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Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps (2023)
Journal Article
McKaughan, J., Stephens, P., & Hill, R. (2023). Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4(2), Article e12229.

1. Mesocarnivores are of particular interest in wildlife management. Their adaptability makes them a focus of public attention globally, as negative interactions with people occur regularly, but their importance to wider ecosystem function is increas... Read More about Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps.

Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction (2023)
Journal Article
Stewart, P. S., Stephens, P. A., Hill, R. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Dawson, W. (2023). Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction. Ecology, 104(3), Article e3942.

Occupancy models are a vital tool for ecologists studying the patterns and drivers of species occurrence, but their use often involves selecting among models with different sets of occupancy and detection covariates. The information-theoretic approac... Read More about Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction.

Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom (2022)
Journal Article
Hsing, P.-Y., Hill, R., Smith, G., Bradley, S., Green, S., Kent, V., Mason, S., Rees, J., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., scientists, M. C., & Stephens, P. (2022). Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(4), Article e12180.

1. In light of global biodiversity loss, there is an increasing need for large-scale wildlife monitoring. This is difficult for mammals, since they can be elusive and nocturnal. In the United Kingdom (UK), there is a lack of systematic, widespread ma... Read More about Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom.

Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science (2022)
Journal Article
Green, S. E., Stephens, P. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Hill, R. A. (2023). Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9(2), 268-283.

Camera traps are increasingly used in wildlife monitoring and citizen science to address an array of ecological questions on a wide variety of species. However, despite the ability of modern camera traps to capture high-quality video, the majority of... Read More about Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science.

Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment (2022)
Journal Article
Allan, A. T., LaBarge, L. R., Howlett, C., Bailey, A. L., Jones, B., Mason, Z., Pinfield, T., Schröder, F., Whitaker, A., White, A. F., Wilkinson, H., & Hill, R. A. (2023). Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment. Folia Primatologica, 94(1), 13-36.

Meat-eating among non-human primates has been well documented but its prevalence among Afromontane baboons is understudied. In this study we report the predatory and meat-eating behaviours of a habituated group of gray-footed chacma baboons (Papio ur... Read More about Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment.

Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis (2022)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Allan, A. T., Berman, C. M., Hill, R. A., & Margulis, S. W. (2022). Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis. Hormones and Behavior, 145, Article 105237.

Environmental challenges are often associated with physiological changes in wildlife that allow animals to maintain homeostasis. Among these, scarcity in resources, and risks from predators, competitors, and humans can all result in psychological and... Read More about Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis.

Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns (2022)
Journal Article
Allan, A., White, A., & Hill, R. (2022). Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns. Scientific Reports, 12,

Social network analysis is an increasingly popular tool for behavioural ecologists exploring the social organisation of animal populations. Such analyses require data on inter-individual association patterns, which in wild populations are often colle... Read More about Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns.

Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study (2022)
Journal Article
Mason, S., Hill, R., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., Smith, G., & Stephens, P. (2022). Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(5), 717-730.

Accurate and precise density estimates are crucial for effective species management and conservation. However, efficient monitoring of mammal densities over large spatial and temporal scales is challenging. In the United Kingdom, published density es... Read More about Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study.

Camera traps and guard observations as an alternative to researcher observation for studying anthropogenic foraging (2022)
Journal Article
Walton, B., Findlay., L., & Hill, R. (2022). Camera traps and guard observations as an alternative to researcher observation for studying anthropogenic foraging. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4), Article e8808.

Foraging by wildlife on anthropogenic foods can have negative impacts on both hu-mans and wildlife. Addressing this issue requires reliable data on the patterns of an-thropogenic foraging by wild animals, but while direct observation by researchers c... Read More about Camera traps and guard observations as an alternative to researcher observation for studying anthropogenic foraging.

Behavioral responses to spatial variation in perceived predation risk and resource availability in an arboreal primate (2022)
Journal Article
Parker, E. J., Hill, R. A., & Koyama, N. F. (2022). Behavioral responses to spatial variation in perceived predation risk and resource availability in an arboreal primate. Ecosphere, 13(2), Article e3945.

