HMP Brixton in London, providing a spatial rendering of working uncertainty. This builds on geographical scholarship highlighting t... Read More about Planning working futures: precarious work through carceral space.
A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies (2017)
Journal Article
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2017). A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(11), 1587-1594. introduction to the themed section ‘Queering Code/Space’ poses the question: what is the spatial relationship between technology and sexuality? We outline two overarching issues concerning technology and sexuality that lie outside of yet interse... Read More about A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies.
Geographies of digital skill (2017)
Journal Article
Richardson, L., & Bissell, D. (2019). Geographies of digital skill. Geoforum, 99, 278-286. an era of rapid technological change, especially considering the rise of robotics and AI, there is widespread anxiety about the impacts of digital technologies across a vast range of industries. Policy responses to this changing employment landsca... Read More about Geographies of digital skill.
Book review of 'Creativity' by Harriet Hawkins, London : Routledge, 2017 (2017)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2017). Book review of 'Creativity' by Harriet Hawkins, London : Routledge, 2017. Cultural Geographies, 24(4), 652-653.
Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies (2017)
Journal Article
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2017). Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(11), 1642-1658. mutual production of space by sexuality and technology has been differently addressed in the often-disparate disciplinary pursuits of queer geographies and critical studies of technology in geography. Building on Dodge and Kitchin’s ‘code/space,’... Read More about Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies.
Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office (2017)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2017). Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10(2), 297-310. of the ‘sharing economy’ claim disruptions through digital technology. Style is put forward to focus on subtle changes to the form and content of work through digital sharing. Digital sharing is a postwork style with ambiguous implications... Read More about Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office.
Feminist geographies of digital work (2016)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2018). Feminist geographies of digital work. Progress in Human Geography, 42(2), 244-263. thought challenges essentialist and normative categorizations of ‘work’. Therefore, feminism provides a critical lens on ‘working space’ as a theoretical and empirical focus for digital geographies. Digital technologies extend and intensify... Read More about Feminist geographies of digital work.
Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work (2016)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2016). Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work. Environment and Planning A, 48(11), 2256-2271. article puts forward co-production as a lens for geographical approaches to collaborative knowledge production. Co-production extends understandings of collaboration as temporary, fragile and with multiple spatial forms. Through the example of c... Read More about Sharing knowledge: Performing co-production in collaborative artistic work.
Performing the sharing economy (2015)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2015). Performing the sharing economy. Geoforum, 67, 121-129. sharing economy converges around activities facilitated through digital platforms that enable peer-to-peer access to goods and services. It constitutes an apparent paradox, framed as both part of the capitalist economy and as an alternative. This... Read More about Performing the sharing economy.
Theatrical translations: the performative production of diaspora (2015)
Book Chapter
Richardson, L. (2015). Theatrical translations: the performative production of diaspora. In E. Mavroudi, & A. Christou (Eds.), Dismantling diasporas : rethinking the geographies of diasporic identity, connection and development (15-28). Ashgate Publishing
Working at the ambivalence of race: ethnomimesis and the cancellation of St Paul's Carnival (2013)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2013). Working at the ambivalence of race: ethnomimesis and the cancellation of St Paul's Carnival. Social and Cultural Geography, 14(6), 710-730. ambivalence of race is taken as a starting point in exploring the cancellation of the 2012 St Paul's Carnival, an African-Caribbean arts event in Bristol, England. That race is unstable, that it can be done and undone, has long been a focus of sc... Read More about Working at the ambivalence of race: ethnomimesis and the cancellation of St Paul's Carnival.