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A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies (2017)
Journal Article
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2017). A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(11), 1587-1594.

This introduction to the themed section ‘Queering Code/Space’ poses the question: what is the spatial relationship between technology and sexuality? We outline two overarching issues concerning technology and sexuality that lie outside of yet interse... Read More about A queer theory of software studies: software theories, queer studies.

Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies (2017)
Journal Article
Cockayne, D., & Richardson, L. (2017). Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(11), 1642-1658.

The mutual production of space by sexuality and technology has been differently addressed in the often-disparate disciplinary pursuits of queer geographies and critical studies of technology in geography. Building on Dodge and Kitchin’s ‘code/space,’... Read More about Queering code/space: the co-production of socio-sexual codes and digital technologies.

Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office (2017)
Journal Article
Richardson, L. (2017). Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10(2), 297-310.

Evocations of the ‘sharing economy’ claim disruptions through digital technology. Style is put forward to focus on subtle changes to the form and content of work through digital sharing. Digital sharing is a postwork style with ambiguous implications... Read More about Sharing as a postwork style: digital work and the co-working office.