Branching versus blending in macroscale cultural evolution: a comparative study.
Book Chapter
Collard, M., Shennan, S., & Tehrani, J. (2006). Branching versus blending in macroscale cultural evolution: a comparative study. In C. Lipo, M. O'Brien, M. Collard, & S. Shennan (Eds.), Mapping Our Ancestors (53-63). (1). Aldine Transaction
Outputs (24)
The role of ethnography in the science of cultural evolution (Comment on Mesoudi, Whiten and Laland). (2006)
Journal Article
Tehrani, J. (2006). The role of ethnography in the science of cultural evolution (Comment on Mesoudi, Whiten and Laland). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29, 363-364
Mosaic evolution of brain structure in mammals. (2006)
Book Chapter
Barton, R. (2006). Mosaic evolution of brain structure in mammals. In Evolution of nervous systems. Elsevier
Why be diurnal? Or, why not be cathemeral? (2006)
Journal Article
Hill, R. (2006). Why be diurnal? Or, why not be cathemeral?. Folia Primatologica, 77, 72-86
Amygdala size and hypothalamus size predict social play frequency in non-human primates: a comparative analysis using independent contrasts. (2006)
Journal Article
Lewis, K., & Barton, R. (2006). Amygdala size and hypothalamus size predict social play frequency in non-human primates: a comparative analysis using independent contrasts. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120(1), 31–37.
Review of "Social Learning and Imitation": Volume 32(1), 2004, of Learning and Behavior. (2006)
Journal Article
Kendal, J. (2006). Review of "Social Learning and Imitation": Volume 32(1), 2004, of Learning and Behavior
Imitation of hierarchical action structure by young children (2006)
Journal Article
Whiten, A., Flynn, E., Brown, K., & Lee, K. (2006). Imitation of hierarchical action structure by young children. Developmental Science, 9(6), 575-582. provide the first systematic test of whether young children will spontaneously perceive and imitate hierarchical structure in complex actions, a task was devised in which a set of 16 elements can be modelled through either of two different, hierar... Read More about Imitation of hierarchical action structure by young children.
Primate brain evolution: integrating comparative, neurophysiological and ethological data (2006)
Journal Article
Barton, R. (2006). Primate brain evolution: integrating comparative, neurophysiological and ethological data. Evolutionary Anthropology, 15(6), 224-236.“Undoubtedly the most distinctive trait of the Primates, wherein this order contrasts with all other mammalian orders in its evolutionary history, is the tendency towards the development of a brain which is large in proportion to the total body weigh... Read More about Primate brain evolution: integrating comparative, neurophysiological and ethological data.
Size-dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: does height or weight matter more? (2006)
Journal Article
Sear, R. (2006). Size-dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: does height or weight matter more?. Biodemography and Social Biology, 53(3-4), 172-188. is an important component of life history analysis, as it is both a determinant and an outcome of life history decisions. Here, we present an investigation of the relationships between two components of size (height and weight) and life history... Read More about Size-dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: does height or weight matter more?.
Facial and bodily correlates of family background (2006)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, L., & Perrett, D. (2006). Facial and bodily correlates of family background. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1599), 2375-2380. has been suggested that absence of the father during early childhood has long-reaching effects on reproductive strategy and development of offspring. This paper reports two studies designed to investigate the physical characteristics of daughters... Read More about Facial and bodily correlates of family background.
A microgenetic investigation of stability and continuity in theory of mind development (2006)
Journal Article
Flynn, E. (2006). A microgenetic investigation of stability and continuity in theory of mind development. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24(3), 631-654. processes behind the transition from consistently failing tests of false belief understanding to consistently passing the tests was investigated by tracking changes in children's mental state understanding. Participants were 42 children (aged 3;1... Read More about A microgenetic investigation of stability and continuity in theory of mind development.
