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Outputs (5)

Photonic-Crystal Based Enhancement Of Terahertz Spectroscopy In Microfluidic Cells (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klein, A. K., Hammler, J. M., Zeze, D., Balocco, C., & Gallant, A. J. (2016, December). Photonic-Crystal Based Enhancement Of Terahertz Spectroscopy In Microfluidic Cells. Presented at 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), Copenhagen, Denmark

Free-Space Permittivity Measurement at Terahertz Frequencies with a Vector Network Analyser (2016)
Journal Article
Hammler, J., Gallant, A. J., & Balocco, C. (2016). Free-Space Permittivity Measurement at Terahertz Frequencies with a Vector Network Analyser. IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science & Technology, 6(6), 817-823.

A simple system, based on a vector network analyzer, has been used with new numerical de-embedding and parameter inversion techniques to determine the relative permittivity (dielectric properties) of materials within the frequency range 750–1100 GHz.... Read More about Free-Space Permittivity Measurement at Terahertz Frequencies with a Vector Network Analyser.

Polymer-Based Micro-Golay Cells For THz Detection (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Stefanova, P., Hammler, J., Klein, A., Gallant, A., & Balocco, C. (2016, December). Polymer-Based Micro-Golay Cells For THz Detection. Presented at 2016 41st International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), Copenhagen, Denmark

We report on the design, simulation and fabrication of polymer-composite micro-Golay cells for THz and far-infrared detection. Preliminary experimental results showed that the cell’s mechanical, thermal and optical properties make it an excellent can... Read More about Polymer-Based Micro-Golay Cells For THz Detection.

Microfabrication of SU-8 Fresnel lenses for THz imaging (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hajji, M., Pan, Y., Hammler, J., Zeze, D., Balocco, C., & Gallant, A. (2016, December). Microfabrication of SU-8 Fresnel lenses for THz imaging. Presented at Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications IX, San Francisco, California, United States