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Outputs (4)

Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Garnett, P., Stepney, S., Andrews, P., & Read, M. (2012, August). Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework. Presented at Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation Workshop, Orleans, France

We describe how we have used the CoSMoS process to trans- form a computer simulation originally developed for the simulation of plant development for use in modelling aspects of audience behaviour. An existing agent-based simulator is re-factored to... Read More about Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework.

Conceptual Models of Nature in Pakistan (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyon, S., & Bennardo, G. (2012, July). Conceptual Models of Nature in Pakistan. Presented at Cultural Models of Nature and the Environment: Self, Space, and Causality, DeKalb, Illinois

Implementation of e-science tools for complex analysis of human-environmental interaction (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lyon, S., Sillitoe, P., & Wilson, R. (2005, December). Implementation of e-science tools for complex analysis of human-environmental interaction. Presented at First International Conference on e-Social Science., Manchester

An e-science approach allows the integration of different data types to develop coherent analyses of past and expected impacts of natural and human caused environmental change and the corresponding impact on human population structures. Demographic a... Read More about Implementation of e-science tools for complex analysis of human-environmental interaction.