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Outputs (662)

Callous-Unemotional Traits are Associated With Child-to-Parent Aggression (2021)
Journal Article
Kuay, H., Boothroyd, L., Towl, G., Tiffin, P., & Munoz, L. (2022). Callous-Unemotional Traits are Associated With Child-to-Parent Aggression. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66(15), 1603-1626.

This study examined the relations between callous-unemotional traits and perpetration of aggression toward parents in two separate studies, while also considering motivation for aggression and parenting styles experienced among young people. Study 1... Read More about Callous-Unemotional Traits are Associated With Child-to-Parent Aggression.

Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Faure, J. P. B., Swanepoel, L. H., Cilliers, D., Venter, J. A., & Hill, R. A. (2022). Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa. Oryx: The International Journal of Conservation, 56(5), 774-781.

Populations of carnivore species outside protected areas may be of considerable importance for conservation, as many protected areas do not provide sufficient space for viable populations. Data on carnivore population sizes and trends are often biase... Read More about Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa.

Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results (2021)
Journal Article
Allan, A., & Hill, R. (2021). Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results. Animal Behaviour, 180, 197-208.

Animals use vigilance to detect or monitor threats. While numerous aspects of vigilance have been studied across a wide range of species, little work has explored the methodological variation that has emerged across these studies. Different approache... Read More about Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results.

Testing Mate Choice Hypotheses in a Transitional Small Scale Population (2021)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, L., Jucker, J., Thornborrow, T., Tovee, M., Batres, C., & Penton-Voak, I. (2021). Testing Mate Choice Hypotheses in a Transitional Small Scale Population. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 7(3), 220-244.

Objective Tests of theories of mate choice often rely on data gathered in White, industrialised samples and this is especially the case for studies of facial attraction. Our understanding of preferences for sexual dimorphism is currently in flux and... Read More about Testing Mate Choice Hypotheses in a Transitional Small Scale Population.

Conformity to Bergmann's rule in birds depends on nest design and migration (2021)
Journal Article
Mainwaring, M. C., & Street, S. E. (2021). Conformity to Bergmann's rule in birds depends on nest design and migration. Ecology and Evolution, 11(19), 13118-13127.

Ecogeographical rules attempt to explain large-scale spatial patterns in biological traits. One of the most enduring examples is Bergmann's rule, which states that species should be larger in colder climates due to the thermoregulatory advantages of... Read More about Conformity to Bergmann's rule in birds depends on nest design and migration.

Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment (2021)
Journal Article
Coleman, B., Setchell, J., & Hill, R. (2021). Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment. Primates, 62(6), 1005-1018.

Samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa, experience a highly seasonal climate, with relatively cold, dry winters. They must show behavioural flexibility to survive these difficult conditions ne... Read More about Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment.

Experimental manipulation of muscularity preferences through visual diet and associative learning (2021)
Journal Article
Jacques, K., Evans, E., & Boothroyd, L. (2021). Experimental manipulation of muscularity preferences through visual diet and associative learning. PLoS ONE, 16(8), Article e0255403.

Body preferences are somewhat flexible and this variability may be the result of one’s visual diet (whereby mere exposure to certain bodies shifts preferences), associative learning mechanisms (whereby cues to health and status within the population... Read More about Experimental manipulation of muscularity preferences through visual diet and associative learning.

Glyphosate regulation and sovereignty politics around the world (2021)
Journal Article
Widger, T. (2021). Glyphosate regulation and sovereignty politics around the world. Anthropology Today, 37(4), 1-2.

Bayer's best-selling herbicide, glyphosate, is a once in a generation product. This pesticide has come to symbolize widespread opposition to corporate influence over agrochemical regulation and led to calls for greater democratic accountability in sc... Read More about Glyphosate regulation and sovereignty politics around the world.

Dental microstructure records life history events: A histological study of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) from Gabon (2021)
Journal Article
Lemmers, S. A., Dirks, W., Street, S. E., Ngoubangoye, B., Herbert, A., & Setchell, J. M. (2021). Dental microstructure records life history events: A histological study of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) from Gabon. Journal of Human Evolution, 158, Article 103046.

Accentuated lines in dental microstructure are hypothesized to correlate with potentially stressful life history events, but our understanding of when, how and why such accentuated lines form in relation to stressful events is limited. We examined ac... Read More about Dental microstructure records life history events: A histological study of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) from Gabon.

Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates (2021)
Journal Article
Kavanagh, E., Street, S. E., Angwela, F. O., Bergman, T. J., Blaszczyk, M. B., Bolt, L. M., Briseño-Jaramillo, M., Brown, M., Chen-Kraus, C., Clay, Z., Coye, C., Thompson, M. E., Estrada, A., Fichtel, C., Fruth, B., Gamba, M., Giacoma, C., Graham, K. E., Green, S., Grueter, C. C., …Slocombe, K. (2021). Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science, 8(7), Article 210873.

Animal communication has long been thought to be subject to pressures and constraints associated with social relationships. However, our understanding of how the nature and quality of social relationships relates to the use and evolution of communica... Read More about Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates.

Personality predicts innovation and social learning in children: implications for cultural evolution (2021)
Journal Article
Rawlings, B., Flynn, E., & Kendal, R. (2022). Personality predicts innovation and social learning in children: implications for cultural evolution. Developmental Science, 25(1), Article e13153.

Innovation and social learning are the pillars of cultural evolution, allowing cultural behaviours to cumulatively advance over generations. Yet, little is known about individual differences in the use of social and asocial information. We examined w... Read More about Personality predicts innovation and social learning in children: implications for cultural evolution.

Trading Futures: Sadaqah, Social Enterprise, and the Polytemporalities of Development Gifts (2021)
Journal Article
Widger, T., & Osella, F. (2021). Trading Futures: Sadaqah, Social Enterprise, and the Polytemporalities of Development Gifts. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 2021(90), 106-119.

In this article, we explore what happens when idea(l)s of Islamic charity (sadaqah) and social enterprise converge within a low-cost public health clinic in Colombo, Sri Lanka. For both the clinic's wealthy sponsors and the urban poor who use it, int... Read More about Trading Futures: Sadaqah, Social Enterprise, and the Polytemporalities of Development Gifts.

Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management (2021)
Journal Article
Parker, E., Koyama, N., & Hill, R. (2021). Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management. Ecology and Evolution, 11(12), 8014-8026.

Aim: As habitat loss continues to accelerate with global human population growth, identifying landscape characteristics that influence species occurrence is a key conservation priority in order to prevent global biodiversity loss. In South Africa, th... Read More about Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management.

Can realistic dolls protect body satisfaction in young girls? (2021)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, L., Tovée, M., & Evans, E. (2021). Can realistic dolls protect body satisfaction in young girls?. Body Image, 37, 172-180.

Ultra-thin fashion dolls may represent a risk factor for thin-ideal internalisation and body dissatisfaction amongst young girls. We asked thirty one 5- to 9-year-old girls to engage in interactive play with commercially available dolls which were ei... Read More about Can realistic dolls protect body satisfaction in young girls?.

Demonstrating the Utility of Egocentric Relational Event Modeling Using Focal Follow Data from Congolese BaYaka Children and Adolescents Engaging in Work and Play (2021)
Journal Article
Ellis-Davies, K., Lew-Levy, S., Fleming, E., Boyette, A. H., & Baguley, T. (2021). Demonstrating the Utility of Egocentric Relational Event Modeling Using Focal Follow Data from Congolese BaYaka Children and Adolescents Engaging in Work and Play. Field Methods, 33(3), 287-304.

Temporal aspects of child and adolescent time allocation in diverse cultural settings have been difficult to model using conventional statistical techniques. A new statistical approach, Egocentric Relational Event Modelling (EREM), allows for the sim... Read More about Demonstrating the Utility of Egocentric Relational Event Modeling Using Focal Follow Data from Congolese BaYaka Children and Adolescents Engaging in Work and Play.

Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Williams, K., Williams, S., Welch, R., Marneweck, C., Mann, G., Pitman, R., Whittington-Jones, G., Balme, G., Parker, D., & Hill, R. (2021). Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 620.

Wildlife population density estimates provide information on the number of individuals in an area and influence conservation management decisions. Thus, accuracy is vital. A dominant feature in many landscapes globally is fencing, yet the implication... Read More about Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa.

Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups (2021)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Allan, A. T. L., Berman, C. M., Hill, R. A., & Margulis, S. W. (2021). Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75, Article 13.

Detecting predators requires information, and many behavioral and environmental features are predicted to enhance or limit an animal’s ability to learn about potential danger. Animals living in groups are thought to be at an advantage for learning ab... Read More about Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups.

Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data (2021)
Journal Article
Walton, B. J., Findlay, L. J., & Hill, R. A. (2021). Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data. Ecology and Evolution, 11(2), 990-1001.

Crop‐foraging by animals is a leading cause of human–wildlife “conflict” globally, affecting farmers and resulting in the death of many animals in retaliation, including primates. Despite significant research into crop‐foraging by primates, relativel... Read More about Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data.