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Outputs (3)

Digital and platform economies (2019)
Book Chapter
Richardson, L. (2019). Digital and platform economies. In A. Kobayashi (Ed.), International encyclopedia of human geography (317-321). Elsevier

Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal (2019)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2020). Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 52(3), 619-636.

UK online food delivery company Deliveroo has a platform that automates the coordination of meal delivery, creating a market for the delivered meal. This market indicates the necessity to examine the social arrangements produced through the platform... Read More about Platforms, markets and contingent calculation: the flexible arrangement of the delivered meal.

The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems (2019)
Book Chapter
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2019). The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems. In C. Nash, & A. Gorman-Murray (Eds.), Interfaced lives, interwoven worlds : geographies of sexualities in the digital age (11-27). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter examines the queer temporalities of the internet. Our starting point is that space cannot be adequately theorised without reference to time. Geographers have theorised the spatial structure of internet infrastructures, but they have paid... Read More about The queer times of internet infrastructures and digital systems.