Prey species must often face a trade-off between acquiring resources and minimizing predation risk. The spatial variation in predation risk across a landscape, as perceived by prey across their foraging or home range, creates a “landscape of fear” by... Read More about Behavioral responses to spatial variation in perceived predation risk and resource availability in an arboreal primate.

Testing the Short-Term Effectiveness of Various Deterrents for Reducing Crop Foraging by Primates (2022)
Journal Article
Findlay, L., Lucas, C., Walker, E., Evers, S., & Hill, R. (2022). Testing the Short-Term Effectiveness of Various Deterrents for Reducing Crop Foraging by Primates. African journal of wildlife research, 52(1), 29-43.

Crop foraging by wildlife is a major driver of negative interactions between farmers and wildlife, and yet there are few published examples of effective solutions to deter wildlife from crops. Here we investigate the effectiveness of six different me... Read More about Testing the Short-Term Effectiveness of Various Deterrents for Reducing Crop Foraging by Primates.

Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk? (2021)
Journal Article
Allan, A. T. L., Bailey, A. L., & Hill, R. A. (2021). Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk?. Ecology and Evolution, 11(21), 15404-15416.

Flight initiation distance (FID) procedures are used to assess the risk perception animals have for threats (e.g., natural predators, hunters), but it is unclear whether these assessments remain meaningful if animals have habituated to certain human... Read More about Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk?.

Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Faure, J. P. B., Swanepoel, L. H., Cilliers, D., Venter, J. A., & Hill, R. A. (2022). Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa. Oryx: The International Journal of Conservation, 56(5), 774-781.

Populations of carnivore species outside protected areas may be of considerable importance for conservation, as many protected areas do not provide sufficient space for viable populations. Data on carnivore population sizes and trends are often biase... Read More about Estimates of carnivore densities in a human-dominated agricultural matrix in South Africa.

Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results (2021)
Journal Article
Allan, A., & Hill, R. (2021). Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results. Animal Behaviour, 180, 197-208.

Animals use vigilance to detect or monitor threats. While numerous aspects of vigilance have been studied across a wide range of species, little work has explored the methodological variation that has emerged across these studies. Different approache... Read More about Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results.

Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment (2021)
Journal Article
Coleman, B., Setchell, J., & Hill, R. (2021). Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment. Primates, 62(6), 1005-1018.

Samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa, experience a highly seasonal climate, with relatively cold, dry winters. They must show behavioural flexibility to survive these difficult conditions ne... Read More about Seasonal variation in the behavioural ecology of samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in a southern latitude montane environment.

Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management (2021)
Journal Article
Parker, E., Koyama, N., & Hill, R. (2021). Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management. Ecology and Evolution, 11(12), 8014-8026.

Aim: As habitat loss continues to accelerate with global human population growth, identifying landscape characteristics that influence species occurrence is a key conservation priority in order to prevent global biodiversity loss. In South Africa, th... Read More about Habitat selection of an endangered primate, the samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi): integrating scales to prioritise habitat for wildlife management.

Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Williams, K., Williams, S., Welch, R., Marneweck, C., Mann, G., Pitman, R., Whittington-Jones, G., Balme, G., Parker, D., & Hill, R. (2021). Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 620.

Wildlife population density estimates provide information on the number of individuals in an area and influence conservation management decisions. Thus, accuracy is vital. A dominant feature in many landscapes globally is fencing, yet the implication... Read More about Assumptions about fence permeability influence density estimates for brown hyaenas across South Africa.

Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups (2021)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Allan, A. T. L., Berman, C. M., Hill, R. A., & Margulis, S. W. (2021). Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75, Article 13.

Detecting predators requires information, and many behavioral and environmental features are predicted to enhance or limit an animal’s ability to learn about potential danger. Animals living in groups are thought to be at an advantage for learning ab... Read More about Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups.

Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data (2021)
Journal Article
Walton, B. J., Findlay, L. J., & Hill, R. A. (2021). Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data. Ecology and Evolution, 11(2), 990-1001.

Crop‐foraging by animals is a leading cause of human–wildlife “conflict” globally, affecting farmers and resulting in the death of many animals in retaliation, including primates. Despite significant research into crop‐foraging by primates, relativel... Read More about Insights into short‐ and long‐term crop‐foraging strategies in a chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) from GPS and accelerometer data.