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Outputs (10)

Introduction (2018)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A., Marvin, S., & Bulkeley, H. (2018). Introduction. In A. Luque-Ayala, S. Marvin, & H. Bulkeley (Eds.), Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (1-12). Routledge

Rethinking urban transitions: an analytical framework (2018)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A., Bulkeley, H., & Marvin, S. (2018). Rethinking urban transitions: an analytical framework. In A. Luque-Ayala, S. Marvin, & H. Bulkeley (Eds.), Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (13-36). Routledge

Oxford Bibliographies in Geography [online] (2016)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A. (2016). Oxford Bibliographies in Geography [online]. In B. Warf (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Geography [online]. Oxford University Press.

Climate change mitigation in rapidly developing cities (2016)
Book Chapter
Griffith, C., Matkins, M., Aylett, A., Joeman, B., Lefevre, B., Luque-Ayala, A., …Ward, S. (2016). Climate change mitigation in rapidly developing cities. In K. Seto, & W. Solecki (Eds.), Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change. Routledge

Solar hot water and housing systems in São Paulo, Brazil (2015)
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A. (in press). Solar hot water and housing systems in São Paulo, Brazil. In H. Bulkeley, V. Castan Broto, & G. Edwards (Eds.), An Urban Politics of Climate Change: Experimentation and the Governing of Socio-Technical Transitions (157-176). Routledge

Post-development carbon
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A. Post-development carbon. In A. Luque-Ayala, S. Marvin, & H. Bulkeley (Eds.), Rethinking Urban Transitions: Politics in the Low Carbon City (224-241). Routledge

Chapter 3: Urban
Book Chapter
Luque-Ayala, A. Chapter 3: Urban. In J. Ash, R. Kitchin, & A. Leszczynski (Eds.), Digital Geographies. SAGE Publications