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Outputs (10)

Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps (2023)
Journal Article
McKaughan, J., Stephens, P., & Hill, R. (2023). Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4(2), Article e12229.

1. Mesocarnivores are of particular interest in wildlife management. Their adaptability makes them a focus of public attention globally, as negative interactions with people occur regularly, but their importance to wider ecosystem function is increas... Read More about Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps.

Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction (2023)
Journal Article
Stewart, P. S., Stephens, P. A., Hill, R. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Dawson, W. (2023). Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction. Ecology, 104(3), Article e3942.

Occupancy models are a vital tool for ecologists studying the patterns and drivers of species occurrence, but their use often involves selecting among models with different sets of occupancy and detection covariates. The information-theoretic approac... Read More about Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction.

Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom (2022)
Journal Article
Hsing, P.-Y., Hill, R., Smith, G., Bradley, S., Green, S., Kent, V., Mason, S., Rees, J., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., scientists, M. C., & Stephens, P. (2022). Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(4), Article e12180.

1. In light of global biodiversity loss, there is an increasing need for large-scale wildlife monitoring. This is difficult for mammals, since they can be elusive and nocturnal. In the United Kingdom (UK), there is a lack of systematic, widespread ma... Read More about Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom.

Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science (2022)
Journal Article
Green, S. E., Stephens, P. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Hill, R. A. (2023). Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9(2), 268-283.

Camera traps are increasingly used in wildlife monitoring and citizen science to address an array of ecological questions on a wide variety of species. However, despite the ability of modern camera traps to capture high-quality video, the majority of... Read More about Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science.

Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study (2022)
Journal Article
Mason, S., Hill, R., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., Smith, G., & Stephens, P. (2022). Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(5), 717-730.

Accurate and precise density estimates are crucial for effective species management and conservation. However, efficient monitoring of mammal densities over large spatial and temporal scales is challenging. In the United Kingdom, published density es... Read More about Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study.

Citizen scientists: school students conducting, contributing to and communicating ecological research – experiences of a school–university partnership (2020)
Journal Article
Hsing, P.-Y., Coghill, L., Ryder, J., Austin, M., Dooley, S., Ellison, A., Fenwick, C., Garland, M., Humphrey, P., Proudlock, H., Robson, A., Steer, C., Turnbull, L., Kent, V., Bradley, S., Hill, R., Ascroft, R., & Stephens, P. (2020). Citizen scientists: school students conducting, contributing to and communicating ecological research – experiences of a school–university partnership. School science review, 101(376), 67-74

Started in north-east England in 2015, MammalWeb aims to improve our knowledge of British mammals through the use of motion-sensing camera traps. Fundamental to the project is the involvement of local communities and individuals who act as citizen sc... Read More about Citizen scientists: school students conducting, contributing to and communicating ecological research – experiences of a school–university partnership.

Innovations in Camera Trapping Technology and Approaches: The Integration of Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence (2020)
Journal Article
Green, S., Rees, J., Stephens, P., Hill, R., & Giordano, A. (2020). Innovations in Camera Trapping Technology and Approaches: The Integration of Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence. Animals, 10(1), Article 132.

Camera trapping has become an increasingly reliable and mainstream tool for surveying a diversity of wildlife species. Concurrent with this has been an increasing effort to involve the wider public in the research process, in an approach known as ‘ci... Read More about Innovations in Camera Trapping Technology and Approaches: The Integration of Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Economical crowdsourcing for camera trap image classification (2018)
Journal Article
Hsing, P., Bradley, S., Kent, V., Hill, R., Smith, G., Whittingham, M., …Stephens, P. (2018). Economical crowdsourcing for camera trap image classification. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 4(4), 361-374.

Camera trapping is widely used to monitor mammalian wildlife but creates large image datasets that must be classified. In response, there is a trend towards crowdsourcing image classification. For high‐profile studies of charismatic faunas, many clas... Read More about Economical crowdsourcing for camera trap image classification.

Exapting exaptation (2013)
Journal Article
Larson, G., Stephens, P., Tehrani, J., & Layton, R. (2013). Exapting exaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28(9), 497-498.

The term exaptation was introduced to encourage biologists to consider alternatives to adaptation to explain the origins of traits. Here, we discuss why exaptation has proved more successful in technological than biological contexts, and propose a re... Read More about Exapting exaptation.