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Outputs (2)

Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom (2022)
Journal Article
Hsing, P.-Y., Hill, R., Smith, G., Bradley, S., Green, S., Kent, V., Mason, S., Rees, J., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., scientists, M. C., & Stephens, P. (2022). Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(4), Article e12180.

1. In light of global biodiversity loss, there is an increasing need for large-scale wildlife monitoring. This is difficult for mammals, since they can be elusive and nocturnal. In the United Kingdom (UK), there is a lack of systematic, widespread ma... Read More about Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom.

Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study (2022)
Journal Article
Mason, S., Hill, R., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., Smith, G., & Stephens, P. (2022). Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(5), 717-730.

Accurate and precise density estimates are crucial for effective species management and conservation. However, efficient monitoring of mammal densities over large spatial and temporal scales is challenging. In the United Kingdom, published density es... Read More about Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study.