Faithful replication of foraging techniques along cultural transmission chains by chimpanzees and children (2006)
Journal Article
Horner, V., Whiten, A., Flynn, E., & de Waal, F. (2006). Faithful replication of foraging techniques along cultural transmission chains by chimpanzees and children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(37), 13878-13883. studies of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have revealed population-specific differences in behavior, thought to represent cultural variation. Field studies have also reported behaviors indicative of cultural learning, such as close... Read More about Faithful replication of foraging techniques along cultural transmission chains by chimpanzees and children.
Height and reproductive success: how a Gambian population compares to the West (2006)
Journal Article
Sear, R. (2006). Height and reproductive success: how a Gambian population compares to the West. Human Nature, 17(4), 405-418. Western societies, height is positively correlated with reproductive success (RS) for men but negatively correlated with RS for women. These relationships have been attributed to sexual selection: women prefer tall men, and men prefer short women.... Read More about Height and reproductive success: how a Gambian population compares to the West.
Cultural Niche Construction in a metapopulation (2006)
Journal Article
Borenstein, E., Kendal, J., & Feldman, M. (2006). Cultural Niche Construction in a metapopulation. Theoretical Population Biology, 70(1), 92-104. Cultural niche construction is the process by which certain evolving cultural traits form a cultural niche that affects the evolution of other genetic and cultural traits [Laland, K., et al., 2001. Cultural niche construction and human evolu... Read More about Cultural Niche Construction in a metapopulation.
Cultural coevolution of norm adoption and enforcement when punishers are rewarded or non-punishers are punished (2006)
Journal Article
Kendal, J., Feldman, M., & Aoki, K. (2006). Cultural coevolution of norm adoption and enforcement when punishers are rewarded or non-punishers are punished. Theoretical Population Biology, 70(1), 10-25. number of studies have shown that social norms can be maintained at a high frequency when norm-violators are punished. However, there remains the problem of how norm-adopters and punishers coevolve within a single group. We develop a recursive syst... Read More about Cultural coevolution of norm adoption and enforcement when punishers are rewarded or non-punishers are punished.
Correlated preferences for facial masculinity and ideal or actual partner's masculinity. (2006)
Journal Article
DeBruine, L., Jones, B., Little, A., Boothroyd, L., Perrett, D., Penton-Voak, I., …Tiddeman, B. (2006). Correlated preferences for facial masculinity and ideal or actual partner's masculinity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1592), 1355-1360. of women's preferences for male faces have variously reported preferences for mas- culine faces, preferences for feminine faces, and no effect of masculinity-femininity on male facial attractiveness. It has been suggested that these apparentl... Read More about Correlated preferences for facial masculinity and ideal or actual partner's masculinity..
Olfactory evolution and behavioral ecology in primates. (2006)
Journal Article
Barton, R. (2006). Olfactory evolution and behavioral ecology in primates. American Journal of Primatology, 68, 545-558.
Branching, blending, and the evolution of cultural similarities and differences among human populations (2006)
Journal Article
Collard, M., Shennan, S., & Tehrani, J. (2006). Branching, blending, and the evolution of cultural similarities and differences among human populations. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27(3), 169-184. has been claimed that blending processes such as trade and exchange have always been more important in the evolution of cultural similarities and differences among human populations than the branching process of population fissioning. In this pape... Read More about Branching, blending, and the evolution of cultural similarities and differences among human populations.
The uptake of modern contraception in a Gambian community: the diffusion of an innovation over 25 years (2006)
Book Chapter
Mace, R., Allal, N., Sear, R., & Prentice, A. (2006). The uptake of modern contraception in a Gambian community: the diffusion of an innovation over 25 years. In J. Wells, S. Strickland, & K. Laland (Eds.), Social information transmission and human biology (191-205). CRC Press
Order and anarchy: civil society, social disorder and war (2006)
Layton, R. (2006). Order and anarchy: civil society, social disorder and war. Cambridge University PressArgues against the view that the Capitalist market economy is uniquely conducive to the creation of civil society. Shows that Locke and Ferguson identified civil society with social co-operation based on rational self- interest in all human societies... Read More about Order and anarchy: civil society, social disorder and war.