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Dr Angela Filipe's Outputs (2)

How and why to use ‘vulnerability’: an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality (2023)
Journal Article
Ford, A., De Togni, G., Erikainen, S., Filipe, A. M., Pickersgill, M., Sturdy, S., …Young, I. (2024). How and why to use ‘vulnerability’: an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality. Medical Humanities, 50(1), 125-134.

In recent years, ‘vulnerability’ has been getting more traction in theoretical, professional and popular spaces as an alternative or complement to the concept of risk. As a group of science and technology studies scholars with different disciplinary... Read More about How and why to use ‘vulnerability’: an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality.

Situer la vie sociale des TDAH: Entre le médical, le local et le global (2023)
Book Chapter
Rojas Navarro, S., & Filipe, A. M. (2023). Situer la vie sociale des TDAH: Entre le médical, le local et le global. In C. L. Vieira, C. Yves, & P. M. M. Renata (Eds.), L’attention médicamentée: La Ritaline à l’école (57-76). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes