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Word Diffusion and Climate Science (2012)
Journal Article
Bentley, R., Garnett, P., O'Brien, M., & Brock, W. (2012). Word Diffusion and Climate Science. PLoS ONE, 7(11), Article e47966.

As public and political debates often demonstrate, a substantial disjoint can exist between the findings of science and the impact it has on the public. Using climate-change science as a case example, we reconsider the role of scientists in the infor... Read More about Word Diffusion and Climate Science.

Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Garnett, P., Stepney, S., Andrews, P., & Read, M. (2012, August). Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework. Presented at Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation Workshop, Orleans, France

We describe how we have used the CoSMoS process to trans- form a computer simulation originally developed for the simulation of plant development for use in modelling aspects of audience behaviour. An existing agent-based simulator is re-factored to... Read More about Going Around Again: Modelling Standing Ovations with a Flexible Agent-based Simulation Framework.