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Outputs (12)

Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Strategic Financial Decisions: Seasoned Equity Offerings, Stock Splits, Pandemic effects, and Investment Decisions (2024)
Journal Article
Mendiola Colan, G., Nikolopoulos, K., & Vasilakis, C. (in press). Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Strategic Financial Decisions: Seasoned Equity Offerings, Stock Splits, Pandemic effects, and Investment Decisions. The Journal of Prediction Markets,

Scholars in the intersection of operational research, strategy, and finance have extensively examined the effects of event studies in finance, especially that of a strategic nature, such as that of planned as well as unexpected corporate events and r... Read More about Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics for Strategic Financial Decisions: Seasoned Equity Offerings, Stock Splits, Pandemic effects, and Investment Decisions.

Prediction-led prescription: optimal Decision-Making in times of Turbulence and business performance improvement (2024)
Journal Article
Schaefers, A., Bougioukos, V., Karamatzanis, G., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2024). Prediction-led prescription: optimal Decision-Making in times of Turbulence and business performance improvement. Journal of Business Research, 182, Article 114805.

Can you have prescription without prediction? Most scholars and practitioners would argue that a good forecast drives an optimal decision, thus promoting the concept of prediction-led prescription. In times of turbulence, Special events like promotio... Read More about Prediction-led prescription: optimal Decision-Making in times of Turbulence and business performance improvement.

Forecasting crude oil markets (2024)
Journal Article
Li, J., Alroomi, A., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2024). Forecasting crude oil markets. Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, 4(1), 15-51.

In this research daily crude oil data from U.S, Energy Information Administration from 2000-2019 is explored to test the forecasting accuracy by drawing the comparison between multiple models.
Forecasting models discussed in the research cover regre... Read More about Forecasting crude oil markets.

Forecasting and Planning for a critical infrastructure sector during a pandemic: empirical evidence from a food supply chain (2024)
Journal Article
Aljuneidi, T., Punia, S., Jebali, A., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2024). Forecasting and Planning for a critical infrastructure sector during a pandemic: empirical evidence from a food supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 317(3), 936-952.

The meat supply chain (MSC) – a key constituent of the ‘Food & Agriculture’ CISA critical infrastructure sector, was among the most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The witnessed successive demand and supply shocks uncovered the f... Read More about Forecasting and Planning for a critical infrastructure sector during a pandemic: empirical evidence from a food supply chain.

Forecasting and planning for special events in the pulp and paper supply chains (2024)
Journal Article
Brookes, T., Nikolopoulos , K., Litsiou, K., & Alghassab, W. (2024). Forecasting and planning for special events in the pulp and paper supply chains. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, 25(4), 428-445.

Due to global warming, flood is an increasing threat to companies operating in the pulp and paper industry. The impact of this threat needs to be managed. We deploy a qualitative investigation into how paper manufacturers can forecast and mitigate th... Read More about Forecasting and planning for special events in the pulp and paper supply chains.

Forecasting the Effective Reproduction Number during a Pandemic: COVID-19 Rt forecasts, Governmental Decisions, and Economic Implications (2023)
Journal Article
Nikolopoulos, K., & Vasilakis, C. (2024). Forecasting the Effective Reproduction Number during a Pandemic: COVID-19 Rt forecasts, Governmental Decisions, and Economic Implications. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 35(1), 65-81.

This research empirically identifies the best-performing forecasting methods for the Effective Reproduction Number Rt of COVID-19, the most used epidemiological parameter for policymaking during the pandemic. Furthermore, based on the most accurate f... Read More about Forecasting the Effective Reproduction Number during a Pandemic: COVID-19 Rt forecasts, Governmental Decisions, and Economic Implications.

Intermittent demand, inventory obsolescence, and temporal aggregation forecasts (2023)
Journal Article
Sanguri, K., Patra, S., Nikolopoulos, K., & Punia, S. (2024). Intermittent demand, inventory obsolescence, and temporal aggregation forecasts. International Journal of Production Research, 62(5), 1663-1685.

Forecasting for intermittent demand is considered a difficult task and becomes even more challenging in the presence of obsolescence. Traditionally the problem has been dealt with modifications in the conventional parametric methods such as Croston.... Read More about Intermittent demand, inventory obsolescence, and temporal aggregation forecasts.

Social Collateral and consumer payment media during the economic crisis in Europe (2023)
Journal Article
Litsioua, K., & Nikolopoulos, K. (in press). Social Collateral and consumer payment media during the economic crisis in Europe. Journal of Quantitative Finance and Economics,

In this research paper we investigate the relationship between economic crises and the changes in levels of social collateral, as well as the indirect changes in the use of payment media from consumers as a result of the latter. The scene is Europe i... Read More about Social Collateral and consumer payment media during the economic crisis in Europe.

Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change (2023)
Journal Article
Grossmann, I., Rotella, A., Hutcherson, C. A., Sharpinskyi, K., Varnum, M. E., Achter, S., Dhami, M. K., Guo, X. E., Kara-Yakoubian, M., Mandel, D. R., Raes, L., Tay, L., Vie, A., Wagner, L., Adamkovic, M., Arami, A., Arriaga, P., Bandara, K., Baník, G., Bartoš, F., …Collaborative, T. F. (2023). Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(4), 484-501.

How well can social scientists predict societal change, and what processes underlie their predictions? To answer these questions, we ran two forecasting tournaments testing accuracy of predictions of societal change in domains commonly studied in the... Read More about Insights into accuracy of social scientists' forecasts of societal change.

Fathoming empirical forecasting competitions’ winners (2022)
Journal Article
Alroomi, A., Karamatzanis, G., Nikolopoulos, K., Tilba, A., & Xiao, S. (2022). Fathoming empirical forecasting competitions’ winners. International Journal of Forecasting, 38(4), 1519-1525.

The M5 forecasting competition has provided strong empirical evidence that machine learning methods can outperform statistical methods: in essence, complex methods can be more accurate than simple ones. This result, be as it may, challenges the flags... Read More about Fathoming empirical forecasting competitions’ winners.

Statistical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning forecasting methods: Comparisons and ways forward (2022)
Journal Article
Makridakis, S., Spiliotis, E., Assimakopoulos, V., Semenoglou, A.-A., Mulder, G., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2023). Statistical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning forecasting methods: Comparisons and ways forward. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(3), 840-859.

The purpose of this paper is to test empirically the value currently added by Deep Learning (DL) approaches in time series forecasting by comparing the accuracy of some state-of-the- art DL methods with that of popular Machine Learning (ML) and stati... Read More about Statistical, Machine Learning and Deep Learning forecasting methods: Comparisons and ways forward.