A complexity-performance-balanced multiuser detector based on artificial fish swarm algorithm for DS-UWB systems in the AWGN and multipath environments
Journal Article
Yin, Z., Zong, Z., Sun, H., Wu, Z., & Yang, Z. (2012). A complexity-performance-balanced multiuser detector based on artificial fish swarm algorithm for DS-UWB systems in the AWGN and multipath environments. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, Article 229. https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-6180-2012-229
In this article, an efficient multiuser detector based on the artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA-MUD) is proposed and investigated for direct-sequence ultrawideband systems under different channels: the additive white Gaussian noise channel and th... Read More about A complexity-performance-balanced multiuser detector based on artificial fish swarm algorithm for DS-UWB systems in the AWGN and multipath environments.