Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City
Luque-Ayala, A., Marvin, S., & Bulkeley, H. (Eds.). (2018). Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City. Routledge
Outputs (5)
Introduction (2018)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A., Marvin, S., & Bulkeley, H. (2018). Introduction. In A. Luque-Ayala, S. Marvin, & H. Bulkeley (Eds.), Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (1-12). Routledge
Rethinking urban transitions: an analytical framework (2018)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A., Bulkeley, H., & Marvin, S. (2018). Rethinking urban transitions: an analytical framework. In A. Luque-Ayala, S. Marvin, & H. Bulkeley (Eds.), Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (13-36). Routledge
Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa (2018)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Ferdous, R., Luque-Ayala, A., McEwan, C., Power, M., Turner, B., & Bulkeley, H. (2019). Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Energy Research and Social Science, 48, 166-176., homes systems, hot water systems and micro-grids based on small-scale solar have become prominent ways to address the energy access challenge. As momentum grows for this form of energy transition this paper draws together research on small-... Read More about Solar energy for all? Understanding the successes and shortfalls through a critical comparative assessment of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and South Africa.
Digital Territories: Google Maps as a Political Technique in the Re-making of Urban Informality (2018)
Journal Article
Luque-Ayala, A., & Neves Maia, F. (2019). Digital Territories: Google Maps as a Political Technique in the Re-making of Urban Informality. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(3), 449-467. article examines the mobilisation of spatial media technologies for digitally mapping informal settlements. It argues that digital mapping operates politically through a re-configuration of circulation, power, and territorial formations. Drawing... Read More about Digital Territories: Google Maps as a Political Technique in the Re-making of Urban Informality.