Límites a la descolonización: Territorios indígenas y política de hidrocarburos en el Chaco boliviano
Anthias, P. (2022). Límites a la descolonización: Territorios indígenas y política de hidrocarburos en el Chaco boliviano. (Translation by Hernando Calla Ortega). Plural Editores (La Paz)
Outputs (2)
The Pluri-Extractivist State: Regional Autonomy and the Limits of Indigenous Participation in Gran Chaco Province (2022)
Journal Article
Anthias, P. (2022). The Pluri-Extractivist State: Regional Autonomy and the Limits of Indigenous Participation in Gran Chaco Province. Journal of Latin American Studies, 54(1), 125-154. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0022216x21000997On 20 November 2016, residents of Gran Chaco Province in south-east Bolivia voted by popular referendum to approve a statute that established Gran Chaco as Bolivia's first autonomous region. This article examines regional autonomy in the Chaco as an... Read More about The Pluri-Extractivist State: Regional Autonomy and the Limits of Indigenous Participation in Gran Chaco Province.