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Outputs (6)

What Changes and Opportunities Does Big Data Analytics Capability Bring to Strategic Alliance Research? A Systematic Literature Review (2023)
Journal Article
Xia, S., Song, J., Ameen, N., Vrontis, D., Yan, J., & Chen, F. (2024). What Changes and Opportunities Does Big Data Analytics Capability Bring to Strategic Alliance Research? A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 26(1), 34-53.

Strategic alliance theories have been studied widely over the past few decades. However, their key arguments may face new limitations and challenges brought by emerging technologies such as big data analytics capability (BDAC). This paper aims to ide... Read More about What Changes and Opportunities Does Big Data Analytics Capability Bring to Strategic Alliance Research? A Systematic Literature Review.

How does technological opportunism affect firm performance? The mediating role of resource orchestration (2023)
Journal Article
Li, L., Chen, L., Yan, J., Xu, C., & Jiang, N. (2023). How does technological opportunism affect firm performance? The mediating role of resource orchestration. Journal of Business Research, 166, Article 114093.

Despite widespread acknowledgment of the disruptive effects of digital technologies on firm performance, the mechanisms underlying such effects have not been adequately explained. To fill this gap, we consider two sub-components of technological oppo... Read More about How does technological opportunism affect firm performance? The mediating role of resource orchestration.

The organizational determinants of open innovation: a literature framework and future research directions (2023)
Journal Article
Yao, N., Yan, K., Tsinopoulos, C., & Bai, J. (2024). The organizational determinants of open innovation: a literature framework and future research directions. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 22(1), 1-29.

This paper aims to explore the organizational determinants of open innovation (OI). A review of 154 publications taken from management and innovation journals makes us identify four dimensions of ‘resource-related’ organizational factors that can det... Read More about The organizational determinants of open innovation: a literature framework and future research directions.

Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning? (2023)
Journal Article
Yan, J., Yu, Z., Fernandes, K., & Xiong, Y. (2023). Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning?. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(8), 1277-1303.

Purpose: To explore the mechanism that shapes firms' supply chain learning (SCL) practices, this study examines the relationship between firms' knowledge network embeddedness and their SCL practice in a supply chain network, as well as the moderating... Read More about Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning?.

Understanding the impact of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Green Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms (2022)
Journal Article
Ren, S., Huang, M., Liu, D., & Yan, J. (2023). Understanding the impact of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Green Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms. British Journal of Management, 34(2), 576-594.

Drawing on the institutional view of legitimacy theory, we examine whether and under which conditions a policy tool, mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, enforced by constituents positively triggers firms to make substantive env... Read More about Understanding the impact of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Green Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms.

How can emerging-market SMEs domestically benefit from their performance in developed countries? Empirical evidence from China (2022)
Journal Article
Li, W., Liu, Z., Xia, S., Yan, J., Xiong, Y., Sakka, G., & Li, Y. (2022). How can emerging-market SMEs domestically benefit from their performance in developed countries? Empirical evidence from China. Journal of Business Research, 142, 200-210.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from emerging economies consider entry into developed markets as a way to promote home country performance. Nevertheless, the extant literature aiming at large companies are not applicable to SMEs, and i... Read More about How can emerging-market SMEs domestically benefit from their performance in developed countries? Empirical evidence from China.