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Outputs (4)

Leopard diets and landowner perceptions of human wildlife conflict in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa (2017)
Journal Article
Chase Grey, J., Bell, S., & Hill, R. (2017). Leopard diets and landowner perceptions of human wildlife conflict in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa. Journal for Nature Conservation, 37, 56-65.

Human-wildlife conflict between carnivores and livestock and game owners is an issue of high conservation concern and has led to the global decline of many large carnivore species. Research has shown that carnivores are often blamed for higher levels... Read More about Leopard diets and landowner perceptions of human wildlife conflict in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa.

The impacts, characterisation and management of human-leopard conflict in a multi-use land system in South Africa (2015)
Journal Article
Constant, N., Bell, S., & Hill, R. (2015). The impacts, characterisation and management of human-leopard conflict in a multi-use land system in South Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(12), 2967-2989.

Human–carnivore conflict represents a global problem, negatively impacting carnivore populations and local livelihoods worldwide. Game farming in South Africa has increased introducing a new form of conflict due to predation on game, but is poorly un... Read More about The impacts, characterisation and management of human-leopard conflict in a multi-use land system in South Africa.

Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises (2015)
Journal Article
Powells, G., Bell, S., Judson, E. P., Lyon, S. M., Wardle, R., Capova, K. A., & Bulkeley, H. (2016). Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises. Energy Efficiency, 9(3), 591-604.

Managing the electricity network through ‘smart grid’ systems is a key strategy to address challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions and the replacement of ageing infrastructure networks in the UK. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have... Read More about Fostering active network management through SMEs’practises.

The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England (2015)
Journal Article
Judson, E. P., Bell, S., Bulkeley, H., Powells, G., & Lyon, S. M. (2015). The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England. Science & Technology Studies, 28(3), 26-53

Challenges of energy security, low carbon transitions, and electricity network constraints have led to a shift to new, efficient technologies for household energy services. Studies of such technological innovations usually focus on consumer informati... Read More about The co-construction of energy provision and everyday practice: integrating heat pumps in social housing in England.