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Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Integrating the Demand Side into Patent Deployment Strategies for the Commercialization and Licensing of Technology (2022)
Journal Article
Trigeorgis, L., Baldi, F., & Makadok, R. (2022). Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Integrating the Demand Side into Patent Deployment Strategies for the Commercialization and Licensing of Technology. Academy of Management Review, 47(1), 31-58.

Profiting from innovation typically involves a choice between commercializing a patented technology in the product market to exploit proprietary advantage (i.e., competition) or licensing the technology to an incumbent in the market for ideas (a form... Read More about Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Integrating the Demand Side into Patent Deployment Strategies for the Commercialization and Licensing of Technology.