A Novel Wideband Spectrum Sensing System for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Jiang, J., Laurenson, D., Wang, C.-X., & Poor, H. (2011, December). A Novel Wideband Spectrum Sensing System for Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE GLOBECOM'11, Houston, Texas, USA
Outputs (23)
Design of Self-Assembling, Self-Repairing 3D Irregular Cellular Automata. (2011)
Book Chapter
Jones, D. H., McWilliam, R., & Purvis, A. (2011). Design of Self-Assembling, Self-Repairing 3D Irregular Cellular Automata. In A. Salcido (Ed.), Cellular Automata - Innovative Modelling for Science and Engineering (373-394). InTech
Convergence and feedback: a framework for cellular automata design. (2011)
Journal Article
Jones, D., McWilliam, R., & Purvis, A. (2011). Convergence and feedback: a framework for cellular automata design. Journal of Cellular Automata, 6(4-5), 399-416
Room-temperature operation of a unipolar nanodiode at terahertz frequencies. (2011)
Journal Article
Balocco, C., Kasjoo, S. R., Lu, X. F., Zhang, L. Q., Alimi, Y., Winnerl, S., & Song, A. M. (2011). Room-temperature operation of a unipolar nanodiode at terahertz frequencies. Applied Physics Letters, 98(22), Article 223501. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3595414
Zinc-oxide-based planar nanodiodes operating at 50 MHz. (2011)
Journal Article
Irshaid, M. Y., Balocco, C., Luo, Y., Bao, P., Brox-Nilsen, C., & Song, A. M. (2011). Zinc-oxide-based planar nanodiodes operating at 50 MHz. Applied Physics Letters, 99(9), Article 092101. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3629995
Low-frequency noise of unipolar nanorectifiers. (2011)
Journal Article
Balocco, C., Kasjoo, S. R., Zhang, L. Q., Alimi, Y., & Song, A. M. (2011). Low-frequency noise of unipolar nanorectifiers. Applied Physics Letters, 99(11), Article 113511. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3636437
On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics. (2011)
Journal Article
Alekseevsky, D., Guilfoyle, B., & Klingenberg, W. (2011). On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 40(4), 389-409. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10455-011-9261-5Let M be either a simply connected pseudo-Riemannian space of constant curvature or a rank one Riemannian symmetric space, and consider the space L(M) of oriented geodesics of M. The space L(M) is a smooth homogeneous manifold and in this paper we de... Read More about On the geometry of spaces of oriented geodesics..
Robust Power Control for Cognitive Radio in Spectrum Underlay Networks (2011)
Journal Article
Zhao, N., & Sun, H. (2011). Robust Power Control for Cognitive Radio in Spectrum Underlay Networks. Transactions on internet and information systems (Seoul), 5(7), 1214-1229. https://doi.org/10.3837/tiis.2011.07.001
Two-Way Filter-and-Forward Beamforming for Frequency-Selective Channels (2011)
Journal Article
Liang, Y., Ikhlef, A., Gerstacker, W., & Schober, R. (2011). Two-Way Filter-and-Forward Beamforming for Frequency-Selective Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10(12), 4172-4183. https://doi.org/10.1109/twc.2011.101511.101952
Cooperative Filter-and-Forward Beamforming for Frequency-Selective Channels with Equalization (2011)
Journal Article
Liang, Y., Ikhlef, A., Gerstacker, W., & Schober, R. (2011). Cooperative Filter-and-Forward Beamforming for Frequency-Selective Channels with Equalization. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 10(1), 228-239. https://doi.org/10.1109/twc.2010.111910.100296
Channel Equalization for Multi-Antenna FBMC/OQAM Receivers (2011)
Journal Article
Ihalainen, T., Ikhlef, A., Louveaux, J., & Renfors, M. (2011). Channel Equalization for Multi-Antenna FBMC/OQAM Receivers. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(5), 2070-2085. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvt.2011.2145424
On the approximation complexity hierarchy. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bordewich, M. (2010, September). On the approximation complexity hierarchy. Presented at 8th International Workshop on International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms, WAOA 2010, LiverpoolThis paper presents an extension of Ladner’s Theorem to the approximation complexity hierarchy. In 1975 Ladner proved that if P≠NP, then there exists an incomplete problem A which is neither in P nor NP-complete. Here we show that if RP≠NP, then ther... Read More about On the approximation complexity hierarchy..
Holographic recording of vertical surfaces (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soulard, F., McWilliam, R., Cowling, J., Purvis, A., Williams, G., Seed, N., Toriz-Garcia, J., & Ivey, P. (2011, December). Holographic recording of vertical surfaces. Presented at Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH), Tokyo, Japan
Orientation and Field Dampening: Key Physical Factors for Harsh-Environment Passive RFID (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McWilliam, R., & Purvis, A. (2011, December). Orientation and Field Dampening: Key Physical Factors for Harsh-Environment Passive RFID. Presented at RFID Europe 2011, Cambridge, UK
Fabricating non-planar antenna structures by a novel 3-D holographic photolithography method (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Soulard, F., McWilliam, R., Williams, G., Toriz-Garcia, J., Purvis, A., & Seed, N. (2011, December). Fabricating non-planar antenna structures by a novel 3-D holographic photolithography method. Presented at Second UK URSI Festival of Radio Science, University of Leicester, UK
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Diversity Reception in Cognitive Radios (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., Jiang, J., & Wang, C.-X. (2011, December). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Diversity Reception in Cognitive Radios. Presented at IEEE CHINACOM'11, Harbin, China
Adaptive Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sun, H., Nallanathan, A., & Jiang, J. (2011, December). Adaptive Compressive Spectrum Sensing in Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks. Presented at IEEE APWCS'11, Singapore
Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography (2011)
Journal Article
Toriz-Garcia, J., Williams, G., McWilliam, R., Seed, N., Purvis, A., Soulard, F., …Ivey, P. (2011). Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21(8), Article 085034. https://doi.org/10.1088/0960-1317/21/8/085034We describe the patterning of multiple 10 µm wide conductive tracks down the vertical sidewall of a 500 µm thick silicon die. A novel photolithographic technique is used, which utilizes a computer-generated hologram mask in conjunction with a diffrac... Read More about Vertical tracks on the sidewall of a silicon die using 3D holographic photolithography.
Three-dimensional holographic lithography by an iterative algorithm (2011)
Journal Article
Cowling, J., Williams, G., Purvis, A., McWilliam, R., Toriz-Garcia, J., Seed, N., …Ivey, P. (2011). Three-dimensional holographic lithography by an iterative algorithm. Optics Letters, 36(13), 2495-2497. https://doi.org/10.1364/ol.36.002495We have applied an iterative algorithm for hologram design with multiple output image planes arranged in close proximity to create continuous patterns within an imaging volume. These holograms have been designed for photolithography on three-dimensio... Read More about Three-dimensional holographic lithography by an iterative algorithm.
A Singular-Value-Based Adaptive Modulation and Cooperation Scheme for Virtual-MIMO Systems (2011)
Journal Article
Jiang, J., Thompson, J. S., & Sun, H. (2011). A Singular-Value-Based Adaptive Modulation and Cooperation Scheme for Virtual-MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(6), 2495-2504. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvt.2011.2155686This paper presents a practical virtual multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system that implements bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) and compress-and-forward (CF) cooperation. A minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver is considered since it... Read More about A Singular-Value-Based Adaptive Modulation and Cooperation Scheme for Virtual-MIMO Systems.