Morality and Intellectual Property Law Through the Lens of Human Rights
Book Chapter
Adcock, M., & Beyleveld, D. (2022). Morality and Intellectual Property Law Through the Lens of Human Rights. In C. Godt, G. Van Overwalle, L. Guibault, & D. Beyleveld (Eds.), Boundaries of Information Property (121-147). Intersentia
Outputs (5)
The Detail of Law relating to Modern Biotechnology. (2005)
Book Chapter
Adcock, M., & Kinderlerer, J. (2005). The Detail of Law relating to Modern Biotechnology. In H. Landeweerd, & T. Meulen (Eds.), BioTechnology-Ethics (189-194). Angelo Pontecorboli Editore
The Relationship between IP and other Biotech Law. (2005)
Book Chapter
Adcock, M. (2005). The Relationship between IP and other Biotech Law. In Bio Technology-Ethics (195-200). Angelo Pontecorboli Editore
The Regulation of Genomics: What did we learn from the GMO story? (2004)
Book Chapter
Adcock., M., & Kinderlerer, J. (2004). The Regulation of Genomics: What did we learn from the GMO story?. In J. Nap, A. Atanassov, & W. Stiekema (Eds.), Genomics for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology (223-246). IOS Press
Agricultural Biotechnology, Politics, Ethics and Policy. (2003)
Book Chapter
Adcock, M., & Kinderlerer, J. (2003). Agricultural Biotechnology, Politics, Ethics and Policy. In Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Security in Southern Africa (71-112). International Food Policy Research Institute