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Outputs (84)

The Cultural Transmission and Evolution of Folk Narratives (2023)
Book Chapter
Tehrani, J. (2023). The Cultural Transmission and Evolution of Folk Narratives. In J. Tehrani, J. Kendal, & R. Kendal (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Cultural Evolution (C39S1-C39P96). Oxford University Press.

Folk narratives—such as fairy tales, legends, and fables—are products of tradition, rather than individual authors. As they get passed on from person to person and from generation to generation new variants evolve, some of which catch on and generate... Read More about The Cultural Transmission and Evolution of Folk Narratives.

Comparative Perspectives of Empathy Development: Insights from chimpanzees and bonobos (2022)
Book Chapter
Clay, Z., Webb, C., Romero, T., & de Waal, F. (2022). Comparative Perspectives of Empathy Development: Insights from chimpanzees and bonobos. In D. Dukes, E. Walle, & A. Samson (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Emotional Development (277-290). Oxford University Press.

Empathy - the sharing and understanding of others’ emotions and thoughts - is considered a defining feature of what it means to be human. Although empathy underpins many of our social interactions and is thought to be evolutionarily ancient, its orig... Read More about Comparative Perspectives of Empathy Development: Insights from chimpanzees and bonobos.

Overimitation across development: the influence of individual and contextual factors (2020)
Book Chapter
Rawlings, B., Dutra, N., Turner, C., & Flynn, E. (2020). Overimitation across development: the influence of individual and contextual factors. In N. Jones, M. Platt, K. Mize, & J. Hardin (Eds.), Conducting Research in Developmental Psychology A Topical Guide for Research Methods Utilized Across the Lifespan. Routledge

Monsoon uncertainties, Hydro-chemical Infrastructures, and Ecological Time in Sri Lanka (2020)
Book Chapter
Widger, T., & Wickramasinghe, U. (2021). Monsoon uncertainties, Hydro-chemical Infrastructures, and Ecological Time in Sri Lanka. In E. Kirtsoglou, & B. Simpson (Eds.), The Time of Anthropology: Studies of Contemporary Chronopolitics (122-141). London: Routledge.

In this chapter, the authors argue that anthropological discussions of time will remain limited if alongside human time we do not also consider that which falls beyond – the expansive ecologies of time. A study of time in agricultural contexts like t... Read More about Monsoon uncertainties, Hydro-chemical Infrastructures, and Ecological Time in Sri Lanka.

Reconnecting epistemologies via co-design and participatory action research practice (2020)
Book Chapter
Bailey-Ross, C., Rudman, H., Kendal, J., Mursic, Z., Lloyd, A., Ross, B., & Kendal, R. (in press). Reconnecting epistemologies via co-design and participatory action research practice. In C. Hayes, J. Fulton, & K. Petrie (Eds.), Beyond disciplinarity in social research : methodologies, epistemologies and philosophies. Routledge

Reflections on 'Babooning' (2020)
Book Chapter
Hill, R. (2020). Reflections on 'Babooning'. In T. Burt, & D. Thompson (Eds.), Curious about nature : a passion for fieldwork (218-222). Cambridge University Press.

I still look back on the fieldwork I undertook for my PhD as one of the most amazing periods of my life and an opportunity I was very fortunate to experience. Arriving in late 1996, I spent 14 months living on De Hoop Nature Reserve in the Western Ca... Read More about Reflections on 'Babooning'.

Mate Preferences Across the Lifespan (2019)
Book Chapter
Boothroyd, L., & Vukovic, J. (2019). Mate Preferences Across the Lifespan. In L. Welling, & T. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of evolutionary psychology and behavioral endocrinology (143-159). Oxford University Press

Humans show preferential responses to ‘attractive’ individuals from the first hours of life onwards. However, these early preferences are subject to later development, both in terms of increasing agreement on general attractiveness, and the emergence... Read More about Mate Preferences Across the Lifespan.

From 150 to 3 Dunbar’s numbers (2019)
Book Chapter
Hill, R. (2019). From 150 to 3 Dunbar’s numbers. In D. Shankland (Ed.), Dunbar's number. Sean Kingston Publishing

Ethological Approaches to Empathy in Primates (2018)
Book Chapter
Clay, Z., Palagi, E., & de Waal, F. B. (2018). Ethological Approaches to Empathy in Primates. In K. Meyza, & E. Knapska (Eds.), Neuronal correlates of empathy – from rodent to man. Elsevier

Ethological Approaches to Empathy in Primates (2018)
Book Chapter
Clay, Z., Palagi, E., & de Waal, F. B. (2018). Ethological Approaches to Empathy in Primates. In K. Meyza, & E. Knapska (Eds.), Neuronal Correlates of Empathy: From Rodent to Man (53-66). Academic Press

Conflict and Security (2018)
Book Chapter
Lyon, S. M. (2018). Conflict and Security. In P. Sillitoe (Ed.), International encyclopedia of anthropology. John Wiley and Sons.

Conflict and security although related, imply different domains. Conflict has long been a pre-occupation of anthropology. Underlying assumptions about how best to understand conflict have shifted over the years, but it is probably fair to say that an... Read More about Conflict and Security.

Foreword (2017)
Book Chapter
Kendal, J. (2017). Foreword. In C. Deane-Drummond, & A. Fuentes (Eds.), The evolution of human wisdom. Lexington Books

Dunbar, R.I.M. (Robin Ian MacDonald) (2017)
Book Chapter
Hill, R. (2017). Dunbar, R.I.M. (Robin Ian MacDonald). In A. Fuentes (Ed.), The international encyclopaedia of primatology. John Wiley and Sons.

Robin Dunbar is a leading figure in British primatology. Since his early work on the social and reproductive strategies of gelada baboons in the 1970s, his research has focused on the evolution of sociality in primates. He has made significant contri... Read More about Dunbar, R.I.M. (Robin Ian MacDonald).

Social Learning, Intelligence, and Brain Evolution. (2016)
Book Chapter
Street, S., & Laland, K. (2016). Social Learning, Intelligence, and Brain Evolution. In S. V. Shepherd (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience (495-513). John Wiley and Sons.

Social learning-learning influenced by observation of, or interaction with, other animals -allows individuals to acquire information, concerning, for instance, the location and quality of food, mates, predators, rivals, and pathways, as well as forag... Read More about Social Learning, Intelligence, and Brain Evolution..

Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research (2016)
Book Chapter
Fischer, M. D., Lyon, S. M., & Zeitlyn, D. (2017). Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research. In N. G. Fielding, R. M. Lee, & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of online research methods (611-627). (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications

This chapter considers the impact that the Internet and related communications technologies (IRCT) will have on the range of possibilities and prospects for new generations of social scientists. Contemporary and future developments will advance the s... Read More about Online Environments and the Future of Social Science Research.

The cultural capacity of human and nonhuman primates: Social learning, innovation, and cumulative culture (2016)
Book Chapter
Vale, G., Carr, K., Dean, L., & Kendal, R. (2017). The cultural capacity of human and nonhuman primates: Social learning, innovation, and cumulative culture. In J. Kass (Ed.), Evolution of nervous systems (second edition) (475-508). (2nd ed.). Academic Press.

Whether the foundations of nonhuman and human traditions are fundamentally similar, or whether they are different, has been the subject of heated debate even referred to as the animal “culture wars.” In this chapter we aim to explore the question of... Read More about The cultural capacity of human and nonhuman primates: Social learning, innovation, and cumulative culture.