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Outputs (9)

Negotiating the Urban Smart Grid: Socio-Technical Experimentation in the City of Austin (2015)
Journal Article
McLean, A., Bulkeley, H., & Crang, M. (2016). Negotiating the Urban Smart Grid: Socio-Technical Experimentation in the City of Austin. Urban Studies, 53(15), 3246-3263.

A growing body of literature has emerged that examines cities as key sites for socio-technical experimentation with a variety of initiatives and interventions to reduce carbon emissions, upgrade ageing infrastructure networks and stimulate economic d... Read More about Negotiating the Urban Smart Grid: Socio-Technical Experimentation in the City of Austin.

Configuring urban carbon governance: insights from Sydney, Australia (2015)
Journal Article
McGuirk, P., Bulkeley, H., & Dowling, R. (2016). Configuring urban carbon governance: insights from Sydney, Australia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(1), 145-166.

In the political geography of responses to climate change, and the governance of carbon more specifically, the urban has emerged as a strategic site. Although it is recognized that urban carbon governance occurs through diverse programs and projects—... Read More about Configuring urban carbon governance: insights from Sydney, Australia.

Governance traps in climate change politics: re-framing the debate in terms of responsibilities and rights (2015)
Journal Article
Newell, P., Bulkeley, H., Turner, K., Shaw, C., Caney, S., Shove, E., & Pidgeon, N. (2015). Governance traps in climate change politics: re-framing the debate in terms of responsibilities and rights. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6(6), 535-540.

There is a strong sense of malaise surrounding climate politics today. This has been created at least in part by factors such as the chasm between the scale of action required and the adequacy of current political commitments, stalemate in global neg... Read More about Governance traps in climate change politics: re-framing the debate in terms of responsibilities and rights.

Sociality and electricity in the United Kingdom: The influence of household dynamics on everyday consumption (2015)
Journal Article
Bell, S., Judson, E., Bulkeley, H., Powells, G., Capova, K., & Lynch, D. (2015). Sociality and electricity in the United Kingdom: The influence of household dynamics on everyday consumption. Energy Research and Social Science, 9, 98-106.

Our paper investigates household practices that use electricity, their relation to systems of provision and the enactment of domestic sociality. The results of this research conducted in the UK shed light on puzzling variations in electricity consump... Read More about Sociality and electricity in the United Kingdom: The influence of household dynamics on everyday consumption.

Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises (2015)
Journal Article
Powells, G., Bell, S., Judson, E. P., Lyon, S. M., Wardle, R., Capova, K. A., & Bulkeley, H. (2016). Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises. Energy Efficiency, 9(3), 591-604.

Managing the electricity network through ‘smart grid’ systems is a key strategy to address challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions and the replacement of ageing infrastructure networks in the UK. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have... Read More about Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises.

Smart grids and the constitution of solar electricity conduct (2015)
Journal Article
Bulkeley, H., Powells, G., & Bell, S. (2016). Smart grids and the constitution of solar electricity conduct. Environment and Planning A, 48(1), 7-23.

In the face of challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions and the replacement of aging infrastructure networks, new logics for the development of smart electricity systems are emerging amongst utility providers and public authorities. Whil... Read More about Smart grids and the constitution of solar electricity conduct.

Urban Carbon Governance Experiments: The Role of Australian Local Governments (2015)
Journal Article
McGuirk, P., Dowling, R., Brennan, C., & Bulkeley, H. (2015). Urban Carbon Governance Experiments: The Role of Australian Local Governments. Geographical Research, 53(1), 39-52.

Cities, and particularly urban local governments, are now widely recognised for their part in the complex, multilevel landscape of climate governance and carbon reduction. Nonetheless local government projects and initiatives are often framed as of l... Read More about Urban Carbon Governance Experiments: The Role of Australian Local Governments.

The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England (2015)
Journal Article
Judson, E. P., Bell, S., Bulkeley, H., Powells, G., & Lyon, S. M. (2015). The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England. Science & Technology Studies, 28(3), 26-53

Challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions, and electricity network constraints have led to a shift to new, efficient technologies for household energy services. Studies of such technological innovations usually focus on consumer informati... Read More about The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England.