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Outputs (11)

Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment (2022)
Journal Article
Allan, A. T., LaBarge, L. R., Howlett, C., Bailey, A. L., Jones, B., Mason, Z., Pinfield, T., Schröder, F., Whitaker, A., White, A. F., Wilkinson, H., & Hill, R. A. (2023). Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment. Folia Primatologica, 94(1), 13-36.

Meat-eating among non-human primates has been well documented but its prevalence among Afromontane baboons is understudied. In this study we report the predatory and meat-eating behaviours of a habituated group of gray-footed chacma baboons (Papio ur... Read More about Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment.

Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis (2022)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Allan, A. T., Berman, C. M., Hill, R. A., & Margulis, S. W. (2022). Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis. Hormones and Behavior, 145, Article 105237.

Environmental challenges are often associated with physiological changes in wildlife that allow animals to maintain homeostasis. Among these, scarcity in resources, and risks from predators, competitors, and humans can all result in psychological and... Read More about Cortisol metabolites vary with environmental conditions, predation risk, and human shields in a wild primate, Cercopithecus albogularis.

Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns (2022)
Journal Article
Allan, A., White, A., & Hill, R. (2022). Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns. Scientific Reports, 12,

Social network analysis is an increasingly popular tool for behavioural ecologists exploring the social organisation of animal populations. Such analyses require data on inter-individual association patterns, which in wild populations are often colle... Read More about Intolerant baboons avoid observer proximity, creating biased inter-individual association patterns.

Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk? (2021)
Journal Article
Allan, A. T. L., Bailey, A. L., & Hill, R. A. (2021). Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk?. Ecology and Evolution, 11(21), 15404-15416.

Flight initiation distance (FID) procedures are used to assess the risk perception animals have for threats (e.g., natural predators, hunters), but it is unclear whether these assessments remain meaningful if animals have habituated to certain human... Read More about Consistency in the flight and visual orientation distances of habituated chacma baboons after an observed leopard predation. Do flight initiation distance methods always measure perceived predation risk?.

Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results (2021)
Journal Article
Allan, A., & Hill, R. (2021). Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results. Animal Behaviour, 180, 197-208.

Animals use vigilance to detect or monitor threats. While numerous aspects of vigilance have been studied across a wide range of species, little work has explored the methodological variation that has emerged across these studies. Different approache... Read More about Definition and interpretation effects: How different vigilance definitions can produce varied results.

Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups (2021)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Allan, A. T. L., Berman, C. M., Hill, R. A., & Margulis, S. W. (2021). Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75, Article 13.

Detecting predators requires information, and many behavioral and environmental features are predicted to enhance or limit an animal’s ability to learn about potential danger. Animals living in groups are thought to be at an advantage for learning ab... Read More about Extent of threat detection depends on predator type and behavioral context in wild samango monkey groups.

Habituation is not neutral or equal: Individual differences in tolerance suggest an overlooked personality trait (2020)
Journal Article
Allan, A., Bailey, A., & Hill, R. (2020). Habituation is not neutral or equal: Individual differences in tolerance suggest an overlooked personality trait. Science Advances, 6(28), Article eaaz0870.

In behavioral studies, observer effects can be substantial, even for habituated animals, but few studies account for potential observer-related phenomenon empirically. We used wild, habituated chacma baboons to explore two key assumptions of behavior... Read More about Habituation is not neutral or equal: Individual differences in tolerance suggest an overlooked personality trait.

Influence of food availability, plant productivity and indigenous forest use on ranging behavior of the endangered samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi), in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa (2020)
Journal Article
Parker, E., Hill, R. A., Allan, A. T. L., Howlett, C., & Koyama, N. F. (2020). Influence of food availability, plant productivity and indigenous forest use on ranging behavior of the endangered samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi), in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa. Integrative Zoology, 15(5), 385-400.

Understanding the determinants of ranging patterns in species susceptible to habitat fragmentation is fundamental for assessing their long‐term adaptability to an increasingly human‐dominated landscape. The aim of this study was to determine and comp... Read More about Influence of food availability, plant productivity and indigenous forest use on ranging behavior of the endangered samango monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi), in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa.

Reactive and pre-emptive spatial cohesion in a social primate (2020)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L., Allan, A., Berman, C., Margulis, S., & Hill, R. (2020). Reactive and pre-emptive spatial cohesion in a social primate. Animal Behaviour, 163, 115-126.

Spatial cohesion in group-living animals is assumed as a risk-sensitive characteristic. Few studies have explicitly investigated this assumption or asked whether risk-related changes in spatial cohesion operate over short or long-term scales. We expl... Read More about Reactive and pre-emptive spatial cohesion in a social primate.

Anthropogenic influences on primate antipredator behavior and implications for research and conservation (2020)
Journal Article
LaBarge, L. R., Hill, R. A., Berman, C. M., Margulis, S. W., & Allan, A. T. L. (2020). Anthropogenic influences on primate antipredator behavior and implications for research and conservation. American Journal of Primatology, 82(2), Article e23087.

Predation risk affects prey species' behavior, even in the absence of a direct threat, but human‐induced environmental change may disturb ecologically significant predator–prey interactions. Here, we propose various ways in which knowledge of antipre... Read More about Anthropogenic influences on primate antipredator behavior and implications for research and conservation.

Illuminating Movement? Nocturnal Activity Patterns in Chacma Baboons (2019)
Journal Article
Ayers, A. M., Allan, A. T. L., Howlett, C., Tordiffe, A. S. W., Williams, K. S., Williams, S. T., & Hill, R. A. (2020). Illuminating Movement? Nocturnal Activity Patterns in Chacma Baboons. Journal of Zoology, 310(4), 287-297.

Recent analyses have shown that typically diurnal primates may periodically exhibit some levels of activity at night. Despite this, there have been few studies that have explored whether diurnal primates living in temperate environments will extend t... Read More about Illuminating Movement? Nocturnal Activity Patterns in Chacma Baboons.