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Outputs (28)

Conclusion: The Power of Theatre (2015)
Book Chapter
Thompson, M. (2016). Conclusion: The Power of Theatre. In C. O'Leary, D. Santos Sánchez, & M. Thompson (Eds.), Global insights on theatre censorship (259-267). Routledge

The dictator’s gift of censorship (2015)
Book Chapter
Thompson, M. (2016). The dictator’s gift of censorship. In C. O'Leary, D. Santos Sánchez, & M. Thompson (Eds.), Global Insights on Theatre Censorship (35-42). Routledge

Thinking Spanish Translation. (2009)
Haywood, L. M., Thompson, M., & Hervey, S. (2009). Thinking Spanish Translation. (2nd ed.). Routledge

Performing Spanishness: History, Cultural Identity and Censorship in the Theatre of José María Rodríguez Méndez (2007)
Thompson, M. P. (2007). Performing Spanishness: History, Cultural Identity and Censorship in the Theatre of José María Rodríguez Méndez. Intellect

Performing Spanishness delves into the theatre of Spanish dramatist José María Rodríguez Méndez, one of the most significant Spanish playwrights of the twentieth century and an acerbic cultural commentator. This book traces the development of Rodrígu... Read More about Performing Spanishness: History, Cultural Identity and Censorship in the Theatre of José María Rodríguez Méndez.

Un lugar atractivo e inquietante: encuentros en el parque en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero (2005)
Book Chapter
Thompson, M. P. (2005). Un lugar atractivo e inquietante: encuentros en el parque en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero. In J. Romera Castillo (Ed.), Dramaturgias femeninas en la segunda mitad del siglo XX : espacio y tiempo : actas del XIV Seminario Internacional del Centro de Investigacion de Semiotica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologias, Madrid, UNED, 28 al 30 de junio de 2004 (565-576). Visor Libros

Dramaturgias femeninas en la segunda mitad del siglo XX: Espacio y tiempo, editado por José Romera Castillo, recoge las sesiones plenarias y dos Mesas Redondas, impartidas por destacados especialistas y excelentes dramaturgas, así como las comunicaci... Read More about Un lugar atractivo e inquietante: encuentros en el parque en el teatro de Paloma Pedrero.

A New History of Spanish Writing, 1939 to the 1990s. (2000)
Perriam, C., Knights, V., Frenk, S., & Thompson, M. (2000). A New History of Spanish Writing, 1939 to the 1990s. Oxford University Press

A New History of Spanish Writing, 1939 to the 1990s explores the diversity of some sixty years of imaginative writing by Spaniards, its interactions with Spains peculiarly dramatic history since the end of its Civil War, and its wider thematic signif... Read More about A New History of Spanish Writing, 1939 to the 1990s..

Fire, Blood and the Alphabet: One Hundred Years of Lorca. (1999)
Doggart, S., & Thompson, M. (Eds.). (1999). Fire, Blood and the Alphabet: One Hundred Years of Lorca. Durham Modern Languages Series

In 1998 the world celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Federico García Lorca, Spain's greatest modern poet and dramatist. The Lorca Fiesta staged at the Newcastle Playhouse was the biggest centenary event outside Spain, and also the most... Read More about Fire, Blood and the Alphabet: One Hundred Years of Lorca..